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Chapter 13

Thomas was already overcome by the immense physicality of Mia’s presence, of her huge body in front of him, but even still, it was the furtive look on her face, and the dominant tone of her voice, that now truly intimidated him.  What was she talking about?  What could she mean by “dealing” with his cock “her way!?”  His mind was whirling with all kinds of questions, but he was too afraid to ask any of them.  In any case, knowing Mia, the answer wasn’t going to be far away – she liked to tease him, but she was also intensely practical, and Thomas got the sense that all of this was only the beginning of some large master-plan that Mia had been cooking up for weeks, possibly even months…

‘Hell, maybe even as soon as she met me,’ thought Thomas helplessly, ‘All those months ago.’

“Mmmm yes,” murmured Mia, drawing her long finger down across Thomas’s cheek, petting him like a little animal as she snaked her fingernail under his chin, scratching it pleasantly with her long, manicured black nail.  Her dark eyes were sparkling mysteriously in the low light.  “I think it’s time, Thomas…to really show you who’s in control of your cock.  Who’s in control of it, Thomas?  Hmmmm?”

“Y-You are, Goddess!” Thomas answered almost immediately, knowing exactly what he was expected to say.  In any case, he didn’t have to lie – he knew it was true.

“I’m sorry,” Mia smiled sweetly down at him, now tickling the underside of his chin with multiple nails as she slowly backed him up into the nearest wall.  “You’re soooo far down there, I didn’t quite catch that.  I want you to tell me who’s in charge of your little cock, Thomas.”

“You’re in charge of my cock, Goddess!” Thomas called up to her, feeling the oil-slickened pillars of her big thighs now rubbing up against his body.  It was incredible how massive a single one of her thighs was compared to his entire body – it had to be at least twice as thick as his torso…maybe even three times as thick.  Thomas was starting to feel weak with arousal, almost like he was going to faint.  He knew he didn’t have Mia’s permission to cum, but he started to wonder if, at this point, it was possible to keep himself from cumming.  It was simply too much for his body and his poor little brain to handle.

“Wellll, you say that,” Mia tsked, arching her eyebrow down at Thomas ironically as she continued to rub up and down his body with her huge thigh, pressing him up against the wall and jiggling her muscle occasionally, so that Thomas’s entire body shook in tandem.  She stopped scratching the underside of his chin and instead lifted her hands up and pressed them into the wall high above his head, so that she was, in every sense, entrapping him.  She was beside him, beneath him, above him – everywhere.  There was nowhere he could turn to.

“But I can hear that eager, submissive cum bubbling up in those tiny balls,” Mia continued, putting her hand to her ear before placing it back on the wall.  She sniffed her nose down at him.  “I can smell it too, Thomas…mmmm, you can’t get anything past me, you know.  You say that you’re totally mine…that your body belongs to me, but hmmmm…I’m not so sure.”

“It does!  It…it does!” cried Thomas, at the moment not caring how pathetic he sounded.  Right now, all that mattered to him was convincing Mia that she didn’t have any reason to doubt him, even as he felt the muscles at the base of his penis beginning to clench.  He grit his teeth, putting every last bit of effort into not cumming.

“Well, how does the saying go?” Mia chuckled down at him, “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak?  Mmmm, I always liked that one – especially since it applies so often to you!”

As she spoke, Mia had nestled her giant thigh in between Thomas’s legs, prying them far apart, until his legs were spread so wide it was like he was on horseback.  And then, with the same effortlessly erotic lassitude, Mia lifted her thigh up, carrying Thomas’s entire body with it.  He felt his feet leave the floor.

“And even though I know you WANT to serve me,” Mia continued, “To be completely obedient to me, and to never disobey…”  She paused and shook her head, a knowing, teasing smile creeping across her face as she bounced his entire body up and down with her massive quad.

“Come on, Thomas, we’ve got to be realistic here – you’ve already disobeyed me once tonight, and you’re about to do it again!  Even as you’re fighting as hard as you can, I’m just way, way too much for you to handle.”

