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Chapter 10

The afternoon sun glinted off the stylish sunglasses of Luna and Ava as they chatted cheerfully to each other, striding down the sidewalk on their way to the main gym of the Landmark Resort.  Ava’s spill of dark black hair and Luna’s long, silver-dyed hair made for a perfect “yin-yang” combination, especially – given Luna’s 4-inch boots – that they were both 5’8.  Luna’s tight black dress hugged her curves, and left little of her large, bouncing buttcheeks to the imagination.  Ava’s purple blouse and jean shorts likewise showed off her impressive figure, though her calling card were those E-cup tits that bobbed and jiggled with every step she took.

Someone approaching the two attractive young women could have been forgiven for not noticing, in tether behind them on a leash, the small, skinny figure of a man on his hands and knees, dressed in a ridiculous black-and-white-striped dog sweater, trying his best to keep up.  Next to Luna and Ava, Thomas simply didn’t match up, especially when he was crawling along the sidewalk like he was now.  But even if he had been standing upright (which Luna had forbidden him to do), he would still have been physically outclassed, in every sense of the word, by the two girls.  At 5’2, with very little of his former muscle mass to speak of, Thomas was a veritable shell of himself.

But he didn’t feel that way – on the contrary, he was more excited than he had been in a long time, despite the chaff of the sidewalk on his knees and palms.  Before today, he had never seen Mia work out before; her perfect body had been something of a mystery to him even before she had ensnared him in her clutches and stolen his size, taking over his entire person – mind, body, and soul – in the process.  But he had just finished looking at a video of Mia in the gym, performing the most impressive workout he’d ever seen, and now…he was going to witness it in person!  It was hot outside, and all this crawling had made Thomas a bit tired out, but right now, he was sweating more from anticipation than anything else.

Just thinking about how huge Mia was now, at 6’3…how much did she weigh!?  Watching her deadlift that hulking amount of weight…what was it?  Four 45-pound plates on each side!?  Plus a couple more 25-pounders??  He began daydreaming about her strength, her power, and her ultimate superiority over him.  On one hand, it made him feel almost spiritually crushed to contemplate the depths to which he had fallen these past few weeks.  He had been 6’5, in shape…everything!  Now he was 5’2, wearing a leash, and crawling along the sidewalk, led by a former fling, Luna, and under Mia’s dominance.

‘Who am I kidding, though?’ he thought to himself, focusing on that massive, muscular, yet still feminine figure of Mia, standing there in the gym, glazed with sweat, winking at the camera.  ‘I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else right now.  I’m lucky…the luckiest guy in the world…to be owned by someone like HER.’

“Hey!” barked Luna, jostling him out of his reverie as she tugged on his leash, making him lurch forward a little, “Are you crossing the street with us or not?”

“S-Sorry!” he managed to say, bowing his head as he scampered forward on all fours.  By this time, he was used to everyone staring down at him, but crossing the street was doubly embarrassing.  He steeled himself, though, and stared up at the huge Executive Hotel building, the main complex of the Landmark Resort, where Mia’s gym was located.

“Aww, look at him,” Ava cooed as they crossed the street and stepped back up onto the sidewalk.  She bent down towards him, her black hair spilling down on either side of her tanned face, and lowered her sunglasses, so her dark, gorgeous eyes were staring straight into his.  “I think he’s getting nervous now that we’re here!”

“Psssh, nervous!?” laughed Luna, shaking her head, as the sun sparkled off the line of piercings in her ears, “Trust me, Ava – this little doggie can’t wait to get back to his owner.  Like, literally, if Thomas had a tail, it’d be wagging like crazy right now.”

“So he’s that into Mia, huh?” Ava chuckled.

“I’d say that’s a bit of an understatement,” Luna declared as she tugged Thomas along, walking through the doors into the gym.  “Just watch him when he sees her.”

Coming into this new gym, Thomas was hit with the familiar smells of iron barbells, leather, and sweat; back when he had been a “normal” person who lifted weights, he had gone to a different gym, closer to his apartment.  He had never been to the main Landmark Resort gym, and as he went through the doors, his mind unexpectedly wandered back to his former life, to his old gym, to his apartment.  He couldn’t help but feel a surreal sense of the crushing reality – the reality of what had been happening to him.  How long had it been since he had been back in his apartment?  Days?  Weeks!?  He really had no idea, and he suddenly, weirdly, thought about all the clothes for his 6’5 former self just sitting there in his apartment, folded up in drawers or hanging in the closet, their former owner diminished beyond all recognition.  How could it be that such a dramatic change could have come over him in such a short amount of time?

