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Chapter 15

Steve watched helplessly as Melissa’s “finger person” seemed to grow to towering heights above him.  It was only a minute before that Melissa’s middle knuckle on her index finger had come up to his chest, and Steve had been hoping that, soon after ingesting Melissa’s milk, her “finger person” would have seemed less and less imposing as he grew in height from 3 inches up to…maybe 5…maybe even 6 inches!?  Of course, the opposite was happening now.  As Melissa “strutted” her fingers back and forth in front of him, taking obvious pleasure in his predicament, Steve had started shrinking rapidly, made all the more alarming with how suddenly it had come on.  One moment Melissa had been giving him what she thought was a “lap dance” with her fingers, and the next, Steve was shrinking so fast that it actually made him dizzy.

Her biggest knuckle had already been far above his head before, out of reach even if he had stretched his arms up as high as they could go.  But now, he was looking straight up at her middle knuckle, even when Melissa was doing a series of “deep knee bends” right and left in a mocking dance in front of him as he continued to shrink.

“Ohhhh yessss, he chose the left nipple!” she laughed in her high-pitched voice that was meant to come from her “finger person.”  She did a little celebratory “kick” with her index finger.  “Whooo!  Yeah!  Beryllium copper alloy!  It’s doing its job, Steve!  Haha wowwwww, even faster than I thought it would work!”

Far above him, Steve saw that Melissa’s huge face abruptly shifted from pure elation to her “research” expression, which involved her eyebrows dropping and coming together as her expression morphed into a pondering grimace.  From his perspective, this sudden change in expression was quite alarming, since it was as if his entire sky had rapidly morphed from sunshine to dark clouds.

“Actually…that’s very interesting,” Melissa mused out loud, her voice verging on incomprehensibility for Steve since she had abandoned her high-pitched “finger person” voice.  A sudden ear-splitting crack sound out that made Steve’s heart jump into his mouth, and it was only a few moments after he had recovered from the sonic shock that he realized it had come from Melissa’s voice recorder; she had just pressed the “record” button…that had been the “crack.”  Even as Steve was struggling to comprehend how Melissa’s middle knuckle was high above his head, the fact that her simply pressing a button had sounded that loud…it truly hit home how small he had become…and he was still shrinking!

“That the beryllium copper alloy seems to be particularly aggressive – beyond my predictions – in expediting the cell cluster diminution might have some connection to the fact that it migrated to my left breast instead of my right,” Melissa was saying into her recorder.  Steve couldn’t even understand what she was saying.  To him, all her words were now jumbled together in one big, thunderous rumble, which sounded even huger and more earthshaking than before.  He knew that she was just speaking in her normal voice, probably even softer, but the mighty sound waves of her voice jolted and shook through his entire body, seeming to jiggle every atom.

“H-Hey!” Steve called up to her, somehow finding the strength in his shrinking limbs to stumble up to Melissa’s index finger, which was standing inert on her desk next to her middle finger.  They had been the “finger person” moments before, but when Melissa had started recording her research notes, they had gone “offline,” and were simply standing there.  Steve realized with horror that Melissa’s third knuckle was now chest-height…now chin-height…now directly in his line of vision.  He was still shrinking, and fast!

“Heeeyyyyyy!” he yelled even louder, now truly beginning to panic.  If she didn’t do something quick, then he’d shrink down to a millimeter…maybe even smaller…!  Maybe down to a microscopic level!  How would she find him!?  How would she not accidentally smush him!?  He needed to get her attention as soon as possible before any of that happened.

“Now it could be that the axillary lymph nodes on the left have a more direct influence on the lactiferous ducts,” Melissa was musing, “Which would explain why the copper alloy rather than the cobalt aluminate migrated there…”

“Melisssaaaaa!” cried Steve, wrapping his arms and legs around the third knuckle of her index finger as he squeezed and squeezed with all his might, trying to get her attention.

“But I can’t forget about the beryllium,” Melissa went on, apparently not noticing Steve’s desperate entreaties, “And seeing how its predominant oxidation state is plus-two…but no, no…lower oxidation states for beryllium are extremely rare…”

“Pleeeeease!!” Steve yelled, but he quickly realized that nothing he could say would possibly be heard over the thunder of her muttering words.  Truly in dire straits now, he reverted to animal instinct and bit her as hard as he could, directly on the knuckle.

“But no, that’s the ionic bonds that we’d be talking ab…”  Melissa’s voice trailed off as she glanced down at her fingers.


