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 From her head to her toes, from her butt to her bust, 

From left side to right side the beautiful LUST 

Burned so many calories doing her job— 

Could Gluttony make those dimensions enblob?

“It must be so boring,” she sighed, “being you— 

With a job that’s so easy and simple to do. 

Your technique never has to be better than shoddy— 

You can coast on the strength of that beautiful body.”

“That sounds like a challenge!” LUST reached for the chips. 

“You think that my hipness comes from my firm hips?” 

And she put on ten pounds overnight in the larder 

Not cooling a bit her admirers’ ardor.

She chowed down the next night and packed on ten more 

But still her love conquests lined up at the door

And then ten, twenty, thirty, ten more, and fifteen 

But still she remained a love-making machine.

She’s erotically swallowed down so much whipped cream 

That her cute lingerie’s burst along every seam 

But none of her lovers at all seem to mind 

They still jump her bones (through they’re harder to find.)

“You see that? Who needs to be slim as a model?” 

LUST purrs as she prowls with a confident waddle. 

(Having proven her point, she could drop every pound 

But she likes having more of herself to go ‘round.) 




There’s the money shot 😎😎


I love the poems with these :D


I'd love to feed and cuddle Lust. OWO