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Hey everyone. Sorry for the lack of content the past couple of weeks. Had a small surgery last week and was left with a golf ball sized hole on my back that had to heal afterwards. It wasn't a serious issue and I've been feeling good since then, I just couldn't really sit back on my chair without discomfort, as much as I tried.

Since I haven't really done much since the surgery, I've decided to pause charges for this month. On monday I'm finally removing the bandages and I will be able to sit and recline properly at last.

Sorry for the Sociopathic fans, been too long, but I'm going to dedicate my time on the comic going forward until I finish it. Afterwards I will finish Voyeuristic



Take the time to heal ❤️


Thanks! Time to heal and hopefully get my shit together without delays moving forward.


Glad to hear from you. As previously mentioned your health is most important. Can’t deny how much I’m looking forward to Sociopathic 10 though! Thank you for the update and continue to improve!