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Hi everyone - I am going to try to make this a weekly feature, where we update you on things going on. First of all, we created this video detailing the Rulers of the Carolingian Empire, from Pepin the Short to Charles the Simple. This is something we are trying out, and I'd love to get feedback - do you like the look of the video? How might we do it differently? The plan is to do more of these, so let us know what you like or dislike about it.

We have also been posting to our YouTube Channel episodes of  'tis but a scratch: fact and fiction about the Middle Ages, a podcast created by Richard Abels. You can check them out here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNYHRaCtIlcKvGO49CO5A0FyO3z7ISajB 

We also added to our Patreon Shop - you can now buy all the issues from After Constantine, which is a journal focusing on Late Antiquity and Early Byzantium. The journal is open-access, so you can read the articles for free, but this is a way to support the journal.

We also added the eighth book from Arc Humanities Press - Worship in Medieval England, by  Matthew Cheung Salisbury.



Very well done, thank you! I especially liked the "portraits" of the cast of characters. One suggestion: slow down the presentation a little. I found it hard to read the whole text before the next one popped up.


Thanks for this visual guide. I've always found the Carolinians a confusing procession of rulers, except for the later ones who infiltrate Viking history. This is very helpful. 👍


I enjoyed this very much, but agree that it needs slowing down a touch. Loved the images. Would it be asking too much for you to tell us where they came from?