She pressed the “off” button on her recorder and put it down, taking care not to move her hand as she lowered her head down close to see how small Steve was getting.  He was immensely relieved to have her attention again, even though the spectacle of her huge, descending face was more than a little disconcerting.  At 3 inches tall, her face had been gigantic to him; but now…well…he didn’t know how small he was, but her face looked a LOT bigger than it had before.

“Oh my…!” Melissa smirked, obviously quite amused as she switched back to her “special” voice so that Steve could understand her.  “Look at you, just wrapped around my finger!  Haha!  Oh…oh wait!  It’s like that song!  “Wrapped Around Your Finger.”  That song by that guy…ohhh, what’s his name?  That British guy…sort of a weird-sounding voice…but I kinda like him…oh damn, what is it?  It’s a mononym.”

“Sting!” cried Steve, who had figured that the sooner she remembered the name, the sooner she could get busy growing him back.

“Huh?” Melissa grinned down at him, turning her head and bringing her ear very close, so that it was directly next to him, as big as a cave.  “You’re gonna have to speak up Steve, now that you’re almost ant-sized.”

“Sting!!” bellowed Steve into her ear, which immediately whisked itself away as Melissa sat back up straight and nodded at him cheerfully.

“Yes!  Yes!  That’s it!” she smiled.  She screwed up her mouth, and the next moment, to Steve’s disbelief, she was singing out a quite bad, out-of-tune version of the song: “You will be…wrapped around my fingerrrrr, fingerrrrr…”

“Okay, okay…look…” said Steve, deciding that now was a good time to “unwrap” himself from Melissa’s knuckle.  “But when he turned to look down, he found, to his shock, that he actually had to jump down from where he was.  He had shrunk down so much that when his feet finally hit the desk, he was turning around to look up at the arch of her cuticle…he was smaller than her fingernail.

“Sorry, that’s all I remember from that song,” Melissa giggled.  Steve noticed that she had slowly, carefully moved her hand away from him, and that, despite her terrible singing, she had kept her voice in that special register so that he could understand her, and so that she wouldn’t hurt his ears.

‘She’s in control,’ he thought to himself, breathing a little easier.  ‘She’s klutzy and silly but…she’d never let something happen to me.’

“Mmmm, you should be about done shrinking now,” Melissa mused, gingerly putting a ruler down next to his body.  From Thomas’s perspective, as he stared up at the ruler, it may as well have been a skyscraper.  All the “little” dash marks that designated millimeters looked thick to him, thicker than his arms…and he realized that he was staring way up at a huge “1.”

‘That’s…an inch!?’ he thought desperately.

“Okaaaay, soooo…” Melissa was saying, leaning very close so that she could get an accurate measurement, “Let’s see…a liiiittle bit less than a third of an inch…looks like…yep!  8 millimeters on the dash!”

“8…millimeters!?” squeaked out Steve, unable to wrap his mind around the measurement.

“That’s right,” Melissa nodded, carefully taking away the ruler as she reached into her desk drawer for something.  “And, truth be told, a bit smaller than I was expecting, but not to worry Steve, you’re still in range.”

Still rummaging around in her desk, she paused and looked at him, smiling broadly.

“God I love that little voice of yours,” she cooed.  “I knew it was going to sound tiny, but…”  Her eyes went wide and she shook her head in affection.  “It’s so high-pitched that I can barely even hear you when I put my ear close!  I have to make my brain understand what you’re saying, if that makes any sense.”

“Oh it makes sense alright,” Steve said, a little louder, trying (and failing) to deepen his voice in the process.  “I have to deal with the same thing with you, only from the opposite direction.”  He suddenly realized that he had become quite tired, and he opened his mouth and gave a huge yawn.  It felt so strange to be yawning at a time like this, when, despite his exhaustion, his body was on high-alert.

“Theeere it is,” Melissa breathed gently down at him, closing the drawer of her desk.  “I’m actually pretty impressed that you hadn’t already curled up and taken a nap, after what your body just went through.”

“Was I…I mean, so I’m supposed to feel this tired?” Steve yawned.

“Absolutely you are,” Melissa nodded.  “The beryllium induces the synthesis of melatonin from tryptophan in an accelerated process.”

Even in his tired, weakened state, Steve couldn’t help but smile.  The way Melissa would just…throw out stuff like that…in her matter-of-fact tone, like she was describing how “an apple is red.”  She was just so funny, without even trying to be.

“You’re amused by tryptophan, huh?” she quipped, squinting at him and recognizing his smile.