Thomas felt near despair.  He knew that Mia was one hundred percent correct, and that there was nothing he could otherwise do to show her the extent of his submission.  She was completely right – she WAS too much for him.  He didn’t deserve her, even as an owner.  His helplessly impending orgasm was proof enough of that.  But Mia wasn’t done yet, and she kept on talking, not giving Thomas an opportunity to despair completely.

“Now I suppose I could just discard you somewhere on the island,” Mia said casually, “Since I have no use for little pets who don’t obey their owners…”  Her smile widened when she saw the look of utter horror on Thomas’s face in response, and her eyes gleamed with pleasure.  “But there’s no way I’m going to do that.  You’re far too submissive, Thomas – I’ve never had a better pet…and I’ve had several, haha!  Nooo, no, I’m not going to abandon you.  I’m having way too much fun with your tiny body to even seriously consider such a thing.”

Mia paused, her eyebrows going up, as the tension increased in the room.

“But I can’t have you just cumming everywhere, all willy-nilly,” she chuckled, again shaking her thigh muscle and sending another wave of trembling vibrations through Thomas’s body.  “You’re MINE, Thomas…one hundred percent MINE…and I’m not going to behave any other way.  So, while I work on training that little gray matter in between your ears, we’ve got to have a surefire way to keep that big, fat pet-cock under control!”

Mia brought one big hand down, with Thomas still perched on her huge, glistening thigh, and took both of his hands in her single one, raising up his arms until she had lifted him completely off her thigh.  She held him aloft like that with one hand, staring deep into his eyes, while his bare feet swung around her knees.

“Fortunately,” Mia purred at him, the dark pits of her eyes plumbing the depths of his soul as she spoke barely above a whisper, “I have just the thing we need!  You’ll see what I mean soon enough, little pet.  But first…mmmmmm, I wanna play with it like it is…one last time.”

Thomas didn’t even have time to be puzzled at Mia’s choice of words there – “one last time” – what on earth had she meant by that!?  Whatever it was, he had no time to mentally process what it could be, because the next moment, Mia had taken her free hand, encircled Thomas’s cock, and then slowly started swinging his body with her other hand, the hand that was holding him up by both wrists.  Thomas gaped and gasped at the intense stimulation of Mia’s soft, strong hand, which was of course all slick and lubricated from the massage oil.  She wasn’t even moving the hand that was “jerking” him off – instead, she was literally swinging his entire body against her hand, so that his purpling, engorged cock went straight through the awaiting circle of her palm.  It was an incredible, effortless show of power, and Thomas again felt the muscles at the base of his cock beginning to twitch and surge.  It was only a matter of time now; he could feel his orgasm building.  In a few more seconds, there would be no going back.

“Yeah?” Mia asked sexily, sticking her tongue into the inside of her cheek as she continued swinging Thomas into her hand, the squelching sound of his cock against her hand sounding out into the air.  “You like that, Thomas?  Does that feel good?”

“Uuughhh…aaaaaahhhh….y-yesssss!” he breathed out, closing his eyes desperately.  “P-Please…Mia…I–I’m…I’m about to cum!”

“Mhm, I know you think you are,” Mia nodded meaningfully, her eyes gleaming darker than ever – almost hungrily – “But it’s time now that you truly understand, Thomas, that despite anything you might think…I…OWN…YOUR…COCK!”

Thomas kept his eyes shut as he felt his shaft building up, up, and up to the inevitable climax.  In this moment, he had lost the capacity for fear – all he felt was pure titillation, and his mind and body both tensed up in expectation of the plunge down into utter orgasmic bliss.  But…the plunge never came.  The seconds passed by, and even though his whole person was engulfed in that pure, agonizing arousal that always portended a climax, he never reached the summit.  Not understanding what was going on, and troubled by this strange new sensation of being kept at the brink, Thomas opened his eyes and looked down at his cock…which wasn’t there.  His eyes went wide, wider than they had ever been before, as he stared down at the blank spot in between his legs.  Where his cock and balls had been before was now just smooth skin.  He had felt no pain, and no other indication that anything like this had happened – if he hadn’t opened his eyes, he wouldn’t have even known.  But there it was, plain for him to see…or not see.  He had no cock attached to his body anymore.

