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Hey everybody!

So, until the lockdown, I didn't realise how reliant I was on my roommates schedule to keep me informed about simple things like what day it is. But since the Superpowered release last week, I've been at my computer, working furiously in Unity and Visual Studio, refactoring a bunch of Loser code, and it wasn't until I woke up today and looked at the calendar that I realised two things. One, it's Saturday, and two, It's the last weekend of the month. SO if you're a $30 Patron, sorry I havn't mentioned this earlier this month. My internal calendar is all out of wack with my home schedule being completely different than what I'm used to. That being said... Since I'm wide awake at 8am on a Saturday morning, I think I'll start my $30 Livestream a bit early this month. At 9am CST I'll begin the livestream and it'll go on until 3pm. Tomorrow I'll livestream day 2 for 6 hours as well, and if any renders are left after that, I'll finish those on Monday. So if you are a $30 Patron, make sure you get your suggestions to me :)  You can find my Livestream channel HERE.

Onto Progress in Loser. As mentioned above, I've been refactoring a lot of code. Previously all of the events in the game and a characters schedule were tied to locations. So when you entered a location, it would check the time, and other variables, such as how clean the room was and what archtype the characters were to determine if a scene should automatically trigger. While it made it easier to make each individual event, the more events get added, the more complicated and difficult it is to navigate through a locations many events. So I've been rewriting the code so that events are stored in a schedule that is specific to each individual archetype. And each characters current active archetype is check when the clock advances to determine where the character is and what they are doing. This has allowed me to update Location Buttons to show if a character is present at that location. My previous method didn't know if someone was present until you wnt to that location, and it checked for events then. 

So I'm getting good benefits out of all this refactoring, but....it also means I've broken a lot of scenes that relied on the old event coding, and I'm now having to update pretty much every time specific scene I've already made. Which is what I've been doing all week...and I'm almost done :o Then I can move on to much cooler things, like adding new content and what not. This probably sounds pretty boring to some of you out there...and that's because it is. But  it's needed to improve the game, especially for this project in general. I started making Loser with an advanced beginners understanding of C# and Unity. I'm now entering the realm of Intermediate understanding, and will probably be updating code for the first week or two of each Loser dev month as I learn more and more ways to make the game more effecient, and flexible towards what I want it to do.

Finally: Stay safe out there. Wash your hands with soap. (Hand sanitizer isn't nearly as effective as soap.)




Regarding superpowered, any plans about Billy hooking up with the ladies from the initiative?


I'm not presuming to speak for the developer, but considering the kind of game this is, I'm fairly confident that the plan is for Billy to eventually "hook up" with any named female... With emphasis on "eventually". And most of the "limited interaction NPCs" already have stats bars, supporting this idea.


Both Loser and Superpowered are amazing games (although the later would very much benefit from the better renders of the first). Good job!