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We did it everybody! That's a wrap on episodes ONE and TWO of AphroDesia!

Thank you for your patience. We understand that waiting this long must have really sucked!

BUT. We're ready to get this show on the road!

But what will it be like to put these episodes out, you must be asking?

- Episode One will be released on 5/1/2022, with Two releasing 6/1/2022.

- Patreon patrons get FIRST DIBS! Meaning that as episodes are produced, the newest is a Patreon exclusive, up until the next episode comes out. 

- The Pilot, sadly, will be going into retirement. This is due to the pilot reflecting no-longer canon versions of the cast and world of St. Valens. This will be happening with the release of Episode Three, which will be re-writing the plot to fit the current canon. 

(As a disclaimer - This episode was funded privately, between JambeeBot's life savings and Obsidian, one of our current dev team members. So no Patreon funded content will be leaving! )

Now's the time to watch it before it's gone and sealed up!~

- Episode Three is in writing now.

- Episodes 1/2 are approx. twenty minutes long, with TWELVE episodes planned for the "season". Episodes MAY pass this time, however. We will be looking into ways to resumed shorter "mini-sodes" on our currents budget but sharing helps tremendously if you can!

We hope to be at your doorstep 7/1/2022 with new content! But until then, be there on the first of this upcoming month!


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