“Looking for this?” Mia giggled at him, giving his body a playful little shimmy with her arm so that he shook in midair.  Thomas whirled his head over to her, and he saw that, in her free hand, she was holding his cock and balls, shaking them teasingly at him.  Somehow she had completely disembodied them.  Aside from the fact that they weren’t attached to him anymore, nothing had changed.  His balls were still a blue hue from agonized arousal, and his cock was a colorful mixture of red and purple, completely hard and erect, literally pulsating in Mia’s hand.  Thomas could still feel them, just as if they were still attached.

“Y-You…you…my…my…” was all Thomas could stammer out in response to this most unexpected and bizarre turn of events.  Mia closed her eyes and shook her head in exaggeration with each sputtering attempt at speech, and when he fell silent, she opened her eyes and grinned at him.

“Wrong, little pet,” she breathed down at him.  “Not “your” anything…”  She shook his cock at him, and Thomas winced, feeling the unbearable pangs of arousal course through his groin.  And then Mia took her thumb, placed it carefully around the top of his drooling cockhead, and started tracing slow, erotic little circles around his urethra.  Thomas hissed and groaned, his body thrashing left and right in midair.  The pleasure was so intense, more than anything he had ever felt before – somehow, even though Mia had disembodied his cock, he hadn’t lost any feeling.  If anything, it was even more intense than it had been before.

“See, that’s exactly why I had to do this, Thomas,” Mia continued cheerfully, continuing to trace those torturous circles around the tip of his cockhead with her thumb.  “Right in your moment of shock, of true vulnerability, the truth came out – you STILL think that THIS” – and here she shook his cock in his face – “is YOURS!  Well let me tell you something, Thomas…you’re going to learn, one way or the other, that it is ALL MINE.”

The next moment, she had lowered Thomas down to the floor, and had taken out a small, purple velvet box, no more than a few inches wide and 10 inches long.  Now that Mia had let up teasing his cock and balls for a few seconds, Thomas again looked down in between his legs, gawking at the smooth skin that was there where his genitals had been moments before.  It just…it wasn’t possible!  It involved some kind of crazy…witchcraft, or magic or something – there was no way that Mia could have done what she just did!

‘But of course there is,’ said a voice in his head.  Where it came from, Thomas didn’t know…all he knew was that this voice was right.  ‘You already know she’s literally been stealing your size – what makes you think she couldn’t do this too?’

“Heh heh…it’s a lot to absorb, isn’t it, little puppy?” Mia cooed down at him, her voice dripping with an extra dose of amusement as she grinned down at his predicament.  She shook the velvet purple box high above his head.  “Not to worry – it’s all very simple, really.”  Bending down at her waist, so that her face was close to his, looming above, Mia licked her lips and continued her explanation.  Thomas was hanging on her every word, since he had truly been thrown for a loop…plus he was already beginning to worry about that velvet box…

“Despite your best efforts,” Mia said with gentle sweetness, “You showed me that you weren’t able to control yourself around me, Thomas.  And do you know what that means to me?  It means that I wasn’t controlling you.  Even though you wanted to obey me…you couldn’t.”

Thomas hung his head, feeling ashamed.  A quick jolt of pleasure, however, made him jolt his head back up.  Mia was lovingly, teasingly drawing the tip of her tongue up his shaft, which she was holding close to her face.  At the same time, she ticked the underside of his balls with her fingers, sending new waves of pleasure coursing through his body.  It was incredible – if Thomas had closed his eyes, he wouldn’t have had any idea that his cock and balls had been removed.  The sensations were exactly the same.  He felt like cowering in the face of this powerful magic, but the pleasure Mia was giving him was so intense that it forced him to focus back on her face.

