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Hey everyone!  As usual, this chapter is going to be really long, so I thought I'd post the first part here to give you guys an idea of what's coming up.  I'm planning on posting the complete chapter here in the next week or so.  Enjoy! <3 <3   

Chapter 29

Just over a month later, Brooke was sitting on the large, plush black couch that she and Lucas had bought the weekend before.  This couch, along with the accompanying lampstand, was one of the only pieces of furniture in the otherwise bare and spacious living room.  The only other furniture was a large entertainment center, which housed a flatscreen TV tuned to Brooke’s favorite romantic comedy show.  The newly-polished hardwood floors, extending far out on all sides, reflected the warm golden light emanating from the stylish chandelier above, and the elegant yet homely lamp beside the sofa.  These bare luxury hardwood floors, like the high industrial black ceilings, called out for decoration and enhancement – the same was true of the open kitchen beside the living room, which, though it was graced by a marble-countertop island, still managed to look spartan and unfinished.

The truth, though, was that the house was more or less brand new, fresh off the market – Lucas and Brooke had bought it only a week before, and hadn’t really even started moving all their things in yet.  The movers had stacked up their boxes in the corners of the kitchen, living room, and bedroom, and, given their busy work schedules, neither Lucas nor Brooke had felt like they had the energy to start unpacking yet.  Whenever they both got home, Brooke usually made herself dinner, like she had done tonight, with Lucas dawdling close by her, making small talk as he stared blatantly at her enormous H-cup tits.  Sometimes he even stood behind her, his 4-foot frame totally dwarfed by her 5’5 body, complete with some light curves that he had given her thanks to the Device, and fondled her big ass, and reached around and cupped her mammoth breasts.

“Heyyyy come on!” Brooke would giggle, knocking him backward with an effortless thrust of her ass against his chest, “You know that you can’t have your dinner before I have mine!”

And now that Brooke was lounging on their new black sofa, watching TV, her empty pasta bowl sitting on the lampstand, Lucas was nestled in, right where he was at this time, every night of the week: his little body was curled up in the fetal position, his sideways legs straddling Brooke’s fleshy stomach.  She had pulled her oversized t-shirt up so that her H-cups could breathe freely; they hung there side by side in their own glory, practically taking up her entire upper-half, and reaching down so low that they almost reached her lap.  And that’s precisely where Lucas was now – his head was buried in Brooke’s lap, his mouth latched tightly around the firm, erect nipple of Brooke’s right breast, suckling away to his heart’s content.

As Lucas sucked, Brooke lovingly stroked her fingers through his hair as she watched her favorite show.  She felt so lucky to have a boyfriend like Lucas – kind, considerate, waaaay smarter than her, of course, but always willing to help her through the more difficult parts of her job.  She was getting better at it every day, she knew she was…just the other day, Dave, the big boss, had smiled at her as he walked past her in the hall, giving her the ‘thumbs-up’ sign.  That must’ve meant she was doing alright at things, right!?  Though Ryan had seemed pretty stressed lately…maybe even annoyed at her?  She couldn’t really tell…and when she had taken the elevator with Rick the other day, he had given her this strange look, almost like he wanted to say something, but didn’t.  Was it because she was behind on the flow charts?

‘No, no, it’s the weekend!’ she reminded herself, tightening her hand slightly around Lucas’s little head and giving it a playful rub before resuming lacing her hands through his hair.  ‘Remember what Lucas said – leave work stuff at work!’

She hummed pleasantly, jostling herself a little deeper into the couch.  She felt Lucas’s body give way with hers, as he slid further into his lap.  Her nipple briefly popped out of his mouth, but his lips latched back around it almost instantly.

“Ooop!  It came out there for a second!” Brooke chuckled, “You got it?”

“Mhm,” Lucas mumbled, totally lost in the ecstasy of her milk.  It was all he could manage not to suckle on her glorious tits every minute at work, and it was only because of Brooke’s superior size and strength that it didn’t happen more often.  It wasn’t at all uncommon for her to push him away, giggling, while she was in the middle of a phone call or an email, with a “Not now, Lucas!  Haha laaaater!  When we get home!”

But when they were, in fact, home, Brooke had no affectations of modesty – or a nascent sense of professionalism – to worry about.  She was only too happy to bare her breasts for her precious little boyfriend, who obviously was very into her.  It made her feel wanted…and sexy…plus it also gave her this strange, wonderful sense of providing for him.  She wondered why Lucas had warned her not to talk about this aspect of their relationship with their co-workers.  As far as she was concerned, especially since it was a common practice among couples, she felt like she should be free to express how good it felt when he drank her milk.  But, as always deferring to him (he had the brains, after all!), she had kept it all a secret.

“Thaaaat’s it,” she whispered down at him, resuming lacing her hand through his hair.  “Drink me down, Lucas.  Fill your little tummy with my milk.  It’s been a long week, and you need to replenish your strength.  I want to make sure you’re aaaaall nice and full.”

