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Although I haven't run into any speedbumps and have been working on it daily, this one's taking a little extra time for some reason, and for that I apologize ^^"

 I'm hoping to finish up inking the second shot tomorrow (please god pleaseee) and then I can move on to coloring them and working on the climax animation. For now here are some select WIPs to let you known where I'm at!

Once this animation is done the plan is to finish the last 2 shots of CS, and then another vote will begin for another request animation :3



Cubic Foxxx (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-25 19:59:11 Please take all the time you need<3 this is too hot!
2022-04-11 10:35:20 Please take all the time you need<3 this is too hot!

Please take all the time you need<3 this is too hot!


Im super excited to see it when it's done!

horntfrog (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-25 19:59:11 Thank youu, this was a really nice comment to read last night &lt;3
2022-04-11 23:21:46 Thank youu, this was a really nice comment to read last night <3

Thank youu, this was a really nice comment to read last night <3

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-25 19:59:33 You're welcome, take all the time you need to make it hot and perfect &lt;3
2022-04-11 23:28:59 You're welcome, take all the time you need to make it hot and perfect <3

You're welcome, take all the time you need to make it hot and perfect <3