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Greetings Maiden Nation! This is your Maiden Commander speaking!

It's that time of the month and this very special update is one that we are especially proud of. No sense in wasting time so lets get right into it. On SATURDAY JUNE 6TH we are BEYOND EXCITED to debut our in depth CLASS REVAMP which completely changes up the gameplay for the Tank, Assassin, Healer and Sorceress classes. Our goal was to make each class feel and play differently and we have to say gameplay is so much fun with these new classes. In short, the walk, run and sprint running animations are now unique for each class along with primary melee skills being completely redone and unique for each class.

Newly added class specific melee skills include Berserker (Tank Melee Skill), Shadow Dancer (Assassin Melee Skill), Divine Justice (Healer Melee Skill) and Dark Passenger (Sorceress Melee Skill). These updates provide a very unique feel allowing players to change up with different classes depending on their mood in terms of gameplay. You'll find more details on the class revamp and much more in the patch notes listed below.

Along with the new class revamp we are also excited to reveal the next Outfit Skin coming to League of Maidens. Welcome LORD RAIJIN! This outfit will be our first outfit to serve a dual purpose as it will also be used to feature our first of (6) Mid-Bosses which will be added to Strongholds in 1.4.7a.

These are just two of the many changes coming in this update. A new Dramatic Mode and Isometric mode have also been added along with many other features, bug fixes and improvements.

We want to take the time to THANK EVERY SINGLE SUBSCRIBER of Maiden+. Without you none of these amazing improvements would be possible and we are SO VERY THANKFUL for your continued support which enables us to keep this amazing project going. THANK YOU!!!

Don't forget to join our Discord and follow us on Twitter for more exclusive pictures and more updates on our progress! Also follow us on Twitch to catch our livestreams where we demonstrate the updates for patches when we get the chance to stream.

Join the League of Maidens Discord: https://discord.gg/5TU2NX9
Like League of Maidens on Twitter: https://twitter.com/leagueofmaidens
Follow League of Maidens on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/maidengaming_net

Revision: LoM v1.4.6a
Release Date: 6/6/20
Patch Size: 118 Issues addressed   

Review the build/patch/hotfix list below for a detailed list of resolved issues in the associated build/patch/hotfix. Please post any bugs that you may find in our Bug Reports & Supports section. Lastly, feel free to join our community on discord to discuss the game and what you would like to see added!  

1 - Visual updates and improvements have been completed to all available hairstyles.

2 - Class specific walk, run and sprint running animations have been added. Each Class (Warrior, Tank, Assassin, Healer and Sorceress) now have unique Walking, Running and/or Sprint Running animations.

3 - (4) New Class specific M1 melee attack types have been added.   Blade Master (Warrior Class) - Blade Master is the current melee type featured in game today.

Berserker (Tank Class) - A monstrous two handed weapon attack leaving a trail of rubble and fire in it's wake. 

Shadow Dancer (Assassin Class) - A lightning fast and acrobatic dual blade attack executed with deadly precision.

Divine Justice (Healer Class) - A combination of a powerful Light force and weapon attack ending with a massive burst of energy.(edited)

Dark Passenger (Sorceress Class) - A combination of a powerful Dark force and weapon attack ending with a massive burst of energy.  

4 - Re-enabled the ability for your Base to be under attack in Episode 5.

5 - Helmet Vendor renamed to Head Gear Vendor.

6 - Made it clearer in the objective for Bio Samples quests which mob to kill to attain the bio sample.

7 - New items have been added. (1) New Mask, (1) New Tail, (2) New Hairstyles, (1) New Weapon, (1) New Shield.

8 - "One Winged Blade" renamed to "Katana Blade". "Cyber Masamune" renamed to "One Winged Blade"

9 - Weapons are now class specific. The updated listing for applicable weapons per class are listed below.  Guardian Blade - Warrior / Assassin Arch Buster - Warrior / Tank Blade Buster - Warrior / Assassin Executioner - Tank Dragon's Edge - Warrior Bone Crusher - Warrrior Katana Blade - Warrior / Assassin Reaper's Wrath - Healer / Sorceress Scythe of Virtue - Healer / Sorceress Lotus Katana - Warrior / Assassin Hanzo Steel - Assassin One Winged Blade - Warrior / Assassin Fusion Blade - Warrior / Tank Galaxy Crusher - Warrior / Tank Imperium Cleaver - Tank  

10 - Stronghold difficulty thresholds have been updated. Chronicle (+0), Artifact (+4), Legendary (+9), Mythic (+14)

11 - Default Tank Class ATK increased by 30%. 

