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Individual Low-Res Drawings Attached:
I've attached the individual thumbnail images to this post, instead of having each be it's own post, like I usually do. 

Back Injury Update:
Heya everyone! I've been hard at work getting caught up with February's work since Monday, after recovering enough from the horrendous back injury I mentioned, last post. For those who didn't read the post, I was struck bedridden for about 3 weeks with crippling back pain. I had a crushed disc push on a nerve and it seized up all my muscles in my back and legs. I couldn't walk or sit at all, and had to use crutches just to get to the bathroom, for a few weeks. No fun!

I ended up going to the hospital, because it actually got worse after the first week of bed rest. They gave me an x-ray of my back, found a disc was flatter than usual, and referred me to physical therapy. They gave me a shot in the ass, some muscle relaxer prescription, and sent me on my way. 

Well, long story short, the Physical Therapy did not except my very expensive insurance, so I took my physical therapy into my own hands. I usually exercise a lot, so I just spent time googling proper exercises for a pinched nerve in the back, and did my best. Well, it worked! So far at least. I'm still a bit rough, but much better than I was just a week ago! I was able to start working on February's art, this last week. 

The Art:
It's Sassy elf! I wanted to draw something sunny and fun, so I put Sassy in a summer dress. This is the progress, so far! I'll be coloring it up this next week, which honestly won't take long. and don't worry, it'll have a background too, as usual. I am thinking a wooded walking-park in the city, or something like that. :)

Anyways, thank you all so much for the patience! I am so sorry about how late this is. The whole time I was laying on my back, recovering, I was grinding my teeth, itching to draw something for you guys. 

I'll be sending these out to all February's Patrons as soon as they are finished, and I'll get right to work on March's work. Looking forward to it!

Recovery/Injury Cycle:
So, I am sure some of you notice that this whole back-injury thing has been recurring since mid last year. It's like a nasty cycle: I hurt my back, which required rest and recovery. I fall behind on work while resting, and then overwork myself to catch up again, which ends up hurting my back again. Rinse repeat. 

Well, after going to the doctor and getting an x-ray, I have a much clearer idea of what I've been doing wrong. I just can't sit for long periods, anymore. My workstation is still not ergonomic for me, since I am very tall. Low monitors, bad arm position, chair that encourages slouching... So, this is what I'm doing to adjust, because I simply have to get back to drawing:

  • I'm getting an adjustable elevation desk. Been looking at this one:
    Being able to quickly switch between standing and sitting will help me maintain the work hours I am used to.
  • I'm getting a laptop that I can do art on, from bed. this is so that, on the days I am hurting too much to stand or sit at the desk, I can work from bed, or a recliner. No more missed work! 

I think these steps forward will help pull me out of this funk, and help prevent further injury. The doc said that I'm still very healthy and strong, I just need to make some changes to what I put my back through. I'm listening. 

So, hopefully this is the beginning of the end of this painful chapter of my life. :D
See you all next post!




Nice! Fantastic update Dude. Glad to hear you're doing better and I'm loving this set! Thank you again for all you do.


Glad you like it, Lucavi! Man, I just wanna draw... You hear that, spine?! Get off my back!! Uh... I mean... shit.


Hahah. Almost makes you wish we had the technology for cybernetic spines already XD Sexy dress on one of my favorite characters of yours though. Its fantastic : D can't wait for the finished product


I think I'd prefer some kind of regeneration serum, personally. And heck yeah, dude! I thought a summer dress and a stroll in the park with miss Sassy would be some good fun. :)


Oh yeah Sassy! She's certainly living up to her name too, especially in the last image :D Really glad to hear that you have a workable solution to your back problems. I hope you can beat this


I'm glad to hear you've finally got a good diagnosis. Nothing worse than having an issue and the doctors at a loss for the cause. That desk looks pretty amazing! Especially at that price point.

Donovan "Ravenhull"

Love me some Sassy! Especially the ‘look, I’m commando” pose. Almost wish one of the others had that too. Keep up the great work. But heal up at your own pace.

Tim Bend

Hopefully things start to get better for you.


It is great to hear you are doing okay. My mom had something similar and also had to get a shot in the butt. What type of exercises are you doing? Remember man, don't overdo it, just because of us or because you feel better. I have to badger my mom like that. Legit though, be careful. Are you able to use a pool for light aerobics? The lack of impact might help. Not sure though.

Shawn K. Younkin

Ohhhhh, what a nice group of pics to log on to!! Feel better man.

Chris Turley

Thank you for Sassy! I'm glad you are feeling better.


Hope your new kit works out for you! Good ergonomics are damn near impossible to get a good handle on!


Heh thanks dude! My solutions are a work in progress, but at least it's progress!


Yeah, honestly I avoided getting in to the docs for a long while. Glad I finally did. Yeah, when I get one, I'll pist some pics and give a review!


Thanks Donovan! Yeah, I am definitely going to have to do more dresses. Not sure why I haven't!


Thanks Tim! I am definitely working towards some sort of a solution. :)


Thanks Duck-Bot! I'm sorry to hear about your mom, I know how rough it is, and disruptive, too! I'm doing light core exercises. I don't remember the names, but one is where you get on your hands and knees and lift a leg and arm up, on opposite sides. I'm also doing leg raises, where I lay on my back and lift my straight leg as high as I can. This helps stretch the muscle and nerves effected by the disc. Walking is the major thing I do, lately, and stretching. No bent over exercises, though. Nothing that puts extra strain on the disc. I've been watching these old boys for simple exercises: https://www.youtube.com/user/physicaltherapyvideo


Yeah, especially if your taller than average! But hey, gotta try! I'll figure something out that works, I'm sure. :)


Sassy Feets! Yes! I hope you've been practicing to make them look amazingly gorgeous! ;)


Haha! Unfortunately, I have not been able to practice. These are the first thing I've been able to draw since January's Patreon art, due to being hurt. 😅 But I'm glad you like em!


Yeah, I saw all that in the post. I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope your methods of dealing with it and trying to prevent it work for you. The feets will make it all better.😁


I know I'm late to say it, but I'm glad to hear you're doing better! As someone with a spinal chord injury, I know any issue with the spine can be very serious and mess up your life very fast. Thankfully, in your case, it's mostly avoidable. Keep up the good work, both in life and art, and keep taking care of yourself.


I appreciate that, Chad! I've been recovering well, and thus been ramping up the art production. I'm being careful though, and hopefully I can avoid getting so bad as to be bed ridden, again! Sorry to hear about your spine injury! I hope you are managing it, well. Take care! :)


Thanks. It's been 25 years since the accident, so I have the hang of it by now. (Mostly) Lol