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Hey guys! Bullies 10 is finally out! You should find the link in your messages box. For any problems or if you didn't receive your message, let me know!

Have fun! :D




Really good comic! Would love to see a comparison between Hannah and Kate though! Plus, I have a feeling Miranda has some special treatment coming, something to do with growth perhaps! Keep up the great work!

Zachary P (rabidsquirrel44)

Awesome!! I’ll have to wait til later to read it tho! And is there a way I could get it on Gumroad? I’d originally just been buying em from there so it’d be nice to have the chapters all nice and neat on there. It’s fine if not tho!


Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it! I'm actually planning on doing a chart on the different sizes the Bullies went through the chapters. As for Miranda... 🤐


I'll have to see about Gumroad. I think there is an option to gift it. Tomorrow I'll take a look after I release it.

Derps McGerps

The slow build over the last 6 chapters of Hannah trying to claim the spot of top in the relationship is both frustrating and fun to watch. Seeing the building blocks of Kate's narcissism and overconfidence and Hannah's frustrations stacking up are certainly lining up the (hopefully) eventual payoff of Hannah being the bigger and more dominant of the two a much more satisfying experience than if Hannah had climbed to twice Kate's height right after catching up in size in part 5.

Bell Deng

I love this! And what is the actual height of these two now?


I really like the quality of this art! But after a year of waiting to see a mini mini growth of about 25feet...this is very aweful...that is for me really hard :/ with this speed I think it needs about 4 parts to get even twice her size in part 9...and about over a year of waiting again it hurts me.. I doesn't expect that:( for me only I had much more expected.


Incredible chapter! Amazing!


From my point of view, I am glad to see back the essence of this comic. Infact, I have lost you a little bit in the two previous part, maybe because it is your hardest comic to make and you paused it for a while. To develop my point, I would say that reading bullies in part 8 and 9 was in the same spirit as reading your socio or adeline. Despise I am more in the GTS kink, I would admit that I enjoyed the last Adeline more than Bullies 8 and 9. In this one, there is more giantess in the city action, that is really pleasant, I am glad to see that spirit back. I am curious to see if someone thinks the same way, or LFC's reaction. Anyway, thanks a lot for these incredible masterpieces :) !


Where is the link


I swear I would've thought I could make decent character progression and action at the same time in fewer chapters, but I'm glad I took the time. The build is up is definitely paying off. There's so many more scenarios that I want to explore. Hannah's certainly going to have her fun though. ;)


Soon I will do a whole chart with how they progressed through the chapters and their heights with each chapter. ;)


I'm glad you enjoyed it! And yes, I think I've strayed a bit with Bullies recently, but I do want to get back to what the essence of a 'giantess in the city' comic should be. And that's pure chaos and destruction. It's certainly difficult though, because destruction like in the page before the last one is one of the hardest things for me to make, but I do plan on trying out new stuff and see if it works out. With the new heights that the Bullies are about to go through, walking through the streets won't be too feasible anymore, heheh.


Hey man! Glad to see yet another comic from you. Personaly Bullies is my least favorite story but I'm slowly getting more into it as the girls get bigger. The people in the city are getting truely tiny now compared to the two giantesses. I do hope we get to see the girls get a lot bigger than they are now (+ some more of Diane's plans). I've seen that the next comic will be the next Sociopathic and I cannot wait for that one! I hope this small delay on Bullies didn't bring the next Socio in jeopardy. I'm still patiently waiting for that multi-size chapter that has been teased a while back + an extended scene from your 'striving for realism' post you made past summer (I pray that this is still on the table) Anyways, another buy from me. You truely are by far the best GTS content creator out there and you have my full support!


That's the plan, for them to grow really big + lots of destruction. :) And no, I don't think Sociopathic is in jeopardy because I don't really need to prepare too much for it. The next chapter will follow in a similar vein to the last two, with focus on some other elements a bit more. As for the multisize, I will certainly get there, I just don't know if it's going to be the very next part. I often think I can fit everything I want to do in 2-3 parts, then it inevitably ends up ballooning in scale really quickly lol. But as I've said, I'll eventually get there. ;) And thanks for the support! Very much appreciated, and glad to see you think so highly of my work. :)


Can't say I'm surprised Hannah didn't grow as much as previous chapters, But since Kate was left laying down it was hard to determine just how much Hannah actually grew (Even with cars/people/buildings for reference) Despite that the whole Diana scene and the way you left Hannah's scene of catching up to the military open this felt more like an anime's filler episode xD I remember your statement of having growth scenes only on even episodes, does that mean only on episode 12 will we have an additional growth scene? And just how long do you think until we'll get to one of them, even if a temporary state, of a massive scale? Can't wait to see the next chapters! If I had to rank my favorite comics it would be Bullies Adeline Sociopathic So I guess I'd have to bite my lips all the way to Feb (Which is my Bday if I am honest so maybe you could honor me with a gift? :P) Cheers man! Great comics as always!


I think there will be some more growth on the next part, yeah. The thing is that, as the others have said here, once they grow truly big, it's hard for them to do much, and it's much harder for me to create the scenes themselves because they'll be constantly stepping on buildings and laying waste. There's only so many things I can do with the technical abilities that I have right now (and working alone). So it's a bit of a reason why they haven't exploded in growth for a while, and also because of the fact that there's many more scenarios that I want to explore in their current size that will be impossible when they grow too big, so I don't want to jump the gun just yet. And besides that, there's the fact that Diana's up to something. ;) Thanks again though, see you in February when your birthday's around heheh.