But his brief mind-wandering didn’t last long, because as soon as Luna and Ava led him into the main weight room, his eyes instantly fell on Mia, like they were magnetically attracted to her magnificent body.  She was sitting there on a workout bench, with her back turned, banging out easy reps of bicep curls with 40-lb dumbbells.  She was facing the wall, which was one long, giant mirror, and as soon as Thomas laid eyes on her, he could see that there was already a huge grin spread across her face.  His heart seemed to stop, and he felt the uncontrollable heat of arousal flush his face.  She was staring straight at him – her smile hit at his core, and made his limbs feel weak.  It had only been a few hours since she had left him with Luna, but Thomas felt like it had been days.  He was that hopelessly attached to her.  And seeing her now in the gym, her incredible, muscular, feminine body glazed with sweat, was almost more than he could bear.  She was only wearing a pair of skimpy black spandex shorts, which seemed stretched to the limits by her powerful thighs, and a black sports bra, which showed off her big, strong back, and her enormous tits which were perfectly complimented by her robust, vigorous arms.

Thomas felt almost emotionally overwhelmed when Mia made eye contact with him through the mirror’s reflection, and even though he was so excited to see her, his eyes naturally darted downward in a show of deference and submission.  Despite it being only a reflection of her stare, it was still enough to make him feel completely small, tiny, and overwhelmed in her presence.  He heard Ava chuckling behind him:

“Wow…you weren’t kidding, Luna!”

“I know, right!?” Luna replied, reaching down to unhook Thomas’s leash, “He’s literally salivating over her.”

“Well to be fair, so am I,” Ava declared, the admiration obvious in her voice.  Apparently she hadn’t seen Mia workout either, at least not since she’d gotten bigger.

“Yeah, kinda hard not to appreciate her, isn’t it?” Luna laughed.  The transition had been immediate – a minute before, Luna and Ava were the bosses, and now, they had joined him (though higher up in the hierarchy, of course), in admiration of the REAL boss, who was sitting in front of them.  Not able to avoid looking at her some more, Thomas’s eyes traveled slowly up from the floor, and fixed on Mia’s enormous ass, which was spilling over both sides of the workout bench she was sitting on; it was even poking through the open space in between the seat and the reclining part of the bench.  Thomas saw that the bodybuilder man, the same one who had been in the video, was sitting on the bench next to Mia, doing some shoulder presses with 60-lb dumbbells.  This man was clearly a huge, hulking person, even bigger in real life than on the video – but even though he was massive in every way, his body didn’t completely overwhelm the bench like Mia’s did.  Her ass and legs were clearly bigger than his, and it wasn’t even clear whose arms and upper body were bigger.  If Thomas was being honest, he would’ve thought that Mia was even a bit bigger there as well.

Just seeing Mia make this guy look small was enough to send Thomas straight back to full-mast.  At this point, he wasn’t even thinking about the embarrassment of showing up in a gym in a collar and dog sweater, on his hands and knees, with an erection.  He was totally focused on Mia, and the next moment, she finished her final rep, sexually grimacing at the end.  She put her dumbbells down on the floor with a large CLUNK and turned around to face them head-on, her perfect skin shining with a sheen of sweat.

“I knew it wouldn’t take my little pet long to get here,” Mia grinned, rising up off the bench and striding straight up to Thomas.  Her big, meaty legs looked so powerful, and Thomas could see her muscles flex underneath the firm jiggle of her feminine flesh as she walked up to him.  He positively cowered on the floor – she was looming above him now, her hands on her hips.  Even her sweat smelled sweet.

“I trust he wasn’t too difficult for you, Luna?” Mia asked.

“He’s the most submissive puppy a pet sitter could ask for!” laughed Luna.  “Although I could tell that he was counting the hours until he could see you again.”

“Well,” declared Mia, seeming to stand even taller and prouder as she flexed her muscles in her power-pose, “Who can blame him?  Though I have to say, Luna…both you and Ava are looking pretty good these days.”