“I don’t say that to make you feel bad, pet,” Mia intoned out amiably, Thomas shivering in ecstasy as he felt her warm breath wash over his engorged cockhead.  “I just say it as a point of fact – you had reached the end of your little rope.  You had given me the best effort your little mind and body could muster, but now…it’s time for me to step in.”

With a flick of her finger, Mia popped open the velvet box.  Aside from a soft, luxurious-looking felt mold (which was shaped exactly like a cock and balls), there didn’t seem to be anything inside of it.  But somehow, Thomas knew that there was a lot more to this box than met the eye.  Seconds later, he was proven right.  Mia carefully placed his genitals straight into the box, and instantly, the felt molded itself to his exact shape.  Thomas felt its soft touch, and he inhaled his breath sharply, a slight, pleasant pressure spreading throughout his groin.  Mia promptly shut the box (which closed with a series of forbidding locking sounds) and whipped out her phone, showing Thomas an app she had opened, with a lot of buttons on the screen.

“I developed this handy app,” she explained, “Along with a friend of mine…just so that I could have a way of dealing with little pets who were waaaaay too horny.  Understand, Thomas, that this box is where I’ll be keeping your cock and balls from now on.  And as you may have already guessed, this isn’t an ordinary box – far from it.  I’ve specially designed it to connect to my app here…it doesn’t matter how far away I am.  Haha, it doesn’t matter if I’m halfway around the world.  I’ll still be able to control what happens inside this box…with my app.”

And then, smirking down at Thomas, she pressed one of the buttons on her phone.  He immediately sank to the ground, his legs giving way due to the sudden hot wave of intense, unbearable stimulation that was now flowing, molten-got, from his groin.  It felt like his shaft was being licked and sucked by a dozen skilled, experienced mouths, with plush feminine lips and eager tongues going up and down and all around.  Mia just stood there, her hip cocked to the side, enjoying his helpless moans of arousal and his little body flailed around on the floor, before finally pressing the button again.  Just like that, the stimulation stopped, and Thomas could breathe again.

“See what I mean?” Mia chuckled.  “Total control.  That was one of the more intense buttons, but I can always just…”

She pressed another button, and Thomas felt a light, feathery flick at the tip of his urethra.  It felt like someone was just flicking her tongue, every few seconds, over the very tip, barely touching it, but stimulating it enough to make Thomas flush crimson all over again.  Shakily, he managed to stand back up, but the phantom tongue-flicks against his cock were making it difficult to focus on anything else.  He could feel himself getting harder still…if that was even possible at this point.

“Or perhaps this one instead,” Mia giggled, turning off the tongue-flicking and pressing yet another button.  Thomas immediately started dancing in place.

“Aaaaaahhhh!” he exhaled out in a barely-contained moan.  It felt like ten talented fingers had busily started tickling the underside of his ballsack.  And then Mia pressed a smaller button, underneath this main one, and several of the fingers took on a slightly sharper feel, like they had switched to gently, teasingly scratching his scrotum with their fingernails.  Still dancing in place, he stared up at Mia helplessly, begging her to give him a break.  She stuck her tongue out at him playfully, shaking her head as she continued to enjoy his struggles.

“And, of course, that’s only a few of the options,” she continued, “Plus it goes without saying that I can combine different buttons all at the same time.”  Without warning, she pressed all the buttons she had already tested on him, and Thomas again collapsed onto the floor, writhing around in unbearable, titillating bliss.  It felt like twenty mouths, and several pairs of hands, were all diligently going to work on every inch of his head, his shaft, and his balls.  There was no way…no way he could avoid cumming now.

“M-Miiiiaaaaaaa!” Thomas cried in a panic.  But just then, Mia’s phone beeped.

“Oooop!  One second,” she exclaimed, pretending to be intrigued.  “I just got a notification.”  She turned her phone so that she could look at the screen, and her eyebrows went up.  “Well, what do you know, Thomas!  A message from my app telling me that SOMEONE is about to cum!  How about that!”

“P-Please…Miaaaa…Goddess…” Thomas begged weakly from his supine position on the floor.

