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Greetings Maiden Nation! This is your Maiden Commander speaking!

It's that time of the month and we are SO EXCITED about this next build. It's been a challenge but we have packed over 133 updates and improvements into the upcoming closed alpha build set to drop on Saturday May 9th. We've practically fit twice the amount of work into this build as we are trying our best to get as much done before open alpha and we have to say we couldn't be more proud of this build. We've added tons of improvements to melee and skills, a new helicopter extraction mechanic, the new Sexy Sheriff outfit (pictured above) and so much more. More than we can possibly address in this post. All 133 updates are listed below for you to check out. This build is GOING TO BE AMAZING!!!

As always NONE OF THIS WOULD BE POSSIBLE without the AWESOME members of our Maiden Nation that sub to Maiden+ which directly funds the development for the patches every month. We SINCERELY thank you for helping to keep this project afloat with your amazing generosity. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

You are all amazing and we'll get back to work building a unique, fun and exciting game for you all to play! Thanks again and check out the patch notes listed below!

Also don't forget to join our Discord for more updates, exclusive pictures and more as well as like our Twitter for even more updates on our progress! Also follow us on Twitch to catch our livestreams where we demonstrate the updates for patches when we get the chance to stream.

Join the League of Maidens Discord: https://discord.gg/5TU2NX9
Like League of Maidens on Twitter: https://twitter.com/leagueofmaidens
Follow League of Maidens on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/maidengaming_net

Revision: LoM v1.4.5a
Release Date: 5/9/20
Patch Size: 133 Issues addressed

Review the build/patch/hotfix list below for a detailed list of resolved issues in the associated build/patch/hotfix. Please post any bugs that you may find in our Bug Reports & Supports section. Lastly, feel free to join our community on discord to discuss the game and what you would like to see added!

1 - Added the ability to create multi-objective quests. With this new system we will be able to assign multiple objectives to a player within the same quest with the player making the decision which order they would like to complete the objectives.

2 - Revamped the way fetch and retrieve quests work. In the past we've had issues with assigning players fetch and retrieve quests with the possibility that the player already had those items in their inventory. We've since switched to a system that resolves this issue as well as has the benefit of providing more flexibility for us when creating quests.

3 - Sound effects improved for the assault rifle.

4 - Several improvements have been made to the Necropolis Desert Strongholds. New segments as well as issue with bullets being blocked by invisible colliders for the golden statues.

5 - The Events UI has been changed to News and has been revamped.

6 - The launch Icon for League of Maidens has been updated. The old icon is still using font from the old logo.

7 - An assortment of changes have been made to the quest system to significantly improve the quality of quests.

8 - Atonement Raid launch button has been added to the desktop (Feature debuts after open alpha).

9 - Unlocked character slots and inventory slots have now been moved server side. They are now immune to client side wipes.

10 - Added Crafting Tickets as part of the items picked up from the vendor for new players in Episode 2.

11 - The quest list panel has been visually improved to make it easier to understand the objectives and when they will be completed. 

12 - Fixed the 1st injured state audio to remove someone yelling "CUT" at the end of the audio. lol.

13 - Added custom BGM audio for certain areas on the map. For instance when entering the Resistance camp the BGM audio will switch. Same with the church in Freedom City as well as several other places.

14 - Improvements have been made to the Butt Sliders and customization.

15 - Fixed some weirdness with the random and tracking eye controls for warmaidens.

16 - Battle Pass UI has been added.

17 - All temporary desktop artwork has been removed.

18 - Desktop artwork are all now unlocked via Epic Crates and the Battle Pass.


20 - We've added the Red Exclamation mark indicating the NPC to approach for quest completion to the map to make it easier to find NPCs that require returns to complete quests.

21 - New audio has been added to indicate when an objective has been completed as part of the new multi-objective quest requirements.

22 - The Bullet Rain Skill has been moved from a Q key Skill to an E key skill.

23 - Fixed a text length issue for the quest description in the Quest Guide.

24 - Fixed a UI issue with the floating dashed lines used on the desktop and in the shop.

25 - Fixed a bug that caused multiple Unions to spawn under certain conditions. (REQUIRES FURTHER COMMUNITY TESTING).

26 - Fixed a bug that caused World Bosses to not respawn under certain conditions. (REQUIRES FURTHER COMMUNITY TESTING).

27 - Fixed a bug that prevented players from progressing to Stage 3 of the Union World Boss. (REQUIRES FURTHER COMMUNITY TESTING).

28 - Fixed a bug that caused mobs and sometimes NPCs to double up when switching from one warmaiden to another under certain conditions.

29 - Added the ability to mouse scroll in the Quest Detail panel.

30 - Added the ability to mouse scroll in the new News UI.

31 - Made the News UI open button functional.

32 - Many UI elements have been revamped to make the interface clearer. Font etc...

