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After reading all the comments on the last post, concerning Patreon Rewards, I have decided to leave things as they are! If I change anything, it may be to deliver high res files to Patrons at the end of the month, via email. This would be to try and prevent all the darn "Pledge Dodgers" I get. Little rascals! But I will start doing that, next month, more than likely. Each week, when I finish a pinup, I will post a smaller version of it to my wall, and email the high resolution files at the end of the month, after payment is received. This way, you don't have to miss out on weekly updates while I try to combat the dodgers, and you get a nice bundle of high resolution images at the end of each month. Sound fair? So thanks everyone for your honest answers, it really helped me figure things out! Highfive, everyone!



Sounds fair to me. Thanks for asking for input from us!


Sounds like a plan. About time those pledge dodgers got a spankin'


Dropbox is also a good option. Thanks for the heads up!


Sounds really fair to me. :)

Dental Translations

Sounds great! Only one thing though, when it comes to emails and such, I feel you should guarantee newcomers a link to a certain amount of previous high resolution posts after first or second payment. That way they don't feel cheated out of previous content. Just a thought! Honestly I feel that it's something you should think about because new patrons will wonder where the high resolution versions are etc.


Well, new comers shouldn't feel cheated, because they haven't put in the same amount of support that the rest of you have. I don't think a person who just signed up should feel entitled to the same thing that a person who has joined at the start... Not that I have a problem giving it, but I do have an issue with unfair entitlement, if you get me. I'll have to think it over, for sure. Thanks for the suggestion!


Sakimi Chan has a big thing with this. Their way of doing it is fair, but extra work. They opened a store with the extras as items to purchase (in bulk packs), at basically the pledge value you would have needed to have paid to have gotten it. On the flip side, that basically means uploading to and managing an online store in addition to your patreon.

Dental Translations

Oh no!!! Of course! It definitely is not fair to the veterans. But you have to agree that it would be a great incentive for new patrons. Put yourself in that position. 10 dollars a month for only the new high resolution images. What if there is an old one I like? Just because I found your patreon late I get different treatment? See what I'm saying? There has to be some middle ground so you can attract new patrons! Just some thoughts provoking statements :) remember, I only want to help!!! You're my favorite artist in patreon, both art-wise and as a person!


Interesting! I'd have to figure out if it is worth the effort. It seems Sakimichan thinks so. I have no idea how to set up an online shop, though. My main issue is that after the last discussion topic, it seems that it's very important that everything is fair and square. I don't want patrons who have been on for a while to feel that they are getting a worse deal than a new person, and I can see how that might be the case. It certainly requires some serious consideration.


I like the idea of having it be the same price, so that it's less of a head game... That feels fair. However, I don't know how to set up a store for art packs. I will certainly be investigating that, though.


Yeah I would agree, just keep it the same. Because someone late doesn't mean anything. Yeah I have no idea, but I am sure there's at least one store that isn't too difficult.


As I mentioned in our private chat, hearing your ideas is definitely helpful. I am looking into a shop option, so people can buy art packs of older months. It'll take some consideration, of course. (I am just updating the post so that other people can see what's been discussed.)


Since you will be using emails for high res files than maybe you can feel more free to post some spicier stuff too *wink wink*


lol not sure how much spicier I'd be willing to go... No promises on that!


Just a little thought. I seem to remember originally you were intending to include some NSFW art but had trouble with Patreon's rules. With this new method if you get a hankering to draw something NSFW you could post a safe version here and send the NSFW version directly when the pledges get paid. Which would also tease the pledge dodgers even more!


I won't rule it out, but I am not planning on doing anything more risque than I have already. We will see how things go. I am more likely to move onto projects like games and comics as Patreon grows, to be honest. I don't have any hard set plans, and some nude work isn't exactly out of the possible range. Nothing more than that though. ;)