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Taylor Potts from The Groom of Gallagher Mansion, voiced by Reece Bridger

Audio edited by Reece Bridger


Mic test, mic test… Trying out this new voice recorder thingamajig application I just downloaded on my phone. Tired of these stupid ad-infested apps… just give me something functional, how hard can that be?

… Oh shit it's recording right now, isn't it? UH, hahaha ummm… Okay so, hi! This is Taylor Potts, President of the Occult History and Sciences Investigation Club, and today is… whatever day it is. Time is 22 hundred hours, 10:00PM sharp. For Voice Log 001, I'll be keeping records of me answering some curious civilians about our esteemed club's activity. We suddenly got a ton of messages this afternoon so I'll see if I can answer a few before I turn out for the night.

Anyways, let's start with this one. *clears throat*

1. Why did you start the OHSIC? - Cherry Blossoms

Well, there's a few reasons! Aside from the school counselor telling me that 'spending nineteen hours a day online with people who continue to enable your asocial behaviors isn't healthy', I got tired of being stuck in the college apartments with paper-thin walls & people piggy-backing off my wifi. Fork over $20 a month & I'll share! That reminds me, I need to change the password. I don't know how they guessed Wh0@Ness!e27...

Ah- And I chose the occult because urban myths & such were always a comfort for me growing up.Next up…

2. Hi Taylor, how exactly did you meet the vice president of OHSIC and how did you convince a professor to be the sponsor? - Robin

Oh– the VP was the only other person interested in the club at the time. We had a handful of members, but they dipped when they realized they had dues to pay. Well, dues and the fact we actually had to have something to show for our meetings. But the VP stuck around & we ended up growing closer.

Erm- but we're buds now! Hahaha! Best mates- oh god, I need to cut that part out-

The professor agreed because he felt being a sponsor would be an incentive to be given tenure. He doesn't really come around though, so less for us to worry about.

Third question!

3. Hey Taylor! So other than running OHSIC, what are some of your other hobbies? - Alissa

You are currently addressing one of the primary moderators for the oh-so famous cryptozoological forum on Giddet, "G/HiddenTruths". Not to brag, but we've got 3,427 followers. I also dabble in other forums as well, like "G/SpectersAndStories", "G/ConnectingDots", & so forth & so on.

Oh, I also write sometimes! But- But not anything you'd know, haha. I've posted online before, but we don't talk about that time. High school was… a learning experience, heh.

Moving on though!

4. Ooh Taylor! What's your favorite ghost movie/game? Looking into getting something good and would love your recommendation! - Amore

Hell yeah! Go for it– as for 'favorites', I'm not sure. I love the occult, but I'm not as big on ghostly horror movies. They often rely on jumpscares or real shitty CGI to get a reaction. I'm a man of class & dignity, and- oh fuck, my pizza rolls-!

Um, movie recommendations! If we're talking strictly ghosts & spirits, Ghostbusters is at the top of my list. It's got lore, good acting, well-utilized SFX, and Slimer's just a fun guy! If we're talking just paranormal though, Tim Burton's works are good shit. Oh, and Paranorman. Laika went OFF on that one.

Also, anyone who says The Real Ghostbusters isn't a good show is a HACK-

Ha, sorry, need to keep it professional. Let's continue…

5. What is your favorite haunt or ghost story? - Anonymous

… I respect your decision to stay anonymous, but I'm suspicious of your intent.

I don't like asylums or things like that, but prisons like Alcatraz? They intrigue me. If we're gonna go down a 'favorite phenomenon' list though… the Phoenix Lights Phenomenon is irrefutable proof that aliens-

*clears throat* Okay, let's go to the next one.

6. Hey Taylor, what’s your favorite cryptid? Mine’s Moth Man because they’re pretty cool and I’ve been to the museum. - Tera

Oh FUCK dude– please tell me it was as dope as it looked in the shows, I wanna go so bad. Choosing a favorite is really hard though, gotta be honest. So many are cool & really plausible! The uh, famous Nessie pic though? Mhm, don't believe that one bit. I'm absolutely certain a dude just saw Willy 'free-ing' it, if uh- if you catch my drift. Nessie is real though, I know it! Sasquatch too!

Think we're making good progress, so let's keep going.

7. Hi Hi Taylor! Here's a simple question, what's your favorite food? -Snow

A bit pedestrian, but a sensible question– I would like to know what kind of food you're implying though, because it depends on my mood & cravings. Junk food snack, Cool Ranch Doritos are god-tier, followed closely by Takis Fuego & salsa.

If we're talking, like, a meal-meal? Bacon spinach queso burger with a side of cajun fries. Especially with a caramel brownie sundae for dessert, hehe.

In general though? Nothing beats some pizza, a cold glass of orange soda, and buffalo wings with the celery, carrots, and blue cheese dip. Erm, milder buffalo though. I like spicy, but it don't like me.

Oooh, this question looks interesting. Ahem…

8. Hey Taylor! If you had to choose between having to fight on an alien planet or fight against zombies, which would you choose and why? -Nana C.

I think I had a 37 slide Powerpoint presentation about this specific thing, hold on-

After some badgerin- helpful advice, from my VP, I decided to nix the powerpoint. Short answer? Zombies. It all depends on the variables though– airborne virus, I'd rather take my shot with Marvin the Martian & Queen Tyr'Ahnee. But if we're talking strictly lumbering un-dead, spread by bites, shot to the head gets 'em? I'll take my chances. Hated going to visit my cousins as a kid, but at least my uncle taught me how to shoot an air rifle. Shotguns can't be too different.

