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Ok, with this, all of November's art is done! I'll be sending the high resolution files after November pledges have processed. 

Now I will be tackling the last image that is due for October's art pack, so I can send those around the same time I send off November's. I am looking forward to sharing the high resolution files, with you all!

Thank you for all your support! If you could, let me know what you think of this drawing! :)




Matthew D. Riddle

This is one of the hottest pin-ups you've done. She is absolutely gorgeous.


Thanks, Matthew! That swimsuit doesn't leave much to the imagination, does it? lol


That's a pretty... excited pose she's gotten herself into! Hopefully she doesn't hurt her neck sitting like that!

Matthew D. Riddle

I think that was the understatement of the year, and of course the sultry " so you coming or not" expression is amazing.


The red coloring of the swimsuit and the darker skin just put the icing on this very enticing cake.


Thanks Redguard! I was originally going to do a pink and white stripped pattern on the underwear, very pastel... But I think this is more stunning. Glad you approve! :)


I really like it when you do these more risque poses :) If you want to expand more on them, could draw them naked, but use hands/object to obscure the naughty bits, like: <a href="http://sta.sh/01pu6z1kt4o2" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://sta.sh/01pu6z1kt4o2</a> would love to see something like that from you in the future :)


Fantastic work! It can't be an easy pose to draw but i'd say you made out gangbusters with it! I love her smoky expression...that's a lady who knows you are having trouble meeting her eyes ;) And it almost goes without saying that's one beautiful ass!


Thank you, I am glad you like them! As for how I do them, I am going to stick with what's comfortable for me, and expand/explore as new inspiration comes to me. Gotta follow the muse, and be true to myself! :)


Thank you! The pose was quite a bit different, which made it fun. Glad you like it!

James Champlin

I much prefer skimpy garb to "censor bars" no matter how funny they are. YMMV of course! But especially if I'm paying for it, I wouldn't accept censor bars, as I feel it's an artistic cop out.


James, I also dislike those black censor bars. I am lucky enough to live in a country that doesn't force me to censor my work, so I won't. If I don't want to draw it, I won't censor it... I just won't draw it. However, I personally think that the only things that fall into the category of "artistic cop-out" would be things that an artist evades, due to a lack of confidence or skill. A cop out is avoiding things that one aught to do... and an artist only aught to draw what they are either hired to do, or what they are inspired to do. So, for example, if an artist wants to draw characters, but isn't confident with hands, then it would be an artistic cop out to always draw the characters with the hands out of view. In Neko's example, she shared a clever suggestion on getting around my lack of desire to draw nudes. I think it's obvious that I like to draw "tease". Full on nudity, at least in my art, is just boring to me. Tease is just more my thing, I guess. If I decided to take her suggestion, it would be because I was into the idea, and so I don't agree that it'd be an artistic cop out. If my goal was to draw nudes, and I used a finger to cover the "bits", then skimpy clothing would logically be equally as much of a cop out... at least from my perspective. Regardless, I am pretty resistant to suggestions. The whole point of this Patreon is that I do better art when I do it my way, and those who agree can support me here, and get exclusive art as a reward. So taking suggestions that fall outside of my interests goes against the main goal of this Patreon. Not that I am completely against feedback. Sometimes someone says something that inspires me, and I take it on! But I don't take suggestions as a way of paying you back for your pledge. That's what the exclusives are for. Sorry for the long winded response, but you sparked some thoughts, and I felt like sharing. I always appreciate the feedback, and glad that you decided to share how you feel! I don't know that I will be using fingers to censor my characters, though, as the above image is probably as risque as I care to go, for now. XD