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Hey everybody! JambeeBot here!

I'm incredibly excited after a week of progress on Sunny Day Jack and the announcement of AphroDesia's first episode release.

But let's stop for a moment and talk about the future. 

As SnaccPop Studios continues to find its identity producing content, it becomes increasingly easier for us to do more and new things. Project funding allows us to hire members from our own communities to contribute to the higher quality of final products, but also increases things like the potential for new content to be produced.

By no means is AphroDesia and Sunny Day Jack the end of the content-gravy-train! And while we are -focusing- on these two projects right now, I'm also quite happy to assure our Patreon patrons that there is truly no end in sight.

- Future Thoughts?

What would YOU think of a pilot program, where short mini-sode style content, short game demos, or short comics are developed and shared to YOU DIRECTLY to gauge interest, on top of your regularly scheduled AphroDesia and Sunny Day Jack content? (ETA on the pilot program - Likely a LONG WHILE. Producing one mini-sode can often take up to two months at the longest!)

Let us know! Asking never hurts and we like hearing input!

- Tell us in the comments below, or tell us/fellow SnaccPoppers in our official SnaccPop Discord: https://discord.gg/ZBCHwrnbjy -

- @JambeeBot



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