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I'm thinking about redrawing the gym bag to look more like a gym bag, but otherwise I'm really happy with how this one turned out! I actually had to do some research/use a ref for how the pecs work when you have your arms behind your head and it was really educational. Also dicks getting rubbed on is one of my favorite things to animate and I got to do two of them!!! 

For Pit Crew 3 I'm thinking its going to have like 2 or 3 shots, maybe 2.5. The first is the one up above, and the second is going to be a close, intimate panning shot of the other two dog dudes j*rking off over our bunny buddy here. Something like this (oh god this is a messy sketch):

The third (2.5?) shot is a variation on the first, a nice and thorough money shot of the two guys c*mming on his face, chest, and of course pits. This bun is gonna be very happy about it- I can picture it so clearly in my head! 

I've been trying to come up with a simple shot to add in like I did with the dick insertion in Pit Crew 2, especially since the bunny dude should also get a chance to have a big finish here/get some more sniffing action - but I also dont want to inflate this project too much? Hmm...

If I can think of something, or if anyone has an idea on what I should do that sounds good and doable (I can't guarantee I'll do it but ideas are always welcome, especially if I do a sequel trilogy >:3) I'm gonna do it!!!

Happy Friday~ hope you have can have a sunny day soon




All I can think of for an idea is having the two guys once they cum on the bunny boy, open their arms and slowly bring both their hairy pits down on top of his face, and grind those hairy pits a little all over his face