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This is your resident JambeeBot letting you know that I’ll be traveling across the US, living in temporary housing, then moving to the United Kingdom very soon!

This may impact production since I won’t have an office and access to my equipment, and will be spending a few days with no time at all to work!

Please make sure you send in your references (via link) for any art tiers you may have. Reminder! The art tiers yield MONTHLY art! If you thought it was only one time talk to me about maybe catching you up for what you’re owed.

If you don’t want art and only wish to donate let us know too so we can take you off the list and aren’t worried that we missed you!

Funds not spent on active projects this month will be used to pay/compensate creative hands to take over or continue productions for me in my absence. Or they’ll be saved as part of our “emergency savings”.

Thanks for your patience, all! We’re still navigating updating Sleepy-Time Jack and optimizing the program as a legitimate application free of bugs!

Episode three of AphroDesia is continuing to see some delays because another crucial VA is currently unavailable for work. But we’re trying to work out what else to do at this time!


And I’m so so sorry for the mouthful haha! Currently I am trying to dedicate significant effort into building a library of stock art for AphroDesia and cleaning up the art and Twitter page.

Sunny Day Jack is officially on steam so Kickstarter is next! Of course, I don’t expect Patreon fans to contribute because you all already do a lot by giving us the opportunity to produce what we have. But hopefully it’ll be a great chance to advertise our product and vision to a larger audience!

Hopefully this is a nice, albeit quick, summary of where we are right now. And during this crazy time feel free to remind us or let us know about any problems we may miss! It’s never a burden and is in fact a lot of help!

Have a lovely day, all! ^ u ^

- @JambeeBot


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