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Hey guys! Hope you're all doing well! :)

I've just came back from a vacation myself today, one that I finally managed to have for my engagement after having to cancel a few others because of the situation around the world. Now I'm free to work on next month's comic, which is Sociopathic 7.

This time, in order for me to not delay the comic over and over again, I've set a firm date for release, which is going to be Friday the 11th of December. This way I'm giving myself a fair bit of cushion to work on the comic without pressure in order to produce quality images and good story without having to rush anything.

But since I've decided to push the release a bit into December, I feel obliged to ask you guys whether you're ok with me leaving my Patreon as is and sending out the comic when it's released, or whether you want me to pause this month too and just inform you guys when it's out on Gumroad.

And as always, stay safe!




I’m totally fine with you keeping things as is. I don’t mind waiting an extra week or two.


An extra week or two isnt an issue but if your are uncomfortable with it may I suggest that you turn your patreon into more of a sneak peek or suggestion type of patreon and maybe give discount codes for gumroad. Idk just a thought but the way you have been doing things is perfectly reasonable.


Happy to wait!


I'm ok with getting the comic in December, no problem


Hi December is fine!


it's fine, don't worry


Sounds like a plan! I have wondered if middle of the month releases would work better for you than restricting yourself to the beginning of the month. I'm perfectly fine with a gumroad release, but it really doesn't matter.


I don't mind keeping it as it is with the Patreon, 2 weeks extra for an almost 100 pages comic is surely worth the wait + it's Sociopathic which is my favorite so yeah, happy to wait (as long as it keeps its december 11th release date)


That's a good idea actually. I've been meaning to expand my Patreon more for a while now, but this year has been classic 2020 for me. But it's ending on a relatively good note. Hopefully 2021 will be good and I can focus on this more.


It's not necessarily better or worse, just that lately it's always been a drag for me, and I'm terrible with deadlines. 2021 resolution for me is going to be to get things done in time lol.


Looking forward to this very mush the wait is well worth it.