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Heya friends!

If you've been keeping up on my Twitter, you know that I've been laid up since the 14th, recovering from a recent relapse of my back injury. This one's been bad, had to get crutches just to get to the bathroom. Seeing a doctor soon.

I've recently discovered that I fail most basic flexibility tests, which might be what's causing me to get reinjured over and over. I was just doing some high intensity cardio on my treadmill this time, and the next day, boom. Not getting upright much!

Anyways, starting a light cardio and full body stretch routine after I recover to correct this, and of course, listening to my doctor.

Art Incoming
I'm going to move my work station around so I can draw while laying down, as I recover. I hope to have some art out, soon! I really hate this, and all I want is to get back to uploading regularly again.

Anyways, that's what's up! Catch up with you all, soon!



Point being, I hope you get well soon. I suffer chronic pains and such too and know how much they can nail your esteem. Keep fighting man. We re cheering for you.


Doctor gave me muscle relaxers and I'm already feeling less pain. Still can't sit, but trying to get up and move around more. I am sorry you suffer chronic pain! This has been awful and I can't imagine having to deal with it on a chronic basis.


Bleh, it is no worries. Mine is pretty low grade compared to yours. I am glad your back feels a bit better. If you ever need or want to chat, hit me up on here or on deviantart.