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Hello hello everyone! Like what you see above?

This is a render that we've prepared for this big announcement! As we currently work on Sunny Day Jack we've been quite observant on the things that you guys like, as well as finishing this other project that many of you will absolutely love.

Lets cut to the chase, shall we?


As our Christmas present to you all, Sleepy Time Jack will be coming out on the 25th of December!

Sleepy Time Jack has been a project that we have been working on at the same time as Sunny Day Jack and now it's finally almost ready for you all to see! It will be up for sale on our steam page as well as be up on our itch.io page on the 25th, available for all to buy!

Sleepy Time Jack has a bunch of features that we plan to add in the future, such as extra languages, custom voicelines and more as time goes on! All while the development of Sunny Day Jack remains completely unhindered. Please, be sure to check it out once it comes out!

As of right now we are more than confident on not having to delay anything for release, so it's settled!

You have an appointment with Jack, so don't leave him waiting on the 25th!

(The render at the top of the announcement only serves for promotional purposes and is not representative of actual gameplay.)


As a result of our latest interest poll (Thanks to all of you for voting!) we want to announce our commitment to new, audio content for all of you to enjoy. We take these polls very seriously, and as such we are already in talks with our voice actors for more of these audios of all of your favorite characters!

These serve not only as some extra, feel good content, but they will serve as a way for all of you to understand and maybe even start to unravel some of the secrets of your favorite characters. So pay close attention to them whenever you listen! You never know what they might reveal~.

Expect a new announcement/sneak peek of our latest audio within the next couple of days.


As a funded project, Sunny Day Jack is at the forefront of development, with most of our time being put into making new assets, new sprites (which some of you have seen a little bit of!), and CGs. The artistic part of the game is a process very close to us, and as such we've spent a lot of time discussing it, how to make it, etc.

During this month of December you will be seeing lots of our new, revamped sprites as well as some CGs by our amazing art team. Please, be patient as we continue to work on the game and enjoy the art that we are able to put out during this month!


We understand that there's been lots and lots of content for Sunny Day Jack, and that includes multiple demos that we've released in the past.

However, we want to release one last demo. One that includes our new artstyle and script changes that reflect our ideology much more clearly so there aren't any doubts as we move into the future.
And the best part is that any work on this demo also helps make development of the main game faster!

Please, await more news as we consolidate on a date of release for this demo.

Thanks for reading through this small blog! Wait for our new audios, art, Bachelor of the Month content, demo and more throughout this wonderful month.

Happy Holidays!



Macanon Snow

If this isn't an amazing holiday surprise, then I don't know what. Much appreciate to the team 💜

Michele Docherty

Jesus H Roosevelt, I cannot WAIT!! 😍🥵