12 - Default Assassin Class ATK increased by 10%

13 - Default Healer ATK increased by 10%

14 - Updated all classes to use Flash Dash as their default secondary ability. Blink is now out-of-class and locked by default for all classes.

15 - Made a change to unlock the first Gun Mod slot for each gun type by default.

16 - A new Male Voice Type has been added for you Female Seth fans out there. "SHOW ME EVERYTHING!!!" :)

17 - Made a change to the default black on the color palette for hair to represent pure black. 

18 - Improved the visual quality of 4 of the metal head gear pieces.

19 - Improved the animation transitions between the sprint dash and sprint running animations. 

20 - Improved the hand positioning for holding large melee weapons.

21 - Shard Vendors have been added to the Lobby.

22 - Removed Awakening level requirement to progress from Episode 2 to Episode 3 since Strongholds don't spawn until Episode 3.

23 - Reduced the Combo requirement for progressing to the next stage.

24 - Added Battle Mode match win requirements for progressing from Stage 3 to 5.

25 - Fixed a bug that caused the Swarm enemies to pop up in the air when attacking.

26 - Decreased the MP requirement for Blink by 25%

27 - Increased default speed of the Assault rifle fire by 10%.

28 - Updated character customization to display which weapons are locked for the current class.

29 - Added a pop-up notification when a ground skill cast fails due to the player not pointing at the ground. This will help any new players having difficulty with learning how ground skills work.

30 - Improved the transition animations going in and out of sprint running for all classes (now that the animations are all different). 

31 - Updated the Maiden+ preview text to accurately reflect the new additions to the Maiden+ subscription.

32 - Increased the position/rotation maximums for weapons placement in character customization (since this was such a huge hit with the accessories on the last build).

33 - Tank Ascension gear has been renamed to "Defender".

34 - The UI message has been updated to request the player to view the item sourcing guide when clicking on locked accessories in character customization.

35 - There are technical issues with the current "Engine Blade" that will unfortunately require that it be removed and reworked. We are replacing it with a new weapon called the "Frost Breaker". If you have purchased this weapon and are not happy with the replacement please PM me.

38 - Changed the default Q key skill for the Warrior class to the Large Projectile skill.

39 - Added "ITERIM" to the UI for the loadout chart to indicate that the levels displayed there are the gains from interim levels.

40 - Increased the cut off time for EX Trigger to allow comboing to the next move earlier when casting that skill.

41 - Fixed a bug that has Sonic Blade passing through enemies under certain conditions.

42 - Added a Dragon roar sound effect when casting the Dragon Summon skill.

43 - Fixed the sound effects for the bullets for the Bullet Rain skill.

44 - Added automatic Gun reloading when the clip is empty on Normal difficulty mode.

45 - Cost for opening crates with diamonds has been reduced by over 50% for most crates.  FREE CRATE - 1 Diamond DAILY CRATE - 2 Diamonds COMMON CRATE - 4 Diamonds RARE CRATE - 6 Diamonds EPIC CRATE - 8 Diamonds  46 - Added a warning that lets the player know ahead of time when their inventory is almost full (also indicates which tab of your inventory) to prevent situations where loot is inadvertantly destroyed.

47 - Added a check to prevent gear from being destroyed when the gear tab is full and a player attempts to unequip gear.

48 - Added a check to prevent loot/gear from being destroyed when moving loot/gear to and from Storage.

49 - Added the ability to double click a locked skill/perk/ability to initiate the unlock UI.

50 - Added a notification when a player attempts to craft a locked skill explaining that the skill must be unlocked before crafting.

51 - All thumbnails for hairstyles in the shop UI have been redone.

52 - Fixed a bug that caused the looted items UI at the top of the screen to show while in beauty mode.

53 - Fixed a bug that caused the STUNNED graphic to show while in beauty mode.

54 - Fixed a bug that did not allow for claiming of the Weekly Challenge reward when Daily Challenges were claimed in the Quest Guide. 

55 - Fixed a bug that caused the player to be stuck in walking mode when accepting/starting a mission while in the shower.

56 - Moved the default position of the pet to the left of the player instead of the right so that the pet doesn't block your view while in the gun range or other areas with lower ceilings.

57 - Fixed a bug that caused the Rocket Launcher critical shot mod to not work.