“I’m amused by you,” Steve chuckled, before yawning again.  “Yuuuuhhh…okay, so anyway…this has been fun, but yyyyyyuuuuaaahhh….I think it’s time for the milk from your other nipple, to grow me back.”

“Oooo, listen to the eight-millimeter-man!” Melissa laughed, “Telling ME what it’s time for!”

“You know I didn’t mean it like that,” Steve replied, rolling his eyes.  “I just meant that I want to grow back now!  You can understand that, right Melissa!?”

“Awwwwww…but you’re such an adorable little cutie at this size,” Melissa purred, blinking down at him lovingly.  “Maybe I should just keep you like this forever…heheh…”

“That’s not even funny,” grumbled Steve.

“OR,” Melissa continued, getting excited as she cupped her left breast, “Maybe I could just drench you in more of the milk from THIS nipple, and you’d shrink down even more…smaller and smaller and smaller…until you were small enough to crawl right inside my nipple…mmmm, wouldn’t that be wonderful?  And then you could curl up and sleep on my milk ducts!  I hear they’re nice and squishy!”

“Wh-Where…where did you ever hear that!?” Steve asked, a little alarmed at how aroused he had gotten all of a sudden, against his will.

“Nowhere,” Melissa laughed, “I don’t know…it’s just an expression, right?  Like, I figure they probably would be, since, you know…”

And here she squeezed her left breast, inadvertently causing a weak line of milk to dribble down from her nipple.  This milk coalesced in front of her into a tiny little pool, and then, because the desk was slightly uneven and not exactly level, it began running down in a little rivulet, straight in Steve’s direction.

“Melissa…” he breathed, suddenly sensing danger.  It may have been a tiny rivulet of milk to her, but to him it was more of a river…a river of milk that was traveling quite fast.  It quickly became clear to Steve that he only had a few seconds to escape, and he took off running to the right in an attempt to dodge the incoming deluge.

“Uh-oh!” came Melissa’s humorous voice high over his head, “Heeeere it comes!  Go, Steve, go!  You can make it!  You can maaaake ittttt!”

He didn’t have time to process the reality that he wasn’t in any real danger, since Melissa clearly had everything under control.  In the moment, he was caught up in the pure adrenaline of his instincts, which were telling him to flee the dangerous flood that was cascading down toward him.  He actually felt the drumming vibrations of the milk in the desk under his feet…he only had a few seconds now…almost…aaaallmost…and finally, just as the flood was about to reach him, Steve managed to dive out of the way.  He lay there flat on his back, breathing hard, feeling an immense sense of relief even as Melissa’s face descended down from above, her eyes dancing with amusement.

“Woahoho that was a close one!” she giggled, putting her hand up to her mouth.  Her whole body was shaking, and Steve could tell that she was actually laughing a lot harder than it appeared.  For his own sake, she was trying hard to stifle herself, to keep herself from bursting out into a full-fledged guffaw.  After catching his breath, Steve sat up and folded his arms, looking up at her crossly.

“I’m just…heheheh…I’m sorry, Steve,” Melissa chuckled, her voice genuine despite her mirth.  “It’s just that, to see you freak out like that about a little stream of milk…to take off running and then dive out of the way…oh my god, you have no idea.  So hilarious.  And so adorable too.”

“Yeah, well you have no idea what that “little stream” looked like to me,” Steve complained.  “It was like a big…uh, raging river that was about to –”

“I know, I know,” Melissa nodded, closing her eyes as she smiled understandingly.  “I don’t mean to laugh at your expense, I really don’t.  Sometimes I just can’t help myself though.”

She fetched a tissue and, in one swift motion, wiped the entire line of milk away.  It was incredible to Steve, watching all of this up close.  He knew that what he had witnessed was a totally normal, routine cleaning job, something he had done thousands of times when he had been normal-sized.  But watching Melissa wipe that cascade of milk away, all in one instant swoop, proceed difficult to mentally process in the same way – he could no longer see that kind of action as anything routine.  Like everything else Melissa did, it was now another display of raw power, a manifestation of her ability to manipulate her environment according to her wishes…an ability Steve no longer possessed in any meaningful capacity.

But here he was, yawning again; he felt a bit silly, yawning with his arms crossed like that, so he relaxed them, just as Melissa turned back down to him, smiling gently.

“Mmm, yes, sorry about all that,” she hummed, “I know you’re tired, Steve.  Here, let me help get you to bed.”

