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Hey everybody! 

Time for an update. So this is the beginning of week 3 of SP2 Development, and things are going well. I've got a lot base functionality made, and only a few core systems left to build, before I can focus primarily on content. That being said...I'm currenly working on content, to test new systems. Here's a quick update of what's been made so far.

  • Dialogue System (custom built for SP2)
  • Audio Manager (there will be sound O_O )
  • Character Screen 
  • Player Screen
  • Character Creation Screen
  • Power Selection Screen
  • 80% of the Game Intro.
  • Whole lot of other stuff in code that's too hard to explain in one line on this list.

To clarify, the Character Creation Screen is for a new game. You get a point spend system to cover what happened in SP1. I have plans to let you import your save as well, but for those that haven't played SP1, or want a fresh start...You'll be able to spend points to buy events that happened in your past. Currently I haven't included any storyline elements, and have only focused on 5 characters (Maggie, Stephanie, Danni, Allie, Sandra). I will be adding more characters and character specific options over time, but for starters I'm keeping the list small, so that I don't fill the game with a lot of options that don't do anything.

Anywho...I'm gonna keep working. I plan to finish the intro, and begin working on the gameplay loop, and event scheduling this week...If all goes well, I should be on track to have a full tech demo done by the end of Week 4 :)

As a side note. I'll be doing the end of the month stream this Thursday and Friday.  o/




Really looking forward to this. Thanks for the hard work.

Graeme Cracker

You've got your work cut out for you (especially considering the players who got 100% in the last game, man that's gonna cost a lot of points) I hope you take regular self-care breaks to avoid overwhelm and burnout!