“Aww, you’re just being nice,” smiled Ava, blushing.

“The boss gave us a compliment!” Luna chastised, playfully punching Ava in the arm.  “Just take it!”

“The two of you should come train with me sometime,” Mia said, winking at them as she turned her attention down to Thomas.  “If you’re feeling…up to it.”

For the next several seconds, Mia didn’t say anything.  She just stood there, her hands still on her hips, towering over Thomas, with a knowing, close-lipped grin on her face.  A drop of sweat dripped down off her amazing body and fell directly onto Thomas’s cheek.  It took all of his self-control not to immediately lap it up.

“Stand up, Thomas,” Mia finally said, and he immediately did so.  He found himself staring straight forward into her gigantic breasts, barely held back by her black sports bra.  Face-to-face with her glorious tits, Thomas saw that they were literally steaming.

“I’ve spent the last hour getting all pumped up for you,” Mia said in a low, soft voice, taking one step closer so that her erect nipples actually poked Thomas in the cheek.  “What do you think?  Do you like me at this size?”

“Y-yes…I…I do,” Thomas replied, nodding.  He couldn’t bring himself to look up at Mia when she was standing this close to him; he felt like if he had, he would’ve started shaking.

“Mmm, yeah, you’ve never seen me quite like this before, have you?” she continued, allowing him some more time to drink in the overpowering reality of her body.

“N-no…not like this,” Thomas breathed.  He didn’t even know how he was making noises now – his throat felt like it was bone-dry.

“And that’s just my front,” Mia teased, abruptly turning around and treating Thomas to an eye-popping view of her immense ass.  Her short black spandex left absolutely nothing of her ass’s shape to the imagination, and the next thing Thomas knew, Mia had backed into him, slowly, erotically rubbing her big cheeks up against his lower chest.  Thomas froze, and took an involuntary step back to catch his balance – even though she had backed into him gently, the sheer weight of her butt had been enough to knock him back on his heels.  But what happened next almost made Thomas lose himself completely and spray his cum all over himself.  With her massive ass pressed up against him, Mia began to bounce each cheek, one after the other, flexing them in slow succession so that they were moving in a slow, lustily languorous twerk against him.  Thomas audibly sucked in his air, holding his breath, as his face started to get red.  He could have backed up away from her ass, but he couldn’t – it seemed to hold him in place, rooted to the floor, while it worked its whiles on his captive body.

“Ooooo, look Ava!” laughed Luna, leaning in and pointing, “He’s really getting tested now.”

“Oh my god,” whispered Ava, her voice nearly tinged with concern, “Look at his face!  It looks like he’s about to pop.”

“Well…he is,” stated Luna simply.

She was right.  With every alluring, weighty bounce of her incredible ass against his torso, Thomas felt more and more of his resistance give way.  He was going to cum; there was nothing…nothing he could do to stop it.  He felt his balls seize up, and the base of his cock tightened, preparing to catapult his load.

But just then, right as he was about to shoot, Mia turned her face around, still twerking against him, and looked him dead in the eye, her full lips pursed.  She didn’t even need to say anything – the hard, unflinching sparkle in her eye told him one thing: ‘You don’t have permission.’

And just like that, it was like an invisible hand had tightened around his cock and squeezed, preventing his orgasm from happening.  Thomas gasped out in desperation, although strangely, in this moment, he felt a wave of gratitude wash over him.  She had been attentive to him; she had known exactly the effect she was having on him, and she hadn’t totally abandoned him to his weak, primal instincts.  One glance had been all that he needed to remember who controlled his cum, and when and where he shot it.

“All right, enough of that,” Mia chuckled, straightening up and turning back around to face Thomas.  “Just a little teaser for my little guy, since I knowwww how much you missed my ass.”  She reached her big hand down and ruffled Thomas’s hair, nearly palming his head as she did so.  “Why don’t you come over to the mirror with me, Thomas, hmm?  Let’s see how you measure up to me.”

Threading her finger through the leash ring on his collar, Mia gently but firmly guided Thomas over to the mirror wall.  Luna and Ava followed; they seemed to be taking turns filming what was going on.  Thomas was peripherally aware of this, and vaguely wondered what they were filming for…would it end up on the internet?  But he just couldn’t devote that much mental energy to anything other than Mia right now.

