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Oh boy, August started off with a bang, didn't it? Well, let's get into it. 

Payments marked as fraud
As some of you are aware, Patreon recently had an issue with a massive amount of payments being marked as Fraud, and some people even being force-unsubscribed from creator accounts. I am not clear on the reason behind these issues, but I've heard through the grapevine that it has something to do with them changing the address of where payments are processed (?), which caused the banks of individual Patrons to flag the payment as fraud. Currently, I've had about 30 patrons who's payments were decline or marked as fraud, and many many more have been unsubscribed, perhaps against their will.

Patreon's solution to the payment problem
The solutions Patreon offers are as follows:
1. Contact your bank and let them know the charge is legitimate, and to retry the payment.
2. Change your payment method in your own payment settings. 

Unfortunately, I am not sure what payment options are available outside of direct card payments, since I don't have PayPal connected to my Patreon account. PayPal does not allow NSFW content to be affiliated with their services. If I opened that option, I would be at risk of losing my PayPal account. So that just leaves you Patrons with option 1. It's frustrating to have to ask you to contact your bank over this, but it's the only option I can see, currently. 

Paid or not, I've sent the rewards anyways
I'm not going to block any of you at the $6 tier from accessing my work for July's rewards, due to Patreon's blunder. That said, if your payment was flagged as fraud, then I haven't been paid. So, I am asking those of you who had unsuccessful payments to please contact your bank so that I can get paid.

Final thoughts
It's frustrating to the extreme, to be perfectly frank. I've lost a huge number of Patrons over this, which has essentially knocking me back about 2 years, in terms of growth. I'm hoping that the people who were forced out will find their way back, but only time will tell. I am very fortunate, financially, that I decided to accept a couple of commissions, just before this all happened! 

In the end, I'll be fine. Honestly, it's been a powerful lesson to me, in the idea of putting all my eggs in one basket. 

Thank you all for what you do for me, here. I am so proud to be able to share my work with people who really appreciate it, and are willing to put forth real support for what I do. I'll keep doing the best I can with it, as long as people still like to see it! And I won't let the blunders of the hosting site get me down about it all.



Tim Bend

Not seen anything, and I'm here, so I am going to assume my payments went through, at least for now. . but if not, I'll be back. I can't get enough

Mikel Thrasher

I've heard about these payment problems people have been having. I've used Paypal since I started with Patreon and have had no issues. Hope you were not too effected by it all Ronin.