58 - Fixed a bug that caused newly created warmaidens to not start at the correct starting position in the lobby.

59 - Fixed a bug that caused players to hover over the air when standing on top of piles of rubble in Freedom City.

60 - Fixed a bug that caused the Union to gain HP above it's max HP under certain conditions.

61 - Changed the default BGM value to 75.

62 - Increased the class audio preview dialog in the Create a Warmaiden UI by 2db.

63 - Added smoother animation transitions when going in between injured states and the idle pose. 

64 - Fixed a bug that caused BP and Shards to not get assigned when completing quests in the Santonia Islands. 

65 - An option called Isometric mode has been added to the game options. Isometric mode causes projectile based skill attacks to shoot straight forward when the camera is zoomed out and above a certain angle.

66 - Added the ability to Switch Scenes from the Extraction Helicopter called using the Flare Gun.

67 - SKILLS COLOR CUSTOMIZING HAS ARRIVED!!! We have added the ability for players to customize the color of the magic effects for skills for warmaidens that have been prestiged. Skill color customization can be unlocked using Diamonds or (4) new USE items called Incarnate Stones. Incarnate Stones come in (4) types which can be used to unlock skill colors. 

Red Incarnate Stones: Allows for a one-time color customization for Melee skills.

Blue Incarnate Stones: Allows for a one-time color customization for Primary skills.

Green Incarnate Stones: Allows for a one-time color customization for Secondary skills.

Purple Incarnate Stones: Allows for a one-time color customization for Tertiary skills.

68 - Added a new mechanic configurable via the settings/configuration panel called "Dramatic Mode". A new system that allows you to configure a time slow down based on the different settings listed below. Does not work with Assault Rifles.

Enable/Disable [CHECKBOX] - TECHNICAL INFO: Enabled by Default
On Enemy Levels (Greater Than) - TECHNICAL INFO: [SLIDER][1-15]
On Enemy Kill [CHECKBOX]
On Enemy Stun [CHECKBOX]
On Critical Damage [CHECKBOX]
On Damage Amount (Greater than) - TECHNICAL INFO: [-100000][CHECKBOX & SLIDER]
Slow Motion Intensity - TECHNICAL INFO: (0-100) [SLIDER]
Slow Motion Lasting Time (In seconds) - TECHNICAL INFO: [SLIDER][1-10]
Cool Down Time (In minutes) - TECHNICAL INFO: [SLIDER][1-30]
Percentage Chance - TECHNICAL INFO: [SLIDER][1-100]

69 - Improved the Flash Dash skill to allow for going up and down hills/ramps instead of blocking your forward momentum.

70 - Made some improvements/adjustments to the mobs logic for tracking the players position. We had an issue where mobs were pushing the player around pretty badly. This update helps to improve the accuracy of when the mob should attack as opposed to moving forward before attacking.

71 - Fixed a bug that makes the map stay open while in Strongholds under certain conditions.

72 - Fixed a bug that allows the loadout to be opened while in Size Matters mode.

73 - Removed the STUNNED graphic that pops up but kept the STUN mechanic. The graphic itself isn't the issue but it takes away too heavily from other graphics that mean more like CRITICAL. The screen gets a bit too cluttered now when engaging in heavy battles.

74 - Fixed several bugs with the Union that allowed it to gain HP above it's maximum HP count under certain conditions.

75 - Fixed a bug that caused the Union to be invincible under certain conditions. 

76 - Added an explanation for Isometric mode and Dramatic mode in the settings/configuration panel.

77 - Updated the bullet sounds for all Dual Pistol skills.

78 - Fixed a bug that caused the Chromatic Abberation and Vignette effect to be turned on and increased in intensity throughout gameplay under certain conditions.

79 - Fixed a bug that caused the special sound for looting gear to not play under certain conditions.

80 - Fixed a bug that caused sound effects audio to cut in/out under certain conditions.

81 - Fixed a bug that caused the theme BGM to not play on first start up for a fresh account.

82 - Fixed a bug that caused Dramatic mode to interfere with the slow down after killing the mech boss in mission mode.

83 - Reduce the time for the Stronghold Name/Difficulty black banner to show by 1 second.

84 - Fixed a bug that caused the progress for the Weekly Challenges listed in the Quest Guide to not update when claiming Daily Challenges within the Quest Guide.

85 - Fixed a but that caused the 1/2/3/4 selection UI to not show up if your camera is zoomed out.

