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Oh dear, it's been month since the last dev report! Rest assured that we've been busy behind the scenes even during my bout with COVID-19 and Oriana's laptop getting broken on the ride home from GDC, among other things. But we're back in business, baby!

Alpha Version 0.3 is now LIVE!


  • New title screen art added
  • New textbox added
  • CGs added
  • New content warning added: Mentions of drug usage (passing mention of marijuana)

Known "Bugs":

  • Names are off-center in textbox
  • Names appear to be transparent

Patrons at the $5 A Little Bite tier and higher can access the alpha here. If you're having trouble accessing your early access copy, don't buy it! Please message us privately on Patreon instead and we'll custom generate a key for you, or help troubleshoot your Patreon - itch.io connection if possible.

Having trouble opening the game? Try installing it via the Itch App, which acts as a launcher for all of your games!

While no new story has been added to the build, we hope these additions give a better idea of the quality we hope to achieve for The Groom of Gallagher Mansion.

Art Progress

The new title screen art you see at the top of the post here was done by none other than Sauce themself, and they've really put their animation experience to good use here! Trust me when I say it looks better in game though; Patreon still doesn't let us host videos directly on their own servers so a gif is the best we can do for the time being.

They've also completed all of Taylor's expressions as well; while he doesn't have quite the range that Elias has, he's still got tons of great faces he can do!

Meanwhile, Sharkowskii has completed a few more ending CGs for us, but we can't show those because they're full of spoilers. We gotta have something for you all to be excited for when the full game nears completion, right?

Voice Recording Progress

With our editor Johan's help, we've extracted all the dialogue from the script and added tone direction notes to them for our Voice Actors to perform. MidnightBlu and Reece Bridger have already begun recording lines, and we hope everything recorded by the end of the month if things go well!

Team Health/Circumstances & Future Dev Reports

A few updates ago we asked you all when we should move the weekly reports to since I work on Saturdays, and while we were able to keep that up for a few weeks, obviously a month has gone by since the last update. That wasn't what any of us wanted to do though, promise!

As we have mentioned in a few other posts on the Patreon, I unfortunately got sick with COVID after my trip to GDC and got knocked out for a week before recovering enough to be able to do light stationary activities. I'm just grateful that, to my current knowledge, no one else that I was in close contact with for prolonged periods of time seemed to have been infected by me, and that I've made mostly a full recovery. I do have to note that I got a headache while at one of my shifts for my day job when I had to do a lot of walking though; hoping that's not permanent... I'll be advocating to do lighter physical activity for myself as much as possible.

Meanwhile, Oriana's laptop got fried temporarily and had to be sent in for repairs. We didn't lose too much progress though: just the textbox configuration, which was easy to do after repeating the steps. All in all, just a short hiccup.

Future dev reports will be published on Wednesdays moving forward, and we hope to keep up with a weekly schedule like we did beforehand. This is BáiYù, over and out!




Ah, BaiYu!! Glad to hear you're feeling at least a little better, the headaches don't sound fun though. Be sure to rest up and stay hydrated! I usually drink a peppermint tea to help with my headaches, if you want to try that!


The more I see from this IP, the more excited I get! It just looks fantastic. But make sure y'all take care of yourselves, too! We can be patient. 😅