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This is Desdemona, a little demon, and she has a special song for you about...well, I'll just let her tell you. Take it away, Desdemona!

"In the depths of the sinner’s eternal reward 

Live seven sin-demons, eternally bored. 

And the demon of Gluttony, being the best 

Amused herself once by corrupting the rest.

And I’m here to tell how her influence spread

 Into every beast’s belly and each one’s horned head 

And turned every sin from the least to the worst 

Into other sins second, and Gluttony first!

As for the champ, you won’t meet her, my friend 

Until all introductions have come to the end 

Now listen and hear of the other sins’ fall - 

And how Gluttony proved herself greatest of all! "




Ooh exciting!


Oh my god, she's adorable!