“So, let’s see,” Mia began, positioning herself next to him in front of the mirror, “You’re 5’2 now, right?”

“Mhm,” Thomas nodded.  He couldn’t believe how strong and solid her thigh looked, especially when it was directly next to his skinny body.  Could it be…that her thigh was actually as thick around as his waist!?

“And I’m 6’3…13 whole inches taller than you,” Mia purred.  Her eyes went over their bodies, going back and forth as she seemed to ponder how the measurement corresponded to the reality in the mirror.  “Hmmm, you know, that’s a big number,” she mused after another few moments, “But it seems…like it isn’t enough.”  She tilted her head to the side, sticking her tongue into the side of her cheek.  Thomas noticed that her sharp nails were painted black, perfectly matching her spandex.  Had she done that earlier today, after she left him with Luna?

“Maybe it’s just because I’m so much bigger than you all around,” Mia chuckled.  “Here, give me your best double-biceps pose, Thomas.  Haha, come on!  Show me those big guns!”

Feeling wildly silly, both next to Mia and in the general gym environment, Thomas held up his arms and flexed them.  His dog sweater, though small, wasn’t exactly tight on his arms, and so his actual biceps were invisible.

“Oh no, no, that’s no good!” laughed Mia, and she bent down, using her long, strong fingers to roll up the sleeves of his sweater until his upper arms came into view.  Thomas winced to himself.  He had already looked tiny compared to her, but now that his arms were actually showing, he didn’t just look tiny – he looked pathetic.

“Theeere we go!” cooed Mia, standing back up.  “There’s those big, manly arms!  Haha, come on Thomas!  Flex em’ for me!  Give it your all!  Show me how biigggg you are!”

As she teased him, Mia slowly lifted up her own arms and flexed them.  Thomas felt like he could almost hear her skin tightening around her muscles as they swelled outward.  The comparison was ridiculous.  Thomas was almost too embarrassed to look, but he couldn’t manage to tear his eyes away.

“Boop, boop, boop!” Mia laughed playfully, bouncing her biceps with each word.  “Can you do that, Thomas?  Haha come on, put on a show!  Make them dance like mine!”

Try as he might, Thomas couldn’t accomplish much by flexing.  Whether flexed or unflexed, his biceps looked more or less the same.  Ava was the one filming now, and she bent in, bringing  the camera in tight to get a close-up view of Thomas’s arms.

“Wow…almost no change at all,” she murmured.  “Thomas, looks like you need to work out more, haha!”  She rose up and started filming Mia’s arms, and had to take several steps back to get the entirety of her muscles in the shot.  Luna, meanwhile, was chatting up the muscle guy who had been working out with Mia before.  “I actually had a little fling with that guy a while back,” she was saying, pointing over to Thomas.  “Can you believe that?”

“Not really, no!” the man laughed, though his expression was uneasy as he watched Thomas struggle to hold it together next to Mia.

“Well back then he was 6’5, and looked…a lot more like you,” Luna said flirtatiously.

“Aaaand Luna’s working her magic,” Ava chuckled, providing more commentary on the video.  “And ooooh, look at this leg comparison!”

Mia had lined her thigh up next to Thomas’s, and was flexing it while placing a big hand on Thomas’s shoulder, gently encouraging him to do the same.  Thomas’s erection was painfully obvious, but Mia only seemed intent on making it grow even more with her merciless teasing.

“Are you seeing this, Thomas?” she was murmuring down to him, her voice barely above an incredulous whisper, “Do you see how small you are compared to me?”

“Y-yes,” breathed Thomas, his cheeks burning crimson from a turgid combination of embarrassment and arousal.

“Here, I’m actually curious about something,” Mia pondered, and her eyes traveled over to the barbell on the floor next to them, which was still fully weighted-up from the deadlifts Mia had been doing before.  She walked over to it, counting the iron plates on either side.

“Soooo…four 45’s plus a 25 on each side,” she hummed, “Plus bar, which is 45…that makes 455!”  And positioning herself right at the middle of  the bar, she bent down, drew back her shoulders, and proceeded to bang out a series of five solid reps.  Only the last one looked marginally difficult, and Mia still managed to pull it up without straining too hard.  Each time she dropped the weight down ( in a controlled motion), Thomas felt the floor shake beneath him.  It was an unimaginably heavy weight, and she was only barely breaking a sweat.


