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Script by Oddity 

Jack voiced by NaughtyMaus 

Audio edited by Kay 


Jack: *Contently sighs* Your room... it's always so calming... Oh…*Chuckles* Always leaving a trail of clothes behind, aren't you?

# Jack picks up the garment with a gentle touch. The garment still feels warm with Y/N's heat and scent.

FX: Sound of fabric being picked up.

Jack: *Chuckles to himself happily*  It's okay. I know you are tired. That's why I'm here. As long as I'm with you, I'll make sure to look after you in every way. *Sighs wistfully*

# Jack feels the fabric in his hands.

Jack: Mm… *Chuckles to himself* You wouldn't mind if I… took a little whiff, would you? Just a little, please?

# Jack brings the garment up to his face. Jack deeply inhales Y/N's scent.

Jack: *Gently moans and inhales* You smell so sweet, Sunshine… You don't know what you do to me. Just your very scent teases me so much. *Softly sighs and whimpers* I wish I could be there in the shower with you… Hold you, caress you, love you. Wash away all the pains and aches you endure every day. Be there for you in every way.

Jack: *Breathes heavily* I wonder what you're thinking about in there? Are you thinking of me? I hope so. I want to be the only one in your thoughts, the only one you need. Just me.*Softly chuckles* I wonder what you'd say if I came into the shower with you? Would you be surprised? Turned on?

Jack: *Softly growls* Mm, I'd love to pin you against the wall, your perfect hands in mine, and see the way your beautiful eyes look at me, the way you'd moan out for me… *Hitched moans* I want to lose myself in you; pin your body against mine and hear how your heartbeat betrays your excitement at my touch.

FX: Fabric shifting and being pulled. Very quiet/subtle sounds of Jack's hand hitting his thigh as he strokes himself.

Jack: Mm… I love seeing the way you spread your legs for me. It makes me so needy for you. Just you. It makes me want to make you feel so, so good in every way. Just say the words and I'm there for you.

Jack: *Hitched moans* Oh Sunshine, I want you badly. I know you'd take me so well, every inch of me. I know you'd be so good for me; I want to feel the way you'd tighten around my cock. So, so desperate.

Jack: *Softly growls* My perfect slutty little sundrop.

Jack: I'd kiss and nibble and mark you inside and out as mine. Just mine to hold and love and support. Would you like that? Hm?

Jack: *Whimpers* I wish I could feel your softness against me. I never want to be away from you, even the shower feels like too much of a distance. *Moans* Oh, Sunshine, I'm so close.

Jack: I wish you were here to take it all, all of my hot cum. Feel the way it floods your insides. I'd hold you so close as I fill you up, kissing you and digging my fingers into your hips. I don't— *Whimpers* I don't want you to spill a single drop, understood?

Jack: I want you to keep all of my cum nice and deep inside of you. Always full of me. No matter where you are or what you're doing, the wetness between those perfect legs of yours will be a mark of our connection.

Jack: And— *Breath hitches* And when we're done. I'll hold you so close. You don't have to do anything. I'll clean you up, I'll make you decent, I'll bring you to bed. All you have to do i-is be mine—

# Just as Jack is about to cum, he hears Y/N turn off the shower. Jack quickly composes himself and begins putting away Y/N's clothing into the laundry hamper.

FX: The sound of the shower turning off.

Jack: *Startled* Oh! Oh, no.

FX: Sounds of hurried movements and fabric rustling.

# Y/N comes out and is a little suspicious about Jack, but Jack charmingly deflects. Y/N razzes Jack about touching their stuff without asking, but they don't care too much.

FX: The shower door opens and Y/N steps into the bedroom.

Y/N: …Jack? What are you doing with my stuff?

Jack: *Laughs nervously* Sunshine! What am I doing? Oh, just cleaning up a bit. You left all your clothes scattered on the bed. I didn't want you to come back to a messy room. Only the best for my beloved.

Y/N: *Laughs and rolls their eyes* You're such a neat freak. But thank you. I appreciate that.

Jack: Are you, uhm…done showering?

Y/N: Yeah. Just forgot to take my moisturizer.

Jack: Oh! You're looking for your moisturizer?

# Jack moves towards where Y/N keeps their creams, grabs the moisturizer, and hands it to Y/N.

FX: Hurried footsteps on the floor.

Jack: Haha, here ya go, Sunshine!

Y/N: Uhm, thanks.

Jack: Come back soon! I’m starting to miss you.

# Y/N smiles, shakes their head, and goes back into the bathroom.

Y/N: It'll just be a second.

Jack: *Whispers to himself* That was close… You almost caught me touching myself to your… Anyway *Clears throat* I need to be more careful next time.

# Jack looks down at the shirt in the hamper.

Jack: *Chuckles to himself* …I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I just…took this for myself, would you?*Whimpers* Oh Sunshine, you don't know what you do to me…

FX: Fade out as fabric rustling sounds play



Michele Docherty

So deliciously twisted! We truly live in the best timeline <3


omg 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳my face feels very red rn


My face is SOOOOOOO red from this. Omg.

Georgie just doesn't.

Love to hear a dominant man whimpering, honestly need more of that. thirst aside, genuinely love the acting in this I can almost see the expression changes Jack is going through. great stuff I have listened to this a bit too much probably.