86 - Fixed a bug that caused the UI to hide and not come back on under certain conditions.

87 - Improved the Flare Gun animation to allow exiting the animation earlier i.e. sprint running away faster after putting away the flare gun. 

88 - Reduced the damage explosion range for bombers by 25%. The hope is that with skill a player can kill a bomber with melee without taking damage. 

89 - Fixed positional issues with the Red Ribbon Head Gear Cosmetic. The default position has been updated to the proper location behind the head.

90 - Fixed a bug that caused the Costume Shop to break viewing certain cosmetics under certain conditions.

91 - Fixed a bug that caused a massive 40% FPS drop in Freedom City under certain conditions.

92 - Updated the logic for Chronicle, Artifact, Legendary and Mythic Strongholds to dynamically set the minimum number of mobs spawned in each room. List below.  Chronicle Difficulty - (1) Minimum Enemy. Artifact Difficulty - (2) Minimum Enemies. Legendary Difficulty - (4) Minimum Enemies.(edited) Mythic Difficulty - (6) Minimum Enemies.

93 - In an effort to make the Healer Class more fun we are trying a new system which will be a baked in passive ability for the class called "Life Stream". With this baked in (nothing needs to be equipped to enabled this passive) every time the Healer deals damage with will absorb a percentage of the HP lost from the enemies taking damage. This passive ability or "Life Stream" will apply to ALL damage dealing skills equipped by the Healer Class. This is a bit of a radical move on the class but we are excited to see how it works and if it will make the class unique and fun to play. We're always up for trying something new and look forward to your take on the idea!

94 - Changed Strongholds to spawn every 20 minutes instead of every 30 minutes.
95 - Changed Nightmare Elite name to Freedom City World Boss for the quest objective.

96 - Lots of changes to quests including quests to compete in Battle mode.

97 - Added the ability "with the Battle mode quests above" to allow players to launch battle mode from any location in the game world.

98 - Fixed a bug that caused other functions to trigger when typing in the search bar in the Quest Guide.

99 - Added the ability to search for reward names i.e. - Death Invitations in the search bar in the Quest Guide.

100 - Fixed a bug that caused the idle camera rotation to begin if you were auto-running for an extended period of time.

101 - Updated the Guardian Level Name from "Summoner" to "Battle Angel".

102 - Added the enemy level to the bottom enemy hp bar. This will allow players to more easily see the level of the enemy being attacked. Also provides a level when fighting the Union.

103 - Fixed several bugs related to Battle Mode. 

104 - Fixed a bug that caused Netherian players to trigger the Union when using the launcher from the base.

105 - Reduced the cost of Flare Gun ammo.

106 - Changed Assault Rifle to be in-class for all classes.

107 - Lowered the skills explosion sound by 1.5db.

108 - Added a special sound whenever Head Gear, Capes, Chokers, Gun Skins or Desktop Art work are acquired.

109 - Made a change to allow shields to block Nightmare Orbs. 

110 - Made a change to automatically equip shields if DEF training is initiated without a shield.

111 - Increased the speed of the shield animation by 20%

112 - Fixed a bug where using the shield did not face the direction of the players camera. 

113 - Added the ability to rotated the camera around the player while in shield stance.

114 - Battle mode difficulty has been separated out of "General Difficulty" and into it's own setting called "Battle Mode Difficulty". The options are listed below.

NORMAL - Versus Mode enemy levels start at level 1. (DEFAULT VALUE)
INTERMEDIATE - Versus Mode enemy levels scale with the player's level.
HARD - Versus Mode enemies begin battles at max level.

115 - New LORD RAIJIN outfit has been added.

116 - Adjusted the positions for the following weapons (Fusion Blade, Frost Breaker, Guardian Blade).

117 - Fixed a bug that caused the portable grinder to break after grinding several pieces of gear back to back.

118 - Fixed a bug that caused the flare gun to not shoot out of the gun under certain conditions.




This is releasing the day before my birthday, heck yes!


This date is we can play game? how play to game?


First, thank you so much for your decision to support our development. We sincerely appreciate it. League of Maidens is a Free-to-Play game that is currently in closed alpha. We are working extremely hard to get the game ready for open alpha where everyone will be able to play. Until then we invite you to wishlist the game on Steam to get a notification of when the game will be available to play. store.steampowered.com/app/557180/League_of_Maidens Thank you for your interest in playing! - maidengaming