Mia dropped the weight down on her final rep and stood there, fanning herself as she wiped her brow.

“Whoooo I felt those!” she laughed, “How many sets was that, Mikey?”

“Uhm…” answered the muscled guy, who had been immersed in Luna’s advances, “That was…damn Mia, that was your fifth set!  I don’t know how you do it!”

“Mind power, Mikey!” Mia declared, pointing to her head, before smirking down at Thomas.

“Okay, now you!” she ordered, pointing to the bar.

“M-Me!?” Thomas stammered, befuddled.

“Yes, you!” Mia smiled.  “I wanna see you try and lift it!”

Thomas knew that there was no way he could lift that weight, but Mia had given him a command, and so he stepped up, bent down, and pulled with all his might.  He may as well have been trying to move the Statue of Liberty – the weight didn’t budge.

“Okay, okay!” Mia laughed, “Enough of that, Thomas – I don’t want you to hurt yourself!  Here, maybe if I take three plates off each side, you’ll rediscover your former strength.”

She propped the bar up on a deadlift jack, took off the two 25-lb plates, and then swiftly removed two 45-lb plates from each side.  Thomas was amazed watching her do this – she was effortlessly whisking around the plates, one in each hand, like they didn’t weigh anything at all.  Ava, Luna, and Mikey were all watching in awe, clearly entertained.

“There!  Now it’s only 225,” Mia said kindly, stepping back and putting her hands on her hips.  “Surely you can lift that, Thomas – go ahead!”

Thomas felt a bit nervous, but Mia’s encouragement had lit a fire in him.  She was right – he could totally lift this!  Even though he was much smaller and weaker now, this was still a pretty low deadlift weight compared to what he had been lifting before.

‘I still have my mind-muscle connections!’ he reminded himself as he bent down and wrapped his fingers around the bar, ‘I can do this!’

He gritted his teeth and lifted the bar up, and he heard it click against the weights…and then…nothing.  To his horror, Thomas realized that 225 pounds may as well have been 455 – it didn’t seem to make much of a difference.  He still could not budge the bar.

“Oh…that’s disappointing,” Luna teased, shaking her head.

“Yeah, I thought he’d at least be able to move it,” Ava muttered, but then she brightened up, smiling and saying, “Aww, good effort, Thomas!”

“I…I c-can’t move it,” Thomas panted up desperately at Mia.

“I know, sweetheart,” Mia cooed down at him.  She propped the bar up on the jack again.  “Let’s see…I’ll take two more 45’s off.  We’ll make it 135 – I know you can move that.”

Now Thomas was sure that he would succeed.  There was no way he was going to let Mia down two times in a row.  He gripped the bar, set his legs, and lifted…or at least, he tried to lift.  The bar finally came up off the floor, but it only hovered there, a few inches up, with Thomas’s arms shaking from the effort.  His legs burned fruitlessly, and he could feel the tension building in his neck.

“Oh my god,” Luna intoned, putting her hand up to her mouth, “Look at his face!”

“He’s gone beet-red,” whispered Ava, looking concerned.  Mia was watching the whole thing with her arms crossed under her huge breasts, an inscrutable smile on her face.  It wasn’t at all clear what she was thinking, but it was perfectly obvious that she was in charge, and directing all the action.  She let Thomas struggle for a few more moments before finally bringing the fun to an end.  From Thomas’s perspective, he was looking straight down, despairing in the midst of his weakness, when he saw two large, strong-looking, black-clawed, feminine hands grip the bar on either side of where he was holding on.

“You tried, honey,” Mia whispered in his ear, giving his lobe a hungry flick with her tongue, “That’s all that matters.  Now let go.”

Thomas did as he was told, and then – *WHOOOSH*  He felt his hair whip in the wind, and, looking down, he saw that the bar suddenly wasn’t there anymore.  Thomas blinked at the floor, and then turned his head upward.  His mouth dropped open when he saw that Mia had snatched the weight up off the floor and easily lifted it above her head.  She was standing there, the barbell almost touching the ceiling, with her strong arms not even shaking from the effort.

