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Hey everypeople.

Here's another weekly update. Chelsea is moving along nicely. I've finished the first two scenes of the obsessive scenes, and will be working on the last scene and it's different branches this week, and if I have time move on to her fetish content. As a reminder, this weekend I'll be doing my monthly $30 stream. And then after that I'll be taking a week off for my birthday. Afterwards I'll bust as much ass as needed to get Chelsea's fetish content completed. While I am taking a week off, I will still try and stick to my usual 5 week dev cycle for this SP build. So if I have enough time, I'll finish Terri's fetish content as well, but if not, that'll be the first bit of content I work on for the following update.



A. Charles Magnus

To the magnificent creators of Superpowered;

A. Charles Magnus

Do you kind folk have a spell checker as of yet? I noticed about 20 different spelling and grammatical errors that would have been caught by someone dedicated to that task alone. I am not complaining, the game is MAGNIFICENT! I just had the thought that you might like someone to read over the scripted lines for any errors that might sneak by your oh so busy selves. Just a little food for thought.