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Decided to go with a front lawn background instead, or maybe a college campus. XD Hey, it's summer! You don't need to be at the beach to enjoy the sun!

In truth, I just liked the colors better, this way. I also got to see that the square brush is not only good at texturing stone, but for making grass fairly quickly. Woot!

Thanks for the support, everyone! I hope you enjoy!




<3 <3 Great work Ronin, super attractive and playful!


Nice work matching the shading between the head and the rest of the body, on some of your work it shows you use a reference, but not here! Bravo!


Looking good as usual. :D

Matthew D. Riddle

Someone's teasing their boyfriend :P cute taunt, like that braid adds a lil more character...


Thank you! Yeah, I do often make the faces lighter... I am working on it! :)


I'm dazzled by the beauty of this image, she's just gorgeous!

infernalperson (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-29 22:18:51 Cute image! I can't help but think that she doesn't need the suit to enjoy the sun either >.>
2015-08-03 01:10:00 Cute image! I can't help but think that she doesn't need the suit to enjoy the sun either >.>

Cute image! I can't help but think that she doesn't need the suit to enjoy the sun either >.>


excellent coloring on this one. She actually reminds me of a girl I dated in the past...man those were the days *sighs* Anyways good work! I like how since her back is arched you have her breasts coming towards her face a bit in a way that makes the sag. Too many pictures nowadays have girls laying down and somehow their breasts remain perfectly upright and perky and are not effected by gravity.


Thanks for noticing! I find it important to understand how the body actually works, at least when it comes to weight and balance.