“You know,” Mia gloated, extending her foot out and teasing the bare spot in between Thomas’s legs where his genitals had been, “One of the best things about this purple box is that I have to actually press a button to let you cum.  So I could keep you like this, lying on the floor, tormented, for hours, days…weeks!  Isn’t that just amazing!?  How much control I have over your cock now?”

Thomas couldn’t even speak words anymore – he was just gaping like a fish, occasionally managing to moan or choke out some barely-audible sound of pure desperation.  Mia crouched down low, staring deep into his eyes, letting him suffer for another minute or so, before laughing:

“Ahaha okay, okay…I think I’ve made my point, haven’t I?  All right little pet…CUM NOW!”

She pressed a button on her phone, and Thomas immediately bucked and spasmed, crying out in excruciating ecstasy as he came and came and came, though even, in the midst of his orgasm, he registered how bizarre it was that he couldn’t see any of his cumshot.  After the pleasure finally waned, Mia pressed all the buttons, ceasing stimulation, and opened the box to inspect the results.  A small little airtight container, right at the head of his still-purple cockhead, was filled up with creamy white cum.

“Oooooh how delightful!” Mia exclaimed, exaggerating her normally-deeper voice up into a high-pitched squeal.  “A little snack for Mistress!”

She detached the cum-filled container and raised it to her lips, drinking down the contents on one quick gulp as Thomas watched, flabbergasted from below.  Satisfied and smacking her lips playfully, Mia looked down at Thomas and showed him her empty mouth, sticking her tongue out for good measure.

“Aaaaall down my throat,” she purred.  “Mmmm, I think the box makes it taste even better too!  Nice and buttery…delicious!”

She attached the container back to the box, right at the head of his cock, and closed the box again.  Then she reached for her purse, unbuckled it, and hovered the box over the opening.

“Oh…two more things, Thomas,” she added, still smacking her lips a couple times to make sure she sucked up any remaining cum that was in her mouth.  “You’ve heard of the refractory period, yes?”

Thomas nodded, feeling a sense of dread creep into his stomach.

“Well, now that I’ve got your cock all locked away in my special box,” Mia smiled, “You don’t have one anymore.  I can make you cum…at any moment…at any time…for any reason…and you’ll do it.  And what’s even better, your little balls will never, ever be empty, so that I’ll be able to treat myself to a delicious cum-snack whenever I want!  Isn’t that delightful?”

Thomas nodded again, only because he knew that there was no other good way to respond.  It was overwhelming how much power Mia had over him now.  And to think, an hour ago he thought that she totally controlled him!  That was nothing – THIS was true ownership.  His knees buckled as he felt another submissive surge in his cock, but he was able to remain standing.

“And the last thing, Thomas,” Mia said softly, shaking the box lightly as she kept it hovering above her yawning purse.  “The most important thing…my FAVORITE thing about this box…is that all you have to do is go completely soft…and you’ll be free.”

Thomas blinked a few times, stunned.  That couldn’t be right.  He couldn’t have just heard what he thought he heard.

“Uhm…wh-...what?” he stammered.

“I said,” Mia repeated sweetly, crouching down low so that her face was close to his, and only a little higher, “That aaaaall you have to do, Thomas, is go completely soft…lose your arousal…and then, just like that, your cock and balls will be free.  They’ll plop right back in place, in between your legs, and you’ll be free to go on your way.”

“On…my way?” asked Thomas, totally confused.

“Mhm,” Mia nodded, regarding him with that same kind, gentle expression.  “On your way.  I don’t have any need for pets who don’t truly want to be owned.  You’ll keep your job, of course – and you can go back to your apartment and resume your former life – at your shrunken size, of course, haha – I’m not giving THAT back.  But it’s all up to you, Thomas!  You think I’ve got all the power, but really…YOU do!  All you have to do is go soft, and that’s it!”

Thomas’s brain was spinning.  Mia had put him through so many different emotions wringers in such a short amount of time that for a time, he didn’t know what to think.  Mia waited patiently, her eyes going lovingly over his face, watching him absorb the reality of his situation.  He had been ashamed to lose control…and then he had lost control…but now he apparently had all the control back again!?

