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Hello, it’s sauce again!

I’ve been having some more difficulties with my health, and I wanted to let you all know again what’s going on.

My health got better. But then considerably worse again. Then it got a little better. Then worse.

I’ve been having chest pains, I am unable to sleep or unable to wake up for long periods of time, and headaches/nausea which have occasionally left me out of breath and unable to stand up.

Today I had an incident where walking up a set of stares winded me and made me unable to breathe or stand up straight. And I don’t know what that means.

I began seeing a therapist, but now am seeking secondary care and consultation options.

I am so sorry, but you will have your pin ups this month! I may just be sick, beyond mental health. And I might need to see a doctor, as in a physician.

Again I am so sorry this month has been such a mess. Consider it the curse of February, haha…

I’ll be letting you all know what comes of this. I’ll keep you all in the loop. This is a very strange event and I hate that it’s gummed up my workflow so much.

But you all at least deserve to get updates as to the journey! And I have deliberately avoided drawing recreationally out of respect for this odd situation.

Thank you all, and happy Valentine’s Day!


Chaos Beam

I don’t wanna tell you how to live your life, but I think you should see a doctor ASAP, those symptoms sound concerning


You always need to put you and your health first. So much stress to one’s self can be an extremely contributing factor to self health of all kinds. Hell if I get stressed enough I go bald in the same spot . There’s only one you Sauce. Take care of you first

Macanon Snow

I hope you get better soon Sauce, take plenty of time to rest and recover

Eclipse_Lewdz (Damien)

Hey! Health comes first! I cant speak for everyone, but i choose for u to be healthy, than things being on time. Please be safe, take it easy, drink some water, and take care of yourself ❤️

Bonnie Callahan

That sounds worrying, I'd definitely suggest seeing somebody about your symptoms. In the meantime, be gentle with yourself.


Please go to a doctor, this sounds serious. We can wait until you get better, this is no small matter, focus on being healthy its more important than anything


Thankfully, I have basic health insurance! So I will be doing that, as well as maintaining two mental health counseling services. (personal and college provided) I still take my responsibilities to you all very seriously, and as such I’m leaving nothing about my health to chance. - Sauce

Livy Rocks

Please take care of yourself, this is very concerning! Take as much time as you need to heal. Whatever happens to you, we will all be here for support. I hope you get better! :<


I hope tbe doctor is able to help you figure out what's going on so you can hopefully get some form of treatment. In the meantime just take it easy and don't push yourself.


I'm so sorry your health is getting bad! Please take care of yourself, it's okay if things are late. We're here to support you no matter what. Rest well, Sauce. ❤️


Hope you feel better soon ❤️ and hope this doesn't offend you, I suggest you can take more time off to get well

DreamCatcher 5

Get well soon Sauce. Take as much time you need so you can recuperate


Take all the time you need, your health is incredibly important!!♡♡


Your well-being comes first and foremost!! I'm sorry you're having difficulties and we all hope you get well soon

Emo Pinoccio

I will honestly wait 10000 years for those pin ups, please take care of yourself first!!!


it sounds like you may have had a panic attack. patreon art can be set aside while you take the time you need to rest and talk to someone to understand what is going on and get well. your health and betterment can not be delayed, and there is nothing wrong with taking time for yourself to heal 💗

Luvii Waltz

Please rest well.