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Hello! It’s me, Sauce!

I’d just like to take a moment, following yesterday’s spectacular post, to appreciate the wonderful collaboration between us, BáiYù of Project Ensō, and all the talented crew they’ve assembled.

Thanks to them, Patreon budget spending has increased! Which actually, is a good thing!

This means less money sat around while a single or handful of people worked to capacity to do one or two things. Instead, that money was directly pocketed by independent talent who then made all-new content for you. We’ve managed to become twice as, if not more, productive and have assembled multiple programmers, writers, voice actors, video editors, and more.

Funds going directly to freelance creators has increased, and I am happy to say my workload has remained consistent BUT I am also seeing increased hourly sleeping, increased capacity to focus on my studies, and increased quality in the work I can contribute! (With the added stipulation, I avoid incurring personal payment where possible to avoid budget misuse. Groceries, supplemental life expenses, bills, etc.. are mostly covered by my day job now with $-10.00 taken for January)

I am pleased to say this month has been a success, thanks to you all. We understand that this is a charitable gift on your part, and we work on the notion that the Patreon could start at $0 every month. We do well to save what we can, overestimate taxes and investigate the most efficient and helpful way to handle them for safety’s sake, and try to give you more to fulfill you all as thanks for your fantastic support.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for allowing me to employ these amazing people. Once we begin to post more completed work to storefronts, funding will become more consistent and hopefully less reliant on charity. But for now, it is an extreme delight and pleasure to scheme different ways to bring you all as much as possible.

Hopefully as the year continues we will build more savings. But we will attempt to hire BáiYù again next month! And we will continue to seek talented cast and crew to support as well!

Thank you all again and again and again. I’m just so, so happy that for the first month we’ve been able to bring you so much content. And I hope you’ll all be able to have much more to enjoy in the future!

- Sauce



Awww cheering for you guys!


I'm glad to hear the money is being put to good use, and that your work/life balance is improving because of it!