33 - Added the ability to see item detail information when hovering over quest rewards in the Quest Detail panel.

34 - Fixed a bug that caused the dirt build up when using up SP to not be as visible under certain conditions.

35 - Added a STUNNED mechanic which shows when a enemy mob has been stunned.

36 - Fixed a bug that caused Materia Reserves to display generic names.

37 - Changed the Freedom City World Boss to the Nightmare Eternal.

38 - Fixed a bug that caused incorrect photos when taking pictures with transparent backgrounds in Pose3D.

39 - Fixed a bug that caused the brightness of Jet fire on certain outfits and fire from piles of rubble to look dull.

40 - Fixed a bug that preventd players from refilling their SP while in the open world with SP tickets.

41 - Battle mode is now locked until Episode 3 is reached.

42 - Changed Prestiege to not reset quest progress. (REQUIRES FURTHER COMMUNITY TESTING).

43 - Fixed a bug that caused an issue with data recovery if a crash occured while writing data.

44 - Fixed a bug that caused +1 Death Invitations to not work correctly under certain conditions.

45 - Made changes to Hard, Hardcore and Ultra Hardcore mode to not regen HP under certain conditions namely injured states.

46 - Fixed a bug with the Loadout interface that didn't adjust based on warmaiden height.

47 - Names on the wall in the lobby have been removed until we can replace those names with usernames.

48 - Made a change for the Emote manager to loop dance emotes by default.

49 - Added an icon that indicates with a timer when the XP weekend bonus is active, how much the bonus is and how much longer it will last.

50 - Maximums for accessory x/y/z positioning have been doubled.

51 - Rotation limitation for accessory positioning have been removed.

52 - All Daily Challenges related to mission mode have been removed.

53 - All Daily Challenges related to World Bosses have been removed.

54 - Daily Challenges related to Strongholds have been added.

55 - Weekly Challenges has been reworked. To complete the Weekly Challenge day requires completion of all Daily Challenges. 

56 - Fixed a bug where injury animations where not working with quest civilians.

57 - Re-formatted the information provided to players during quests. This will make more helpful information available to players when taking quests. Updated several quests and will work through the formatting for the other quests as we progress through development.

58 - Fixed a bug with Auras in character customization.

59 - Fixed a but that made the required numbers for Steam Acheivements to be displayed incorrectly.

60 - Death Invitations now work with Freedom City and Necropolis Desert World Bosses. (REQUIRES FURTHER COMMUNITY TESTING).

61 - Death Invitations have been added to Common/Rare/Epic Crates.

62 - Fixed a bug that caused Maiden+ authentication to not work under certain conditions due to other applications running at the same time.

63 - Strongholds now have an Awakening level requirement to ensure new players don't get rekt in there. Tower of the Fallen (Freedom City Stronghold) has an Awakening level requirement of 3. Temple of Lost Souls (Necropolis Desert Stronghold) has an Awakening level requirement of 7.

64 - BP and Shards can now be earned by completing quests. How much BP/Shards will be listed in the quest detail panel.

65 - 2x BP/Shards are now earned by killing mobs in Strongholds.

66 - Text labels have been added to Stronghold entrances to explain the Awakening level requirement and the use of Death Invitations for level increasing.

67 - Opening the large map has now been disabled in Strongholds and Mission mode.

68 - Fixed a bug that caused Pistol Crusher to not damage smaller enemies like the Filth in close range.

69 - Fixed a bug that cause the player to run forward no matter what direction you are moving in after using Pistol Crusher and Bullet Rain.

70 - We've added the ability to pick up Repeatable quests without having to talk to the NPC that gives them after first pickup within a gaming session.

71 - Character name has been added to the Steam account name when viewing posts in the chat window to help with RP.

72 - Fixed a bug that caused the level to not show correctly on mobs when using Death Invitations beyond the first 2 digits.

73 - Changed the default damage number size to 50 instead of 100.

74 - Fixed a bug that saw two Stronghold entry points spawn on top of each other.

75 - Made a change to auto highlight input numbers (for ease of use) when an interface is opened like selling or moving items in the inventory or entering numeric slider values in character customization.

76 - Fixed a bug that caused commands like changeoutfit /? to list outfits in the notice tab even if you input the command in general. Not the data is listed in whatever channel the command was entered.

77 - Made improvements to one of the really bad eyebrow textures in character customization.

78 - Fixed a bug with training dummy HP values not going down to zero.

79 - Added a side quest to use the training dummy. Located outside of the base.

80 - Added a new sound notification when training dummy HP values reach zero.

81 - Awakening/Guardian Level requirements added to 12 of the free Emote Manager emotes.

82 - Fixed a bug that caused the Nightmare Orb cooldown to not work while in Strongholds.