“To…bed!?” Steve asked, trying to rouse himself a little.  “No, wait…Melissa…I already told you, I need the milk from the other side to –”

“I should’ve been more explicit before,” Melissa interrupted patiently.  “But you know how I like teasing you…anyway, the truth is, Steve, that you’ve got to wait a bit for the effects of the beryllium copper alloy to wear off before you dose yourself with the cobalt aluminate.”

“I have to wait?” Steve asked flatly.  “For how long??”

“Oh I don’t know,” Melissa answered airily, shrugging.  “A few hours, maybe?  Only time will tell.  Anyway, it all shapes up perfectly for you to have a niiiice cozy little nap in your bed, doesn’t it?”

“But I don’t want a nap,” Steve whined, yawning in the middle of his mini-tantrum, “I want to…yyyyuuugggghhhh…I want to get bigger!”

“Uh-huh,” Melissa grinned, “Yes, I know, of course you do.  But little boys don’t get bigger without their rest, now, do they?”

Steve sighed, relenting as he felt the flares of his annoyance die down.  He really was very tired…the thought of resting for a bit in his bed wasn’t the worst prospect in the world.  In any case, it didn’t sound like he had much choice in the matter.  He would have to wait a little bit until he could start getting bigger again – so he may as well be unconscious, right?

“Here,” Melissa murmured down to him softly, lifting her other hand into view, revealing that she was holding what looked like a cap from a soda bottle.  “Seeing as how it would take you about ten minutes to walk all the way back to your little house – even though it’s right over here, within my reach, haha – I figured I’d make you a little taxi cab.”

Steve realized that this was what Melissa had been rummaging around for in her desk a couple minutes before.  She set it gently down next to him, on its side, so he could see that she had coated its interior with cotton balls…or, more precisely, a single cotton ball.  Despite his tiredness, and his annoyance at her constant teasing, he felt a sudden surge of emotion.  For all of the stuff she had put him through, she really did care about him…she had bought him that fully-furnished dollhouse, she had worked hard to develop a way to reverse his shrinking, and so on…this little “taxi service” was, in a way, a microcosm of her attention to him.

‘She must have anticipated me getting even smaller,’ Steve thought, ‘So she spent time taping a cotton ball inside this bottle cap and smoothing it out, so I could “ride” in it comfortably…’

It was an adorable thing for her to have done…kind of piecemeal and awkward in her own little way, but so…”Melissa.”

“I was going to just let you hitch a ride on my finger,” Melissa was explaining to him, “But I knew that, if you did shrink, that you’d end up verrrry small, like you are now, so I didn’t want to risk anything happening to you if I had, I don’t know…a hiccup attack or something.  So I made you this!  Just so I can move you around without having to worry about you getting hurt, or sliding off my finger or something like that.”

“Uhh…thanks,” was all Steve could say, blinking at the bottle cap as he got a little choked up.  He felt a little ridiculous getting this emotional over something so simple, but it really did show that, despite his frequent complaining, he was in good hands.  He was so small now that Melissa didn’t even notice him getting choked up, and the next moment she was ushering him into the bottle cap.

“Yeah, there we go,” she said softly, “Nice and easy…just like stepping into a cloud, I bet, haha!”

“Mhm, it…yeah, it feels nice,” Steve nodded, getting himself all situated, marveling at how crazy it was that he had literally just stepped inside a bottle cap, when, to him, it appeared like he had just walked into a large room whose walls were covered with cotton.

“Okay now…brace yourself!” Melissa warned.  “I’m gonna turn the bottle cap upright again, so things will shift a little.”

Needless to say, “a little” for Melissa was “a lot” for Steve, and he found his entire world upended as Melissa gently turned the bottle cap up.  He slid down to the bottom of the bottle cap, tumbling into the mass of cotton-y white softness that Melissa had made sure was extra-thick down there.  He felt a shadow of almost complete darkness fall over him, and he looked up to see Melissa’s huge eye staring down at him, blinking slowly.

“Oh good,” he heard her say (even though he couldn’t see her mouth, or the rest of her face).  “You’re all nice and comfy, yes?”

“Yeah!” Steve called up to her, feeling strange to be speaking to an “eye,” and taking care to  talk louder, since he felt like the coton was absorbing most of the sound of his voice.

“Mhm…what a cutie,” she purred down at him, and the next moment, Steve felt a sudden movement shift, like a car that has started moving again after sitting at a red light, and he understood that Melissa was pushing the bottle cap gently across her desk, toward his dollhouse.  He expected her to push him straight up to the front door, then let him out, so he was surprised a moment later when he felt her lift the bottle cap up off the desk.  Even though she had done so carefully, it still felt like he was on a bit of a roller coaster, and he felt his stomach buoying up through his body.

