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Due to considerably serious and dangerous mental health issues, which impede my physical health and safety, the following will be delayed:

- The first of month address, featuring the month’s content/planned pinup art/ych teasers

- Valentine’s Day and other event announcements

- Additional announcements

The following will be delayed until 02/07/2023, as I complete January’s remaining patron rewards and focus on recovery. Professional therapy services are in immediate contact, and my work is simply not up to the quality of which you are all deserving.

January rewards will be completed slowly, with a total of five remaining. But this is done slowly, as my ability to draw has been very much impacted by my health.

I apologize for further delays, and though the following are still delayed until 02/07/2023…

- Bai Yu of Project Enso has continued work on The Groom of Gallagher Mansion for you all to enjoy

- Sleepy Time Jack content updates are persisting

- The Kickstarter rewards have begun their descent into final production

- The AphroDesia comic has found a suitable layout artist, with writers in interview

- SnaccPop Studios Discord is currently inquiring as to a third-party and professional community manager in order to increase user safety and aid in overseeing moderation support and structure

And much, much more is in store.

And let it not be forgotten that in this particular instance of a health and safety crisis, I could not and would never be able to take these days to prioritize my health while still being able to dedicate myself to those who have supported us.

It is extremely appreciated, of all of you. Thank you.

- Sauce



Please be safe Sauce. Wishing you all the best. 🤍


Take all the time you need, friend ♡


Hopefully I speak for everyone when I say we can wait for content, your health is WAY more important!!

Karolina Hildebrandt

Take care, health is the most important thing, you first, then work


Please take care of yourself! Your mental health should always come first, and we completely understand! 💕


YOU come first take all the time you need.

Macanon Snow

It's ok, your health is important. Take your time for self care and recovery ❤


Thank you for all the updates! I hope you will feel better soon. ❤ I'm glad you're in good hands. Sending you positive energy.


Please take your time and I hope you'll feel better soon.


Your health is much more important please Sauce take care and take things easy there is no rush in the slightest for content. Stay strong Sauce hope you feel better soon💖