83 - (5) New Ascension Gear sets have been added. These gear pieces are Epic T3 gear sets with max secondary stats available at the end of Episode 5 and purchasable from vendors in the Santonia Islands. Ascension gear can only be purchased with Shards. They do not drop from mobs or bosses.

84 - Made a change to the way ATK/DEF/HP Training and Treatments work. Now all Weapons on a warmaiden share the same progress. Same with Outfits and Shields.

85 - Made a change to allow the completion of ATK/DEF/HP Training and Treatments even when the stat is maxxed for quest completion purposes.

86 - Along with the new STUNNED visual indicator we have also improved the actual STUN mechanic. Now when a mob is stunned they will actually get... stunned. Also if an enemy mob gets Stunned mid-attack it will cancel their attack. This change will make it much easier to head into battle taking on hordes of enemies if you can sustain high dps.

87 - Added a convenience mechanic that will open up your quest guide and find the quest in the guide with a visual highlight identifying the quest when clicking on quests in your active quest list. This will make it very easy to find where the quest is located in your quest guide along with the additional information associated with the quest.

88 - Information from the Loot smarter notification has been replaced with an hourly login time bonus reminder.

89 - Added notifications to alert players that attempt to enter a Stronghold that requires a higher Awakening level then the players current level.

90 - Guardian names have been updated with Champion being the level 15 Guardian name.

91 - Fixed a bug that caused leveling assets in Battle Mode to be broken.

92 - Fixed a bug that caused chat to still show in the Loadout screen if it was expanded before entering.

93 - Made a change to allow for re-binding the mouse when certain pop-up UI is opened. This will allow for full control of your warmaiden while UI like your Inventory/Quest Guide/Emote Manager are open.

94 - Fixed a bug that caused wing sounds to play when landing after a jump when wings were auto hidden.

95 - Filters in the quest guide have been cleaned up. 'Open/Claim/Claimed/Locked' has been changed to 'Open/Repeat/Done/Locked' with 'Repeat' filtering repeatable quests.

96 - Outdoor zoom maximum has been increased by another 25%

97 - Fixed a bug that caused a camera zoom in when connecting with a melee attack when the players zoom was far out.

98 - Added a convenience mechanice to hit ENTER to accept numeric changes for UI that require number input like Character Customization sliders, inventory add/drop etc...

99 - Fixed a bug that caused the blue guide arrow to not point to the correct location under certain conditions. Mainly when having to return to an NPC for fetch/retreive or kill/approach quests.

100 - Fixed a bug that caused NPCs feet to jump around when quickly bypassing dialog lines with Mouse 1.

101 - 130 Quest Items have been added for use with future quests.

102  - Elementals have been removed from Mission mode.

103 - Mission mode goals have been temporary disabled. As we get closer and closer to open alpha we are trying to limit what mechanics will cause confusion or support tickets. Being that Mission mode goals has generated quite a few reports due to it's lack of completion we will disable it for now and re-enable it when it is ready or revamp the mechanic entirely.

104 - Reduce the number of Bombers spawned in the "Tower of the Fallen" (Freedom City Strongholds) by 75%.

105 - Strongholds now list the name and difficulty level upon entry with the difficulty being set via Death Invitation.

Freedom City Stronghold - Tower of the Fallen
Necropolis Desert Stronghold - Temple of Lost Souls

Difficulty levels:

+0 Death Invitation - Chronicle Difficulty Level
+5 Death Invitation - Legendary Difficulty Level
+10 Death Invitation - Mythic Difficulty Level

106 - Rapid Fire Projectile has been temporarily disabled. For the same reasons as the mission mode goals. We will fix or rework this mechanic and re-enable once it is done. We understand this leaves Healers/Sorceress with one less primary attack. Will review and figure out before open alpha. Feel free to make suggestions.

107 - Large Projectile, Sonic Blade, Burning Crusher, Gravity Cor, Meteor Strike, Dragon Summon and Titan Summon have all been revamped to multiple hit attacks. I found that the only skills that drew me in were skills that could deal more than on hit after casting. We've selected the skills that made the most sense to convert to make them more useful and viable selections for builds.

108 - The long casting time for Titan Summon has been removed. Now the Titan spawns immediately from the ground once a ground position and cast has been initiated.

109 - Rolling has been added to chat via the /roll command. Below are the instructions on how to roll. For those unfamilar with rolling it is a command in chat that yields a randomly generated number between a set range.

/roll x response is: [CHARACTER_NAME] Rolls [RANDOM_NUMBER] (1-x)

i.e. - Mercenary Rolls 37 (1-58)

A /roll command with no number defaults to 100.

110 - A /commands command has been added to chat. Typing /commands in chat will yield the following list of commands.

