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Hello, Patrons. This is Kay (they/them), the Community Manager for the SnaccPop Studio Discord. For those of you who have recently joined the Patreon or maybe have been hesitant about joining our Discord Community, we wanted to let you know that we have been doing some massive overhauls on the server and now is the best time to join, especially for any horror or true crime fans we have.

We conducted a Fan Preferences and Discord Use Survey in April about our server, and one of the most common complaints we received was how large and confusing the server was. To help with that, we are changed how we do our fan media and fan writing channels to be a bit easier to use, including the addition of guides for how to use them. Our new “Thread System” makes things much easier to start conversations dedicated to a single piece and for those creators to keep track of them. It’s also shaking things up in the community a bit so if you’ve been waiting for an opportunity to get in and meet people now’s the time, especially for any creatives out there. We want to see your Fan Art, Fan Fiction, OCs and we want to tell you how amazing your stuff is!

Additionally, and perhaps more importantly, we've added a new section to the server called the Dark Chat, which is now available and taking applications for entry.

In the past, the SnaccPop Studios Discord has always prided itself on being a safe and welcoming place for members to escape from their stressful daily lives. While we're happy to provide this environment, topics such as violence, abuse, mental health conditions, and common triggers that may appear in our games were not allowed to be discussed to protect our more sensitive members; this created a paradox wherein some Patrons came for this content but had to use a liberal amount of spoiler tags in conversations. We saw how cumbersome this was and acknowledge the discrepancy between the server culture and our content, and thus are providing this opt-in area for members who are in the proper mental space to engage with such topics. With the Dark Chat's special rules in place, we've seen an increase in fluid discussions with theories touching upon SnaccPop Studios' darker lore even though these new changes have been up for less than a week. We're happy to report that we're already exceeding our expectations greatly.

For those of you who were put off by the old format, or felt like the community wasn’t in line with what you found interesting about our stories, we welcome you to consider checking out the new and improved SnaccPop Studios Discord.



I have been kicked out twice now, having to verify my identity twice with my id. I hold no anger towards anyone, but I'm going to take the hint and leave.

Macanon Snow

I'm still hesitant... Most of my art isn't worth to view anyways..


Hi there Brooke, we're investigating the logs to see what's going on with those incidents. We're very sorry that happened and we want to do our due diligence to make things right.