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Elias Gallagher from The Groom of Gallagher Mansion, voiced by Paxton Lee

Audio edited by Primarvelous 


[Enter Elias, exasperated by all of his tasks]

Oh goodness, goodness, so much to do and so little time! Why, I wish I had even one butler or maid here with me to help me prepare for the wedding… Having to clean up all the rooms and prepare the ballroom again while maintaining the architecture is far too much for me even now. What I would do for a small reprieve!

[heavy sigh]

… Oh? What's this? [shuffling of papers] … Heavens, so many letters! Where did these come from? Why, they're all quite new and… addressed to me? Goodness, it'd be quite rude to simply not answer them. Perhaps I can reply to a few of them while my beloved rests. Yes, I shall do that. Now where do I begin?

[shuffling of papers again]

Here we are, the first of many.

[clears throat]

How much do you know of the language of flowers? Such as each flowers meaning.
- Grem

Why, I'm quite knowledgeable about the Victorian flower language! It was often a way of expressing feelings in a way words couldn't, and flowers are gorgeous, so I suppose my inclination towards studying it was inevitable. For example, Camellia Japonica, or the Japanese Rose– its meanings lend itself towards a deep-seated longing for its recipient. The pink is a more gentle color, reflecting a more gentle admiration & persistent desire; whereas the red is vibrant, telling the person that they're a flame in your heart! Oh, or hyacinths! While yellow ones imply jealousy, purple & blue indicate a desire for forgiveness and joy, respectively! The meaning comes from a Greek myth, from a man of immense beauty.

[Clears throat, as if embarrassed to be caught rambling]

An-Anyways– while the flowers themselves hold meaning, you must always be careful when selecting the color as well. You wouldn't want to send the wrong message, you know?

Now then, next question!

Do you like tea? If so, what type do you like? And if not, what drinks do you prefer?
- Ikana

Oh, I do like tea quite a bit! My diet was restricted a bit due to my health in life, but tea is easily among my favorites. I primarily enjoy black teas, though green teas are nice as well. Earl Grey, lemon balm, oolong, chamomile & rose tea are among my favorites. I am a fan of juices and ciders as well– though spiked ones, less so. I- erm, I'm a bit of a lightweight, admittedly.

[Sheepish chuckle as if remembering an awkward memory]

Well, moving on…

Are you able to pop your head off and hold it?
- Tea

Oh my… this is quite the… macabre question isn't it? [nervous laughter] I suppose that I'm able to, but it's rather unpleasant. What are those creatures called… Dullahans? Ooh, they always quite frightened me when I used to read about them.

I’ve only done so a very few times. I’d… rather not do that again. It's jarring & uncomfortable.

[nervous laugh] Now, let's see what the next letter holds.

If you could leave the mansion and go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
- BB

Anywhere, you say? I’ve always wanted to travel— my grandmother said I have an adventurous spirit. I wanted to explore the Great Pyramids of Egypt, or walk along the Great Wall of China! Then again, a trip to my family’s homeland would be nice. I’ve heard Ireland’s quite lovely this time of year, rain aside. And my mother’s family has some German in their blood. I wonder what Bavaria is like. China was a land of elegance in the stories I read, and I’d likely enjoy that as well.

Ahh, how wonderful it'd be… But I should answer the next one as well, hm?

What is your favorite activity or activities?
- Persikitty

Oh, this is a good question! In life, I was an avid reader and spent many days lost in thought or devouring any books I could get my hands on. I tried writing some of my own, though I never had the nerve to share them, nor any company to do so.

Erm, but I did write letters! My grandfather passed away when I was very young, so I used writing as a way to connect to him. But most of those letters, I wrote to my future spouse. I didn’t know who they would be or how they would look, but I knew I’d do anything in my power to make them happy.

[sad sigh] Let's see what's next…

Dear Elias, what kind of animal do you like? Do you have any pets?
- OkamiLiqueur93

Animals? I think horses are simply majestic creatures, and so noble. My grandfather had a black one, in his youth. As for pets, my family had many. My father had a large mastiff by the name of Edwin, my sisters had kittens, and each of my brothers had a Border Collie puppy of their own. I rather envied them for that.

Oh, but I’m not resentful! I wasn’t able to care for pets like them, so I’d rather they have fulfilling lives with my family than grow weary of me. I believe my parents thought I had sensitivities to animals, so I wasn’t allowed near them. I’m just glad they wanted to keep me safe.

Now then, another letter, also about books again!

Any favorite books you enjoy reading?
- Rosemary

Literature? Oh, I could talk about that for hours! Jane Austen’s works were always so thrilling to me. I also enjoyed Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, The Count of Monte Cristo. I also frequently enjoyed novels along the lines of Fanny Hill, or even Song of Solomon—

[Choking stop as he realized what smut he just admitted to reading]

Oh look, another letter! Better address that, haha!

You got any comfort foods? If so, what they might be?

Oh, food is a guilty pleasure of mine. With my sensitive stomach, I was restricted on what to eat. I have a bit of a sweet tooth, so I’d frequently snack on grapes and such. Having strawberry jam sandwiches as a little one while sitting in the greenhouse with my grandmother is one of my fondest memories though.