/commands - Command lists all available commands for use in the chat window.
/changeoutfit x - Replace the x with the number of the outfit you wish to switch to.
/changeoutfit ? - Command lists IDs for all outfits.
/changepose x - Replace the x with the number of the pose you wish to switch to.
/changepose ? - Command lists the total number of poses and your current pose.
/challenges - Command lists all daily & weekly challenges.
/roll x - Replace the x with a number. Command randomly selects a number from 1 to x. A roll command with no number defaults to 100.

111 - A text label has been added to chat to remind players of the "/commands" command to list all commands.

112 - Fixed a bug with the compare stat for gear not working correctly under certain conditions.

113 - More improvements have been made to the melee system. Along with the newly improved STUN mechanic (which can be triggered via melee and magic only) melee now has new visual effect (sparks flying) on impact.

114 - Sound effects for sword has have been improved for melee.

115 - A new 'EXTRACTION' mechanic has been added for those with Extended Storage. Players will now be able to purchase a Flare gun and Flare gun ammo from a Gun Vendor. Shooting a flare (by right-clicking the flare gun in your inventory) will have the players warmaiden launching a flare which will call the helicopter circling in the scene. The arrival time for the helicopter is dependent on it's current position. Once the helicopter lands players will be able to interact with the helicopter as a mobile extended storage to remove/add/drop items. The helicopter stays in position as long as the player is within range.

The helicopter will stay for 120 seconds if the player is not in range. The helicopter will leave after 15 seconds if the player is in range then leaves the range. Once a flare is launched the helicopter has a system for selecting the most appropriate location to land.

116 - Added the Sexy Sheriff outfit skin.

117 - The LoM Boss Drop schedule has been updated. (https://www.maidengaming.net/weekly-boss-drop-schedule)

118 - The beginnings of the Item sourcing guide has been added. (https://www.maidengaming.net/item-sourcing-guide)

119 - Links for the Item Sourcing Guide and Boss Drop schedule have been added to the desktop and quick launch panels.

120 - Updated the 'EXTRACTION' mechanic (calling in helicopter support) to not require Extended Storage. The mechanic is way too awesome and at the least can add a really cool and fun experience and photo ops that we are not interested in paygating. Is that a word?!?! Either way we are allowing any player to buy a flare gun and flare gun shells with in-game currency from Gun Vendors to call for helicopter support. Those without extended storage won't be able to access extended storage but we've added this mechanic to our quest system which will (in the future) allow for us to add calling in helicopters as part of the quest which will open up for some really awesome and interesting scenarios without someone having to pay to experience it.

121 - Improved the look of the melee hit effect. Looks more like fiery blood spewing now.

122 - Added military style dialog audio for the new Extraction mechanic.

123 - Fixed a bug that caused character shadows to not appear in Strongholds.

124 - The window to increase the Combo Counter has been reduced by 50% making it more difficult to acheive higher combo counts. This will help to challenge players to come up with newer and unique ways to achieve high combo counts. We've also added a quest trigger that will play into future main/side quests that will challenge the player to attain a higher combo count.

125 - Improvements have been made to the visuals of the Large Projectile, Sonic Blade and Dragon Summon skills.

126 - Fixed various mispelling within the UI.

127 - XP Weekend bonus icon has been improved.

128 - Color for the Account/Character name in chat has been updated to green.

129 - Shortened the amount of time for the meteor to strike when using the Gravity Core skill.

130 - Fixed an issue with some explosion effects warping with certain skills.

131 - Made a change to remember the last selected tab within the Quest Guide to make it easier to use. Frustating to have to keep clicking a specific tab if you are looking for the same data when using the interface.

132 - Made a change to reorder the side quest list. Now newly added side quests are added at the top of the list for visual confirmation that the side quest was successfully accepted.

133 - Icons for the Fire Stone, Ice Stone, Gaia Stone, Order Stone and Choas Stones have been updated.


1 - The great perk purge. As many of you may have read we have eliminated a majority of the perks that either didn't make sense in the current build or provided little value. Our intentions are to start with a few perks and slowly add perks that make more sense and provide more value.

This purge however presents a technical issue for players that currently have the perks enabled. If you are reading this please take the time to unequip any perks that are listed as being purged. This will ensure that both of your perk slots are freed up for assigning when the next build drops. If you do not unequip the perks it won't break anything but your ability to unequip and re-equip will be lost on that warmaiden. You can simply create a new warmaiden to get around this but we know most of you would prefer to keep your existing warmaidens.

2 - Because of the accessory maximums for position and rotation being increased the current position for your warmaiden accessories will require adjustments.

3 - To be clear to avoid confusion the Battle Pass, Stronghold mini-bosses and selectable boss drops will not be active in 1.4.5a. The Boss Drops website and client work on this new mechanic will not be completed until 1.4.6a. Battle Pass available is TBD.




sheriff stars instead of bra would look much nicer in my opinion


Will premium be available when the game is available to download and play?