“Mmrggyeah,” Lucas mouthed through her nipple, and he straddled her even more intently, shutting his eyes.  He felt her smooth breast flesh and the gentle pings of her erect areolae, as the all-encompassing heat of her body seemed to wrap around him, cloaking him in its gentle, loving embrace.  This is exactly where he wanted to be – it was bliss…but even still, he still couldn’t help but open one eye, every once in a while, to check on the device.  Never very far away from him, it was sitting on a sofa cushion, within reach.  Part of him wanted to grab the device, open up the “breast” tab, and just hold the growth button down, but thus far he had actually (in his mind, at least) done a pretty good job containing these kinds of impulses.  Like flashes of an addict’s cravings, they blazed up like fire, but often were gone within a few minutes, if he could force himself to wait them out.  He hadn’t grown her any taller; he hadn’t grown her breasts beyond their H-cups; he hadn’t even made her more intelligent…though strangely, the “intelligence” tab was the one he was most tempted to tamper with.  The memories of Brooke as smarter than him…then way smarter than him…and then…well, the surpassing goddess she had become – they nearly drove him wild with lust.  The knowing, dominant way she had looked at him, smiled at him, and the ravishing way her eyes had flashed at him…it was all almost too much to bear, even remembering it all.

But he wasn’t ready for any of that again – not by a longshot.  And so, during the past few weeks, he had managed to keep his urges at bay.  He wondered, though, somewhere in the back of his milk-addled mind, how long he could keep this resistance up before he crumbled again completely.  But just to remind himself that he was still in charge of the whole situation, he had kept Brooke’s breasts as H-cups, even though she was “only” 5’5.  Of course, from his perspective, she was huge, but her breast-to-body ratio was noteworthy – but even still, neither Brooke nor anyone else at work had commented on them.  Once again, reflecting the sheer power of the device, they all went on about their business as if things had always been this way.

A couple minutes later, Lucas felt his stomach becoming bloated; even though he knew Brooke had more to give him, he didn’t want to go to bed with too much in his stomach.  He had made that mistake a few nights ago – in the middle of sex, he had been forced to excuse himself to the bathroom to catch his breath and re-gather himself.  With Brooke bouncing her much-larger body on his cock (with her head thrown back with abandon, as she whispered “Yes!  Yessss!! Over and over), it was hard enough to keep himself together, but with a stomach full of milk, it was too overwhelming.  He had felt like he was going to pop in all different kinds of ways at once, and it hadn’t exactly been pleasant.

‘See?’ he thought to himself, unlatching his mouth from her nipple and snuggling up to the upper portion of her huge tit, ‘I’m learning…and I’m still totally in control.  I can decide when I’ve had enough.”  From his snuggling position, he glanced up at Brooke’s face.  She had become intent on her show; Lucas saw the reflections of the moving pictures in her green eyes.  They were still green, though not nearly as profoundly, piercingly green as before.  Lucas had toyed with the idea of making their color richer (it was an option on the device), but he hadn’t done it.  Even a small change like that felt dangerous to him.  There wasn’t much doubt in his mind that one small change would lead to another, and then a larger change, and then before he knew it, he would have totally lost control of the situation.  No – this time, he was determined to keep it all under wraps, and keep their relationship just as it was.  He liked it like this, and he knew Brooke did too.

“Jennifer – don’t you understand!?” pleaded a male character on the screen, “I love you just for you, you know??  Just as you are!  You didn’t need to get a boob job for me!”

“Aww Miiiike!” cried the female character, “You’re so sweet!  Although…I mean…don’t you like them?”

There was a pause, and Lucas heard Mike sigh: “Well, if this is how it’s gonna be from now on, I just think I could manage to tolerate them.”

Canned laughter followed, and Lucas felt Brooke’s flesh jiggle slightly against him.  She was giggling.

“Oh Mike, come onnnn,” Brooke laughed, shaking her head, “You like them!  Don’t pretend!”

Lucas was still looking up at Brooke’s face, and he was experiencing such a rushed mix of emotions that it was hard for him to pinpoint one in particular.  She really wasn’t too bright these days (he had kept her IQ at 81), and this showed in just about every facet of life, from her difficulty in grasping concepts at work to the kind of humor she enjoyed.  In just about every sense of the word, Lucas now thought of Brooke as “simple.”  And yet, despite her slower mind, and despite her toned-down features, it was still her.  It was Brooke.  Lucas had fallen for her a long time ago, and even though it had been an adjustment having to deal with this “scaled-back” Brooke, he couldn’t deny that he was still obsessed with her.  In love with her, even.  Sometimes he felt guilty about controlling her, lying to her, and otherwise keeping her in the dark about what was actually happening – and about what had happened before.  This guilt was exacerbated whenever her low IQ was particularly obvious at work, and he could see, on her face, the strain of her efforts to understand whatever was being thrown her way.  But he was glad to be there to help her through these situations.  He had learned to ride the feeling of guilt out, not unlike his method of dealing with the flashing urges to alter her mind and body with the device.