“Back…back to my…apartment?” he whispered.

“It seems so crazy, doesn’t it?” Mia smiled at him.  “So remote, so far away from your life now…from what you’ve become…but it’s all there, Thomas!  You know what to do if that’s what you want…”

Thomas was getting emotions just thinking about it – though the source of the emotion was hard to pin down.  Freedom…his old life…his normal life…it was actually attainable now!?  Only a couple minutes away, potentially!  But he quickly realized that the promise of freedom wasn’t what was making him emotional – instead, it was the thought of losing Mia, of ceasing to be HERS.  THAT’S what he truly wanted…or was it!?

“Haha I can see you struggling inside,” she cooed at him, and that knowing, dirty sparkle had now ignited in her eyes.  “That’s what I like to see.  It’s no fun when you’re too easy.  Mmmm, so struggle away within yourself, little pet…knowing the whole time that all it takes is a couple minutes of willpower to free yourself completely.”

She rose back up to her full height, and put the box in her purse.

“But you know something, Thomas,” she grinned, “I don’t think you can do it.  I don’t think you’ll EVER be able to do it.”

He had no reply, and the wordless moments passed, each one turning a silent screw in his brain, locking away any rogue hopes he had of escaping.  He knew that she was right.

“Well!” Mia said brightly, after letting her triumphant silence adequately sink in.  “I think it’s time we go to the beach, huh?  What do you say, pet?  I want to show you off!”

Mia proceeded to spend the next half-hour trying to decide what they would both wear to the beach.  She wanted to dress Thomas first, and, after several outfit options, finally settled on a skimpy “slave” outfit of black leather straps that barely covered his private parts, leaving his nipples exposed, so that Mia could be free to play with them.  The black leather straps went perfectly with the collar he was already wearing, and the “underwear” was so tight that the bulge of his oversized cock would have been immediately obvious, if not for the fact that it was now hidden away in the purple box.

“Awww now this way, it looks like you have a teeny tiny cock!” Mia laughed down at him, tightening the last strap and standing up, towering above him as she admired her handiwork.  “But, of course, I know the real truth!”  She patted her purse, bouncing her eyebrows suggestively.  “I can’t wait to play around with your cock in public, Thomas – people aren’t going to have any idea what’s going on.  You’ll have to try your hardest not to make too much of a scene.  Think you’ll be able to handle it?”

“I…don’t know, Goddess,” was all Thomas could answer, and he was being completely truthful.  The fact was that he had no idea how much he’d be able to handle.  One thing was for certain, though – Mia’s promise of freedom, if he could manage to stay soft for 2 minutes, didn’t seem very attainable, especially when she started dressing herself for the outing.  But before that, Mia had a little more fun, putting some lipstick on Thomas and ordering him to kiss her bare ass every 30 seconds while she mulled over what exactly she was going to wear.  Thomas, despite his lingering embarrassment over his new leather “slave” outfit, was eager to obey – it was impossible for him to not get excited about the prospect of showcasing his devotion in this way, by worshiping his favorite part of her body.  At 7’4 in her bare feet, compared to Thomas’s 4’7, Mia’s ass was almost the perfect height for him to kiss – he barely even had to lean down to plant the worshipful smooches on her colossal cheeks, since they were just about shoulder-height to him now.  Every kiss was divine to him; he felt the immense jiggle of her ass under his lips, and a few times Mia even playfully bounced her cheek up into his face, sending him reeling back a couple paces.  Within 20 minutes, her ass was covered with red-lipsticked kisses.  Thomas would have willingly gone on like this for hours and hours, but after half and hour (and 60 submissive lipstick smooches on her ass), Mia uttered:

“Aha!  Perrrrrfect…I think I finally found what I want to wear, little pet!  Here, step back and tell me what you think.”

