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We're back this week with a quick report on Sleepy Time Jack and Sunny Day Jack!

Sunny Day Jack Demo

We know that you all have been waiting patiently for the Unity demo, and we thank you for your continued patience on the matter. Terra has been adjusting the UI as seen above, and Sauce has been redoing the sprites based on your feedback. Take a look at their hard work!

These are just a few mockups of the boys in alternate costumes on some of the backgrounds, which Terra will be working on adding into the demo when she goes through and adds custom pronouns to the script. Characters will still call the player by petnames in the voice acting (Sunshine, Buddy, etc.) but we hope that this will help immerse you better into the world of Sunny Day Jack!

At this time, we cannot provide an estimate of when the new demo will be ready, but we'll let you know as we get closer to internal beta testing.

Sleepy Time Jack

Version 0.3 is now LIVE!


  • Bubbblegum replaced with Rimouski for default font
  • Holiday greetings have been added!
  • Text width in textbox widened slightly
  • Auto-forward time adjusted
  • Additional credit added: Primarvelous for audio editing
  • Patreon credits updated (04/18/23)


  • Implement Player Birthday Input
  • Integrate Latin Spanish text translation

All patrons can grab the latest version of the game off itch.io with this link! Please remember to report all bugs and irregular gameplay to the official Bug Reports thread with as many details as possible so we can keep track of errors to fix. We can't debug things if we have no idea what caused your issue!

Holiday Greetings

This is a huge update I've been trying to push for a long while, but I couldn't figure out an elegant method to implementing Jack asking the player for their birthday. I figure I've kept you all waiting too long for that though, so all other holidays besides the Player Birthday dialogue (seen above) have been added. Some of these special dates include:

  • New Years Day
  • Valentine's Day
  • Beginning of Pride Month
  • Jack's own Birthday!
  • Dia De Los Muertos
  • Winter Solstice
  • Boxing Day
  • And more...

Wondering what other days he might have a special greeting for? Check in every so often to see what he might say!

Font Change

Finding a suitable font to capture that same bubbly feeling as the original Bubblegum font with more characters has been one of the things on my to-do list for the longest time. For one, Bubblegum was an all caps font, making large amounts of text a difficult to read. Secondly, Bubblegum lacked tildes, of which Jack uses very often. Like, an absurdly large amount of tildes. That's just how the man talks.

Thankfully, Terra was kind enough to share with me the font she was using for the main Sunny Day Jack game. Rimouski has rounded edges with a lot of carefree energy, along with the added bonus of having tildes and lots of accent marks!

Don't worry, Jack won't talk like this.

Even if no one else is a font nerd like some of us on the dev team, replacing Bubblegum with Rimouski does mean I can clean up the code some and stop borrowing the tilde from Kinto. I will never shut up about the tildes~

Latin Spanish Translation Progress

Perrie is on the case with the Latin Spanish translation! She has about 4.5 tabs of lines translated so far, and here's an example to whet your appetite.

EN1. Hey Sunshine, it's your birthday today, isn't it? Well, happy birthday to the most important person in the world!
EN2. You mean everything to me. And I hope I get to spend every single one of your birthdays with you from now on.
ES1. Solecito, hoy es tu cumpleaños ¿verdad? Bueno ¡Feliz cumpleaños a la persona más importante de todo el mundo!
ES2. Significas mucho para mí y espero poder pasar cada uno de tus próximos cumpleaños contigo de ahora en adelante.

If all goes well, we may be able to implement the Latin Spanish text into the game for the next build!

And that's what we have for this week! This is BáiYù, signing off!



Sai Aiza

This is all wonderful news! Congrats to the team for their hard work and planning! 🎉 But we’re getting custom pronouns now?! :O


This all looks awesome you guys did an amazing job! I’m so excited!❤️


Taking ever fiber of my being not to manually change the date in my PC now ✨🎉✨🎉✨


great job everyone !!! this is such great news !!! remember to hydrate and stretch as you all work !!!

Saturn - Stari ☆

Let’s goooo!!! Good job yall! Always excited for the updates and work that you all put in! 🩵

Shattered Horn

Nothing bad will happen in that bathroom I just know it

Macanon Snow

I'm so excited!!! Thank you Snaccpop team!


AAAH It’s all so exciting!!! I love these sprites so much!!! And the updates/things that are being worked on for Sleepy Time Jack are so cool!!! ^^


Everything looks so vibrant and amazing! (Except Ian, whom I have the strongest bias against, with his pretentious man-bun that would be better suited chopped off, by me, on the floor.) can’t wait to see future developments!


Jack in his robe has me weak in the knees 😭🖤🖤🖤 But you guys spoil us so much waaaa

Alyssa Of Ranting

The sprites look so good! ❤️ So there will be gendered pronouns? I was actually hoping there would be. Is it an option you can set like Gallagher mansion? And will it effect the nsfw scenes, like the descriptions can be customised to describe genitals? If you don’t mind me asking. I know not everyone likes it and it’s good to have not specific options but I’d prefer specific descriptions of what I have and I think other people would to.


I'm so STOKED for the updated demo. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!


so cool. great job. love the custom pronouns option.

Unclouded Liquid

Hey uhhh idk if anyone else is having issues with the apk but as soon as I press Start I get an error message -




i love the sleepytime jack demo but once you get that guys shirt off he loves. and i mean loves. to talk about clowns he's heard of


Same! No matter what I press the "An exception has occurred" textbox takes up the entire screen. :(

Chaotic Breebo

I'd like to ask what happens when a player's birthday falls on one of these other events? Does the player get to see all the dialog available for both? And if so, how does it choose which dialog to show/play first?


We are still looking into the best way to implement this, but the current plans are that the Player's Birthday would take priority.


I keep mistaking the dresser in the background for sleepytime jack as his pants.

Jaine Dough

Is Jacktor still being implemented?

MereCake (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-08 22:04:47 This is so amazing :O <3 :D
2023-05-18 21:59:01 This is so amazing :O <3 :D

This is so amazing :O <3 :D

Princess Katheryn

What if the MC get the male or female shadowed silhouettes in the CGs?