But as a native New Englander, I’d be remiss if I didn’t say how much I love a well-made lobster bisque. Buttery foods in general have an addictive creaminess to them, just divine! Ice cream is a rare treat, but I was always delighted by it. Of course, I had a terrible habit of overindulging. Ugh, I can remember that discomfort clearly. But lemon sherbert with a light blueberry sauce sounds wonderful right now…

Ah, if only I could actually taste food again… But I should move on now.

Dear Elias, what is your favorite musical instrument that you like to hear often? Mines is someone playing the piano.
- NoodleSinner

Another one here is music-related– a few actually! What instruments can I play; what do I think of this generation's music; can I dance? Goodness me: so many questions!

[Clears throat quietly]

I suppose I'll start with the first one. My favorite musical instrument to listen to? I'm a bit indecisive, but among them, likely the piano & the trumpet! My sisters played piano, and that was something I could listen to all the way from my room…

As for playing, I admit I'm rusty, but I tried the violin when I was young. I rather enjoyed it. My tutoring stopped after a while, but I can remember parts fondly. And in terms of dancing, I erm… I knew some of the steps, at some time in my life. But I went so long without using them, they were probably considered old fashioned even then, haha. I was so nervous about how I'd look on my wedding day… I suppose that doesn't matter as much as I thought it would, though. Right?

So many letters, I suppose just a few more will suffice. Now then…

Elias, what do you consider to be the most important trait you desire in a romantic partner?
- Minty

Most important? Oh my, that's a tricky question– there are so many possibilities. The very most important… I'm torn between loyalty & honesty. Ideally, the two would go hand in hand– I'd like to have someone who'd stay, but I want them to stay for the right reasons. For honesty, I want them to be comfortable telling me how they feel. I want there to be mutual trust with whomever I choose to love.

I think I’ve almost lost track of how many letters I’ve gone through at this point. One more can’t hurt though, can it?

As a fashion lover I have to ask, what would you say your favorite outfit to wear is (I assume as a ghost now, you can't change your outfit which may be unfortunate)?
- Nai

Ah, I can change it! From what I've learned, any outfits– or lack thereof– need only be ones I remember vividly. I didn't get dressed up often, so a nice suit like the one I'm usually wearing is pleasant. Clothing can add so much unspoken character to an individual.

Then here we are, this one's next.

Dear Elias, since you've been residing at your estate for a while, were there times when you encountered a sudden arrival of a group or a very bold visitor at the mansion? You have a magnificent and charming estate. I would love to have the chance to visit you and your home.
Warm regards, Rabbit.

Why, thank you for the kind words! I only wish people could see how brilliant it was in my lifetime. But to answer the question, yes I have. What I've gathered from the many visitors, my family's misfortune has given our home a terrible reputation. It's grown more scarce in recent years; but usually near Halloween, Valentine's Day, summer holidays, and whatever other times people can manage to find an excuse for, I'll encounter a few visitors.

It's usually younger teenagers daring one another to explore, vagrants seeking shelter from the rain, or rude individuals attempting to use my home as their stomping ground for illegal activities.

[Indignant huff]

Homeless people, I don't mind. They usually leave after a day or so, and treat the house respectfully. The teenagers worry me more than they bother me– They climb on the fixtures and other dangerous things like that.  I'll usually scare them away.

It's the individuals who would use my home as a place to carry out their reckless and destructive fantasies which I hold true disdain for. They break things, or take things… It's so violating and I can't stand it! Admittedly, I've lost my temper once or twice… But just because I am no longer among the living does not mean I deserve any less respect! (Not to mention, there are so many heirlooms here. If mother and father could see the house as it is already, they'd be horrified…)


Oh well… Onto the next letter, haha…

Dear Elias, do you ever wonder what’s outside of your estate? If you could leave and go outside (assuming you can not) what would be the things you would like to do? See? Feel?
– Saturn

[Long silence, sighs, heavily melancholic]

… All the time. As much as I dislike the intrusions, visitors allow me to see what the world's become since I left life. I no longer feel physical pain as a spirit, but I miss the little things. Feeling the warmth of sunshine on my face, truly tasting food & drink. I miss feeling the gentle resistance of a book's page turning. I want to see the gardens of my grandparents' home.

But after all the pain I endured in life, I rather enjoy the lack of it. Plus, being able to move through walls is an odd yet thrilling experience. Being a ghost isn't so bad– I just don't care to be alone in addition to that.

Oh dear, it's about time I returned to the wedding preparations! One last question then– from Kat. Short for Katherine?

[Opens letter]

Do you remember anything that had happened to you before you passed?

Oh yes! I remember much of my life.

Or perhaps–

[Silence, growing tense; next words are strained]

Perhaps how- how you-

[Static overlap, voices & unsettling noises garbling the sound until the sound abruptly ends]




He's just babey ❤️ I could listen to him talk for hours, it's so cute when he gets excited about things like tea and flower language

Princess Katheryn

Elias' own childlike qualities make him so charming like a prince!
