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Hey guys, Voyeuristic 4 is updated once more. You can find the the link below:


This week I was supposed to work on Sociopathic 10, but I spend the better part of the week feverish and couldn't really get anything done. Had to go to the doc again and finally found my problem. Going to have to do a small surgical procedure on Monday, just waiting to get better.

I won't be out though, should be able to work the next day. So the Sociopathic update shouldn't be too far off. Sometime midweek I'd say. It's going to continue where we left off, and afterwards we're going to have a flashback to when Katie started out!

Thanks to everyone for being patient though and I do apologize. Hopefully no more troubles for me moving forward.



Yeah sorry, surgery went well but I have a bit of discomfort on my back still, got a golf ball sized hole on my back right now lol. Today is pretty much the first day I can sit on my chair without too much pain. I think around Monday I'll be back with more images.

Kiathro HD

Sorry to hear about the pain and hole in your back, hope you recover and hope for an update soon