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Hey everypeople,

After a week of tinkering and bugfixing Loser, It's time to get back on track with Superpowered! And it is time to finish Chelsea. I'll be working on her content (Obsessive & Fetish Content) for this month, and hopefully if I have time, I'll be able to do Terri's Fetish content as well. Couple things to note this month. The last week of the month I'm taking a week off for my Birthday. My Birthday is technically in the first week of September, but I want to spend a week no-lifeing Classic WoW. That's my birthday present to myself  :P

So because of that I'll be doing the $30 livestream on the 24th & 25th this month. I'll put out another reminder next week. I'll alos be returning to my usual livestream schedule of tues - Thursday. 1pm - 7pm CST at  https://picarto.tv/NightCityProductions .



Dmitri Donough

part of me really wants to pick up classic WoW... but I played vanilla wow for 6 months before BC came out and I just don't think I have the time or honestly, the energy, for that kind of gameplay knowing that my actual original characters are just sitting there on my live account. Heck I still remember even in BC it took me all summer to get from 50 to 60... which really did make it all the more satisfying to achieve that but yea I hope you enjoy yourself and happy Birthday!