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It's Saturday Devlog time, with a quick update on The Groom of Gallagher Mansion feat. BáiYù (should I keep mentioning who I am on these?)! You know the drill by now, right?

Editing Progress

As of now, scene 15 out of 19 have been reviewed by Johan, who's been expanding those sweet details, solidifying character voice, and trimming the fat off unnecessary bits. We expect to have the first editing pass all wrapped up by tonight or early tomorrow, and afterwards we'll go through and work to get things finalized.

Programming Progress

All of Elias' parts have been imported into Unity, and Oriana is playing around with head, eye, brow, and mouth combinations to give our ghost boy the proper expressions to match his dialogue. Just how many parts is that?

  • 5 heads
  • 26 mouths
  • 17 eyes
  • 6 brows

That's 54 parts total and... over 300,000 possible combinations??? I'm not good with math but the point is, Elias is going to be very emotional.

We plan to have an alpha build of TGoGM up to Scene 7 for our $5+ patrons to try by the time next week's devlog rolls around. Please bear in mind that it'll be extremely rough, meaning that voice & SFX audio and CGs will not be present, but it'll give you a better idea of what's waiting for you in the Gallagher Mansion...

That's all we got this week! I'm still figuring out the whole warehouse job situation but I'm happy to at least be able to get this update out on time. Until next time!



Macanon Snow

I'm excited for this! Thanks for sharing ^^