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This is just an update on October's rewards, and why they haven't been sent, yet.

As I am sure you can tell, October's reward set has been a much higher detailed set of drawings than what I usually post as Patreon exclusives. During October, the elven archer (name to be anounced soon) has visited a rainy little village, played with a cat in a pumpkin patch, and browsed a candy shoppe. Each scene took quite a bit of work, and while I am greatful for how much I have learned by doing them, it ended up offseting my work schedule quite a bit. Add that to the fact that at the beginning of November I received an exercising injury to my left shoulder (drawing arm), and I got sick twice in a row, November has been the month of delays, for me. 

What I decided to do was catch up on November's rewards, before finishing the final piece for October. I don't want to rush it, since the October set is artistically important to me (not sure why, it just is). So now I just have to finish coloring the last November piece (girl on the bed showing off her butt), which should be done today, and then I will spend the rest of the month finishing up the last piece of October. At that time, I'll give the elven archer an official name, and send off both rewards for October and November. 

I hope that clears things up for anyone wondering why they never recieved October's rewards! It comes down to me just wanting to make sure that I didn't rush through it, just to get it out there. So I hope the wait is worth it! I will do my best to make sure that the final piece for October is the best work I can do. 

As a side note, once I finish up my current commission list, I'd like to redouble my efforts and give each month's rewards on Patreon a theme, like October's rewards. That'd be a lot of fun, and would make more sense, I think, than random pinups. 

I can't thank you all enough for the support you have given me and my art. It has truly changed my life. 




No worries- I love your artwork whenever it arrives 😎


Thank you very much, that means a lot to me. And I do not want to take advantage of you for that! This whole Patreon thing is still a learning experience for me, and so I will do my best to make sure that delays like this are as few and far between as I can!


Well, your health comes first, so taking care of that is more important than a time schedule 😀


Fortunately, I am pretty healthy, so I don't get sick often. This was just a series of unfortunate events. XD

Michael Hawk

thanks for clearing things up, deliver when ready. hope your shoulder is well again


Thank you for being understanding! And yeah, the shoulder is good! Just lifted too heavy on a military press, and I think I pinched a nerve. It's all good, now!


You have absolutely nothing to explain or apologize for. Your October set is absolutely amazing! October's set is hands down the most intricate, detail oriented thing I've seen you do, and it couldn't be that wonderful if you rushed it. You take as much time as you need, I know the wait will be worth it.


Thank you Edward, I am glad to hear that! Yes, I agree that October's set is the most detailed set of drawings I have done, to date. I want to make sure that the final piece fits well with the rest, and so I am glad that you are ok with waiting a bit longer for the high resolutions. I am just as eager to share them with you as I hope you are to see them! :D


I told you you xD dont overdo it :D we are all happy that you are back on track.


I'm liking the theme idea! Also, dunno if others would agree, but I like seeing both nice set pieces and landscapes alongside really smexy work. There's no reason it has to be just one or the other, and not everything needs to be a pin up poster. And hopefully people aren't forgetting to check your DA alongside here.


Glad to hear it! I like the idea of keeping the monthly art packs more organized, instead of just randomly popping out whatever comes to mind on a daily basis. Somehow, it makes more sense, since these rewards also get sold as Gumroad art packs, down the road. Do you remember the sets I was doing of the 3 girls at the summer cabin? I would do 3 pinup pieces, and then a larger, more scenic piece as the last piece. I really liked doing that. The only reason I stopped doing that was because commission work picked up and I had to share my time. However, I am seriously looking into taking a break from commission work entirely, starting 2017, and seeing how viable it would be to focus entirely on promoting this patreon, and other personal projects. No more fooling around, time to go all in! The good thing about that is that I can increase the quality of the rewards I share, here, by making them more thematic, like those summer cabin pics, from earlier this year (February-April). If Patreon continues to do well, I will finally be able to start working on a short story comic idea that I have been sitting on for over a year. Story is done, just need to sit down and get the art done! I am looking forward to that, as well as other such personal projects. Splitting my time between commissions and Patreon has been a real juggling act, and so I think it's time to take that next step and move forward with my personal projects.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-29 22:18:31 No need to explain. I guess everyone here can see how much love and detail you are putting in thoses pictures. For me personaly it even would have been fine with only 2 pictures in oct. since they arensonhuge. So please take your time and don't think to much about "I need to get it done..." cause that can and most likely will ruin think. So take all the time in the world if you need to <3
2016-11-26 05:52:37 No need to explain. I guess everyone here can see how much love and detail you are putting in thoses pictures. For me personaly it even would have been fine with only 2 pictures in oct. since they arensonhuge. So please take your time and don't think to much about "I need to get it done..." cause that can and most likely will ruin think. So take all the time in the world if you need to <3

No need to explain. I guess everyone here can see how much love and detail you are putting in thoses pictures. For me personaly it even would have been fine with only 2 pictures in oct. since they arensonhuge. So please take your time and don't think to much about "I need to get it done..." cause that can and most likely will ruin think. So take all the time in the world if you need to <3


Thank you, Tobias! That means a lot to hear. I will be sure to do my best, and don't worry, I won't rush it. :)