It went without saying that Mia was ultra-sexy in the nude, but in Thomas’s eyes, she somehow became even sexier when she squeezed her tall, thick body into her stylish outfits…and today was no exception.  She had chosen a revealing red bikini, and, after going to the bathroom to change, she sauntered back out, indulging in a “catwalk” in order to exaggerate and accentuate her curves.  Thomas’s mouth dropped open.  Even though he had been expecting something like this, nothing could have prepared him for how unbelievably sexy and alluring she looked.  Every aspect of her figure – from her enormous boobs (barely contained in the black top) to her thick alabaster thighs, wide hips, and of course her gigantic, jiggling ass – just oozed SEX.  As Mia turned around and gave her enormous ass a shake, Thomas saw that some of his red kiss marks were still plainly visible.  This made him feel even more embarrassed, since of course it would be obvious to everyone at the beach that HE had been the one kissing her ass over and over.  But really…could they blame him!?

“Y-You…you look good!” Thomas squeaked out, feeling crushed by the pitiful inadequacy of his words as soon as he spoke them aloud.  “R-Really good!”

“Mmmm thank you sweetheart,” Mia purred down at him, doing a few more turns and striking a few more sexy poses for good measure.  “I FEEL good in this outfit…haven’t worn it in ages, haha…but I think my instincts were right – it’s PERFECT for today.  Aaaand, it goes well with your little pet-straps here, doesn’t it?”  She threaded her finger through one of the straps on his chest and tugged him effortlessly toward her, and he only avoided falling flat on his face by running in a stumbling gait to keep up with the sheer power of her arm pulling him that way.  He staggered into the generous, fleshy side of her hip, and she held him to her with a huge, gentle hand on his cheek.

“Step on my left foot, pet,” she said softly.  “With both feet.”

He did so immediately, marveling at how easy it was for him to fit both feet onto the top of her single foot.

“Hold on,” she chuckled, and the next moment, he was wrapping his arms around her big thigh, grasping onto it as Mia walked toward a closet.  Her thigh was so thick that he could barely get his arms all the way around it, and with each step, he felt the powerful muscles expanding and contracting, forcing his arms to widen even farther as he fought to hold on.  Fortunately, he didn’t have to keep this up for long, and they had reached the closet only seconds later.  Mia opened the door, and a sparkling array of high heels and platform boots revealed themselves.  Thomas felt his stomach drop.  She was already so, so tall compared to him.  And now…she was going to make herself even taller!?

“Heheh, now you see why it always takes us girls so long to get ready,” Mia giggled, letting him step down off her foot.  “Because there are sooooo many options to choose from!  Now let’s see…which pair…whiiicccchh pair…hrmmmm…”

After only a couple minutes, Mia had selected a pair of some of her tallest heels – a ferocious-looking 6-inch pair of red heels that she pointed out to Thomas, wordlessly indicating that he should pick them up.  He did so, his eyes going wide at how huge the heels looked in his hands.  They were as big as his chest!

“Wanna try them on first?” Mia teased him, before going over to sit on a sofa.  She beckoned him over.  “Just kidding – I’m getting impatient to go out.  Come on, little pet, I want you to put these on me.”

Thomas knelt down at Mia’s feet, and she wiggled her toes playfully at him – for the first time, Thomas actually registered that her toenails were painted a glittering ivory white, which went perfectly with her heels, her bikini, and of course, his outfit too.  With a little difficulty, he finally managed to strap her heels on.

“Stand up, baby,” Mia breathed down at him, and Thomas did so, rising up until he was nearly her height.  But even sitting down as she was on the sofa, Mia was still taller than him by a few inches.  This made Thomas feel especially small…but nothing could have prepared him for how gigantic Mia actually was with her 6-inch heels on.  Slowly, deliciously, she began rising up off the sofa, towering higher and higher above him.  Thomas could feel his eyes getting wider and wider as she rose up and up and UP.  Her shoulders ascended far above him, her cleavage became underboob as her breasts stretched upward above his head…then her long, elegant stomach followed…her belly button was neck-level to him, then chin-level, then eye-level, and then…wait…no…it couldn’t be…her belly button kept on rising and rising until it was actually ABOVE his head.  Mia put her hands on her hips, peering down at him over her jutting breasts, a knowing, sexy smirk on her face.  With her heels, she now stood at a monstrous 7’10, a full 39 inches taller than Thomas.  He was staring straight into the seductive triangle of her pussy, which was barely covered by the skimpy red bikini.  A deep chuckle echoed out from above, and Mia reached down, palmed the back of Thomas’s head with her giant hand, and pulled him straight into her, turning in the process so that he smacked face-first into the middle of her ass.