“Wait, but…where…?” he started to ask, but Melissa had been keeping an eye on him and said:

“Easy there, Steve…we’re almost there…”

And the next moment, he felt the bottle cap come to a stop.  Melissa carefully tilted it to the side, and Steve saw that he was looking straight into his second-floor bedroom window.  Melissa pushed lightly on the window with her finger, opening it easily.

“Here we are!” she announced pleasantly, before trying to do her best smooth “female GPS” voice: “You have now arrived at your destination.”  But then she switched to a more serious voice and added: “Okay Steve, so…you won’t fall out, don’t worry…just move carefully, and I’ll hold this here…it’ll be a bit of a drop-down once you get inside the window, but you’ll be able to handle that…plus there’s nice soft carpet in your bedroom anyway!”

Steve did as he was told, and a few seconds later found himself tumbling down onto the carpet in his bedroom.  Melissa had been right – he had been too small to actually step down from the window sill onto the floor, but because of the carpet, it hadn’t mattered so much.  He stood up, and Melissa’s eye filled the window as she looked in.

“Everything okay?” she asked.  “All set?”

“Yeah, all set,” Steve replied, staring up at his bed.  “I think I’ll just have to, uh…you know…climb up the comforter, and then I’ll be good.”

“Oh I’d help you,” Melissa assured him, “But I think if I try and fit my finger through the window, it’s just going to be more trouble than it’s worth.”

“Yeah, I just…this shouldn’t be too hard,” Steve said.  A minute later, he was all tucked into his bed, having struggled a bit to climb up his comforter, though finally succeeding.  The huge eye blinked affectionately at him through the window.

“Sleep tight,” Melisssa cooed at him.  “You can have the other milk when you wake up.”

“Mhm,” nodded Steve, his eyes already drooping.  He felt himself quickly descending into sleep, and it seemed as if his soft bed (now oversized compared to his tiny frame) was swallowing him whole.  Within half a minute, he had passed out completely.

Steve was already opening his eyes again and yawning out when he realized, from how refreshed he felt, that he must have slept for some time…hours, probably.  The light coming in through his window had shifted – it had been brighter and more stark before, but now it was softer, mellower…afternoon light.  He stretched his arms out and yawned again.  Then, quite suddenly, a huge shadow fell across the window, and the next moment, Steve was gaping at a gigantic nipple that was filling about half of the window space.  The rest was taken up by the darker-colored areola.  Far above, Steve heard rumbling, thunderous laughter.

“Rise and shine!” Melissa was saying.  “You ready for your afternoon snack, hrmmm?”

Steve rubbed his eyes and blinked again at the incredible sight.  He had expected to banter with Melissa and endure more of her teasing before she let him have the “other” milk, but it seemed like she was eager to feed him.  He felt his cock harden as he struggled out from under his heavy covers and sat on the edge of the bed, his feet dangling far off the floor, as he began eagerly plotting how to get at the giant nipple…which had begun to slowly drool a noticeable burble of creamy white milk.

“Mmmm, take your time, okay, Steve?” Melissa’s voice echoed in his ears, gently shaking the foundations of the entire house.  “I’m not going to move.  I’m just going to stay here like this…oh I can’t wait to feel your little mouth on my nipple…ugh, it’s already making me feel…mmmm…”

She trailed off, and Steve saw her nipple visibly grow in the window.  It was so hot, just seeing a visual manifestation of her arousal, and he felt his cock get even harder, until, a minute later, when he had finally jumped down off the bed, pushed an ottoman up to the window sill, and stood on top of it, he was completely erect.  The huge nipple, over twice as big as his entire body, loomed in the window before him, almost oozing that thick white milk.  It looked so unimaginably delicious to Steve, and, this close up, he could actually smell its rich, nutty goodness.  He felt a wave of lust overtake him, and he didn’t waste any more time in gripping onto her nipple with all his strength and burying his little face directly into the opening, his hungry mouth open as he began sucking up and drinking as much of the milk as he could.

A thundering rumble overtook his ears…Melissa moaning…and the next moment, Steve was crying out in alarm as he found himself being flung backward through the air.  He landed on his back, directly in the middle of his bed, and sat up, shocked, milk dripping from his chin.  Melissa’s nipple had gotten so hard so fast, and grown so quickly, that the force of it had literally thrown him backward.  It now filled almost the entirety of the window.

“Hey, Steve!?” he heard her moan.  “I don’t feel you anymore…why’d you stop?”