“Just a little snatch-and-grab before our cooldown, Thomas,” Mia grinned, winking down at him.  Ava and Luna were clapping, and Mikey was just standing there, amazed.  “It’s like…nothing at all to her!” he whispered to Luna.

“Yeah?  Does she make you feel weak?” Luna asked.

“I mean, I think she makes everyone feel that way,” Mikey said simply.

“Well answered,” Luna nodded, “I think you and I should grab a drink sometime.”

“Sooo, while Luna and Mikey set up their date,” Ava narrated to the camera, “I’ll just show you guys Mia’s cooldown with her little pet.  Cooldowns are an important part of the process, people!  It’s important to bring the heat rate and body temperature down!”

“You tell em’ Ava,” chimed Mia, who had started two treadmills on the same “cooldown” speed, hopping on one and indicating to Thomas that he should do the same on the other one.  Mia’s strides were long, strong, and graceful, showing off her pumped-up ass cheeks…but Thomas was having all kinds of problems.  He was struggling to keep up, and to make matters worse, his erection was getting in the way of his running.  After a few minutes of this, Mia turned off her treadmill and hopped off – but she didn’t let Thomas stop.  Instead, she placed a blocker at the back of his treadmill so that there was no way he could easily get off without jumping sideways…and he knew he didn’t have her permission to do that.

Mia sauntered over to the front of Thomas’s treadmill, and regarded his efforts with a pursed-lip smile.  Thomas knew that he was getting to his breaking point, when he would simply collapse, so all that he could muster up was:

“Please…Mistress…I beg you – l-let me stop!”

“Oh Thomas!” Mia chuckled, rolling her eyes as she flashed her white teeth in a delighted, sunny smile, “The “stop” button’s right there!  All you gotta do is press it to turn it off!”

Thomas reached for the red button, relieved, but at the last second, Mia leaned over onto the treadmill dashboard, resting her huge tits over the stop button.   Especially in his weakened state, Thomas had no hope of moving those behemoths, and he gripped the treadmill railings, his tongue lolling out in exhaustion, as he stared up at Mia with an increasing sense of desperation.  Mia simply blew him kisses, her eyes twinkling at him sweetly.  Thomas actually felt the wind of Mia’s kisses as little gusts of wind, which blew his hair back and made his eyes water.

“Mmmmwah!” she moaned at him, blowing him kiss after kiss as she licked her plush lips suggestively after each one.  “Mwwwwwwah!  Mwah!  Mwah!  Mwahhh!  Mwwaaaaahhh!”

Thomas’s legs were shaking now, and his vision was beginning to swim before his eyes.  Those kisses, those moaning sounds, the sweet smell of her sweat, the image of her huge, splayed tits, and the gently-twerking massive ass behind her crouching, statuesque figure all combined into an all-encompassing dominant force that Thomas couldn’t withstand any longer.  He felt his legs give way completely, as his vision started to go dark.  But he didn’t fall forward on the treadmill.  Instead, he felt his organs rearranging themselves inside him as Mia snatched him up off the treadmill, her hands going all the way around his upper arms, before she held him against her big shoulder, so that he was looking behind her.  Luna was already leaving the gym, arm-in-arm with Mikey, and Ava was there filming the last of the scene.

“That’ll be all for now Ava,” Mia declared.  “Good work today!  Send me the file before you post it.”

“You got it, boss!” Ava nodded, winking at Thomas and waving goodbye as she put down her phone.

“Me and this little guy are going up to the Burgundy Suite,” Mia growled sexily into Thomas’s ear, “And he’s gonna undress me.”



Love me some gym-time size comparisons. Joyce Julep in true form. Loved it!

Joyce Julep (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-18 18:20:46 Thanks Steve! I really do love writing gym scenes -- for some reason they're especially sexy to me. Comparisons in the rawest form on public display! <3
2023-05-14 03:44:42 Thanks Steve! I really do love writing gym scenes -- for some reason they're especially sexy to me. Comparisons in the rawest form on public display! <3

Thanks Steve! I really do love writing gym scenes -- for some reason they're especially sexy to me. Comparisons in the rawest form on public display! <3


Just keeps getting better and better 👏👏👏