“How about a couple more kisses for the road, hrmm?” she teased, pointing down with her long finger.  “Right there.  Right at the top of my ass.  Can you reach?”

Thomas quickly found that, in fact, he could not reach flat-footed, and so he got up on his tiptoes, straining with everything he had to plant a kiss right where Mia was indicating with her finger.  After a couple attempts barely missed, he finally gave a little hop and was able to reach, planting a final kiss right where she had told him to.

“Nice improvisation!” Mia laughed, smacking her ass and shaking it in his face.  “My little pet does what he has to do to obey me – soooo cute!”

With that giant, glorious ass shaking in his face, Thomas was having a difficult time controlling himself, and the added humiliation of having to actually JUMP to kiss the top of her ass was threatening to push him over the edge.  Mia didn’t even need to be stimulating him…he was already close to cumming.


A notification from Mia’s phone sang out, and she looked down at him with wide eyes, her eyebrows going up in delight as he struggled to keep his feet.  Waves of pleasure were coursing through him – it was like orgasmic bliss, and yet…not quite.  Even though his pleasure was intense, it was a “plateau” – it was never a “peak.”

“Oooo, what was that?” she teased.  “I think that was my app!  Sounds like somebody’s going “Pop Pop Pop” in my box!  Hahahaha god you really are that in-love with my ass, aren’t you, Thomas?”

He nodded submissively, his whole body trembling from the denied orgasm in the purple box.

“Aww poor little thing,” Mia cooed.  “It’s time to go to the beach, but I don’t think you’ll be able to keep up with me…not in the state you’re in.  Here!”

She bent down and promptly scooped him up off his feet, carrying him under one big arm like a football.  Thomas flailed his legs a little at first, just because of the sheer surprise he felt at being whisked off his feet and held so easily.

“Shhh, shh, easy…Mistress has you, little guy, I’ve got you,” Mia purred down at him.  “Okay, let’s see, head, wallet, keys and phone, keys and phone…haha…oh and of course, my trusty little purple boxxxx…”

Mia slung her purse over her other shoulder and reached inside briefly, looking back at Thomas as she pushed a button.  Immediately, his body was writhing in her grasp – it felt like a dozen little straps and pulleys were setting to work, stroking and pulling and twisting his cock in all the best ways…and that was exactly what was happening.  In a matter of seconds, Mia’s phone was pinging again, and the leather straps inside the box were tightening around Thomas’s cock again, holding his orgasm right on the cusp and preventing him from tumbling down into the bliss he so desperately wanted.

“Heheh, just one last little practice round,” Mia chuckled, taking pity on Thomas and pressing the button to relax him a little.  “Before we head down to the beach.  Mm, and it sure is a beautiful day!  And it’s Saturday too…so there will be PLENTY of people watching us!  You excited about that, little pet?”

“Mhm, y-yes, Goddess,” replied Thomas.  He knew what he was expected to say, but it was actually true to say that he was a little excited about the prospect, in some perverse, humiliating way.  Life was seeming to go by now at 1,000 miles an hour, and, at this point, he just felt like he was along for the ride…and Mia, of course, was the vehicle.  With his little body under her arm, she left the Burgundy Suite, locked it up, and walked on down the hallway to the elevators.



Where in the sweet name of all that is holy did you come up with the box idea? Lolol I dig it. Great chapter :)

Joyce Julep

That idea came from the commissioner! I had never heard anything like it and immediately thought it was brilliant and had so many delicious possibilities ;)