I better keep going before I spend all day on this one. What's next?

9. Hello Taylor!! What is your favourite animal? And, if you could turn into an anthropomorphic animal, which animal would you want to turn into? Like which do you think would suit you best? I'm sorry if that's specific Taylor, I'm already quite fond of you and would love to know ^w^ -Velveon

Oooh, fond of me? I, erm- Thanks!

Wait a minute, are you asking for my fursona-?

If we're positing a bipedal humanoid with animal characteristics but opposable thumbs… oh damn, another tricky one. Um, first ones that come to mind are those huge, savage-ass river otters; oh, and a lion. King of the Web jungle, baby.

Shoot, there's a ton of questions left to go… uh, maybe just a couple more. Here's one…

10. Heya Taylor! What’s your favorite part of studying the supernatural? As well, any favorite ghost types you're interested in? -Sweetie

My favorite part? Singular?! I couldn’t pick any one thing. But a big part of it for me is the mystery! When I was a kid I used to camp out on the hill behind our house with a disposable camera taking pictures of anything that made a sound! When the photos came back they were usually a dog or a bush or my neighbors sneaking out for, uh… private time, but in the moment I was sure I was gonna discover something the world had never seen before!

And another thing, I love how much overlap there is in cryptids and ghosts and stuff. I mean… La Llorona, for example. You know how much that same idea appears in cultures across the world? Sayona, Rusalka, Kuchisake-onna, Mool-Gwisin, Madam Koi Koi! There’s something to it and I will find the truth one day!

*huffing, like he's catching his breath* Phew, okay, gotta save the essay for a proper paper later on. I think this next question will be simple…

11. Do you enjoy pineapple on pizza? Why or why not? -Breebo

Ohhhh, no, you are not getting me mixed up in this! I refuse to take part in this propaganda debate! You know why people make a big thing out of pineapple on pizza? It’s because Papa John’s, Dominoes, Pizza Hut and all the other pizza chains made a secret deal with the fruit industries to drum up hype so they could sell more pizza and pineapple! It’s all a conspiracy! Don’t fall for their–

*ahem, clearly reading off a page* I have been advised by my legal counsel to state that I do not believe there is any conspiracy between pizza restaurants and fruit farmers. I apologize for my previous remarks, which I’ve been advised to tell you all were humorous. The truth is… I like pineapple on pizza and I just use the conspiracy theory as a cover to avoid admitting it and looking like a weirdo-- OH COME ON, there’s no way this is necessary! Let me see that cease and desist letter!

*grumpy mumbling* Whatever, next!

12. Howdy Taylor, if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and what would your home look like? -Lemon

If you've ever seen Eureka, the sci-fi comedy cop show? Salli Richardson, god-

Uh, I'M- Um, there's a scientist named Fargo who makes an old bomb bunker into a smart house, and it's decked to the nines. If I could get that with a cozy little fake house on top to throw off anyone peeking in, I'd be happy. As for where, that's a little trickier. I'd wanna be closer to a city for amenities, but… people. Eugh. Maybe some place like Portland? A little woodsy, but still metropolitan enough that I don't have to cook for myself most nights. The Adirondack Mountains are here in New England though, and have had a lot of Bigfoot sightings! I like my space, but people provide amenities. Oooh, it's a tough line to walk.

I think I'm uh… *yawns* getting a bit tired now, just a few more, huh?

13. Taylor, Hi! Do you have any backup measures or protocols incase one of these supernatural events backfire? Or are you mainly a “whatever happens happens and we adjust from there” kind of person? Y’know, like Plan A/B/C, and what not? - Saturn

Hell yeah I am! There are so many factors in any given situation, you gotta have at least one backup– flexibility is important though. I have a plan A, A-1, A-2, plan B, etcetera. Any situation, you need a plan of action.

Okay, one more question maybe?

14. Hi Taylor, why do you not like clowns? - Harley

Ugh! They're creepy as hell! Why are they always s-smiling & never talking– or, if they do talk, why is it always in a really dumb voice?

Okay, you know that one really famous clown horror movie? I watched as a kid by accident. It took me ages to be okay watching Tim Curry in movies again, and I still… eugh.

No way I'm ending on that one, nope nope. For real this time, here's the last question I'll answer.

15. Hellooo Taylor, how close is your relationship with the vice president? And what hopes for the future with the vice president? - Okami


Ah- haha, I need to drink something, my voice is giving out!

... Erm, I'd say we're pretty close! We talk pretty much every day, if classes don't interfere. We like watching movies together, hanging out, having long talks– it's... it's nice talking to someone who doesn't always treat me like a weirdo... and actually engages in deep conversations with me.

As- As for the future! I want OHSIC to grow big enough that no one can ignore us.

*clears throat* Yeah alright, that's a wrap! I can answer the rest of these tomorrow, the Union Chairperson wants to talk with me super early in the morning so I'm gonna hit the hay. This is Taylor Potts, signing off!




I just KNOW he wrote creepypastas (and I love him for it)

Princess Katheryn

OMG! Taylor has a crush on the Vice President!


Gosh i love taylor so much 😭😭😭😭