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Hey guys, just finished part of the comic. Right now it's at 40 out of 120 pages. I was supposed to do 60, but some of those were going to be internal shots, and they didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped. Was trying to fix them but I ran out of time and have to head out this weekend.

I will be back next week and hopefully with some good-looking internal shots, as well as the last part of the comic, which will include multiple sizes. :D

You can find the link for the first part here:





Love the hard vore! Hoping to see some from Hale as well? Well done as always. I can only imagine what’s going to happen next! Can’t wait for the next section(s)!!! Stay safe on your travels!


Thank you! Just downloaded and will look at it shortly, but I always love your stuff!


Part 2's gonna be spicy >:)

Zachary P (rabidsquirrel44)

Wow this was so freaking amazing!! Especially the whole vore scene at the beginning. Honestly one of the best I’ve seen in a while! Really hoping we get a vore scene like that with Hannah and some tiny civilians in Bullies at some point


I wonder if you'll ever go back to a Katie-only part where she deals alone with her tinies? Hopefully the multisize part has not to many types of sizes. The best would be if Katie shrinks down Hale and uses her as a dildo or something. She is the only goddess! There is no need for another one like Hale!


Multi size inc?! YES YES YES. Can't wait


I'm not really sure but i think Katie can't shrink people. They produce them in the lab.


Hay is everything alright? Are you okay?


I completely understand. I am just looking forward to it all! I’m honestly glad you’re alright though! No pressure at all, but do you think you have a realistic timeframe of when you’ll finish by?


No worries, just busier than expected myself. I will try and post a 2nd 40-page this week, then the final 40 pages next week before immediately starting work on Bullies.


I know it definitely happens! Again I apologize if it seems like I was putting you in a tough spot by asking. I am just curious! I know like always it’ll be worth the wait! I hope your week isn’t too stressful though!


No worries, it's me who should be apologizing. :) Yesterday was local election day, and had a close relative running. Never knew campaigning was so much work lol. But finally it's over...


No that’s alright! Hmm never thought of that! Definitely seems like it would be tiresome work though! I hope it all ends up being worth it for you and your family member!


Ha, well at least you got the experience though. I agree. Politics are not something I’m too fond of either.