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Hi all, BáiYù here! To cut the story short, fixing the Patreon-Discord bot connection has been on our to-do list for the longest time and with the recent Discord Server & Channel Survey, I thought it would be an appropriate time to fix the bot. What ended up happening was that it accidentally auto-invited all Patrons who had hooked up their Discord accounts, meaning those who hadn't manually entered the SnaccPop Studios Patreon Server were pulled in. Oops!

The VIP Guest role was automatically added to all of these new members which grants access to the majority of the server, including NSFW discussions. As we have to manually verify whether each individual is over the age of 18, this caused our moderation team a bit of a panic! We've since removed the automatic VIP Guest role assignment to everyone who was pulled into the server and assigned them a Newcomers role in order to facilitate communications with you all who may or may not wish to remain in the server. Our current plans are to allow these folks to stay in the server's waiting room for up to a week as they reach out for Verification, and afterwards those who have not been manually verified by a moderator will be booted from the server so as not to clog up your server lists. Re-entry into the server is welcome at any time!

I'd like to issue a formal apology on the behalf of the team due to the confusion this has caused. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns, and we'll do our best to address them to the best of our ability.

TL;DR: The Patreon bot accidentally pulled a bunch of y'all into the Discord server 😭 


Macanon Snow

I was worried about the bot message about say I have 24 hrs to verify 😅 Thank you for the clear up and I may join sometime later with everything 🤗


Tbf, it was a funny little jumpscare of confusion for a moment lol. Hope fixin’ the bot didn’t give y’all too much trouble!

Sylveon & Velveon

I was wondering what happened lol It's fine though, don't worry