And anyway, the life they had together now was wonderful – he was happy, and she was happy.  What more could she want?  She had a cushy job at one of the leading software firms in the state…in the nation, really…and a loving boyfriend who was there to look out for her, to take care of her every need, and, of course, to give her the best sex she could ask for.  He warmed inside, smiling to himself as he remembered Brooke’s huge tits bouncing up and down the other night as she rode his dick.

‘She certainly seems pretty happy with things,’ Lucas thought to himself.  He was beginning to get excited about bedtime, and he could feel his cock starting to stir as he contemplated what they would do together once they turned out the lights.  ‘Maybe I’ll have her lie on her back tonight,’ he thought ambitiously, licking his lips without even realizing it, ‘And then I can give it to her good and watch her arch her neck and listen to her moan…maybe I can even suck on her nipple at the same time!  The way she sounds, when she’s moaning, and her tits are moving…’

“Mike is such a nice guy,” Brooke was saying to him, gently palming the back of his head with her hand as she shook it lightly, “Don’t you think so?”

“I…uhh, sure,” Lucas answered, not knowing the slightest thing about Mike despite having sat in front of the show all week long.  Brooke turned her head to the side and smiled down at him.  Lucas felt like there was a lump in his throat; he knew it was his imagination, but whenever Brooke looked straight at him like this, her eyes looked greener than they had before.

“Just.  Like.  You!” Brooke declared, scrunching up her nose at him as she tapped him on the forehead with her finger.

“It’s…it’s easy to be nice to you!” Lucas chuckled, trying to move his head away from Brooke’s teasing taps.  He caught up her free hand in his and interlaced fingers.  Her hand was huge compared to his, but despite the size difference, the way Lucas navigated the exchange showed that he was the one leading.  Whenever he took Brooke’s hand like this, she offered no resistance, and her mouth always opened a little as she blinked.  She loved it when they held hands.

“Because you’re such a sweetheart,” Lucas continued, squeezing her hand tightly as he looked up into her eyes.  These conversations felt the best to him, because they were absolutely pure and genuine.  “And you deserve to have someone who takes care of you.”

“A cute little guy to suck on my titties!” Brooke laughed, threading her other hand underneath the hefty weight of her free breast and jiggling it in his face.  Lucas’s eyes went wide in the midst of all the shaking flesh, and he very nearly leaned forward to latch onto that fat pink nipple nodding and bobbing in front of his mouth.  But he remembered his full stomach, and instead turned upward towards her mouth, rising up to a sitting position in her lap.  As Brooke saw his mouth approaching hers, she stopped laughing, blinked, and froze, her lips slightly open in thrilled expectation.  Lucas was going for her mouth in a purposefully-slow trajectory, and the closer their lips came together, the faster their hearts started beating.  He stopped when his lips were only inches away from hers and his eyes darted up to hers.  Her face was flushed red as she looked down at him, with her mouth still slightly open, waiting with bated breath for him to kiss her.  Electricity seemed to crackle in the space between their lips.

Brooke breathed out a short, quick exhale, as her H-cups rose and fell with increasing speed up against Lucas’s body.  He was rock-hard now, and felt his eyebrows crease together as he exhaled after her – he couldn’t keep her waiting, the next moment he went in for the kiss.  Brooke opened her mouth wider to receive him, and the softness of her lips overcame his as their mouths joined together.  Even though Lucas was directing the speed and intensity of the exchange, Brooke’s mouth and lips were just so much larger that they effortlessly seemed to absorb his.  She moaned out in soft, liquid passion, her eyebrows went up, and her eyes closed, the kiss deepening with every passing second.  Lucas kept his eyes open as they kissed, but with his lids drooped slightly, to savor the sight of Brooke lost in the midst of her passion.  He loved seeing her melt like this, and give herself to him.  He kissed even deeper, going at the interior of his mouth with his tongue, to which Brooke shyly reciprocated with her much-larger tongue.  She was still a bit self-conscious of “tongue kissing” on her end, since she had told Lucas that she had never really known what to actually do with her tongue, but he had reassured her that everything was okay, and that all she had to do was follow his lead.

“Mrrraauugh…Lucas…” Brooke whispered, engulfing both of his shoulders with her hands as she squeezed him and pulled him in closer to her.  Lucas still couldn’t get over how big her hands were compared to his little shoulders, and how they seemed like nothing more than tiny tennis balls in her grasp.  Right now, though, he was paying more attention to how active Brooke was behaving.  She usually just sat there and let him kiss her, as she breathed heavily in arousal, kissing him back.  But now she was actually pulling him into her, and her tongue was taking on a new role as well.  For the first time, instead of timidly running itself along his lower lip, Brooke’s tongue was beginning to explore the rest of his mouth, slowly at first, and then with increasing vigor.  She was moaning louder into him, as her tongue thrashed around inside his mouth, easily batting his tongue to the side every time, as she pulled him even tighter into him.

“I love you..” Brooke breathed into his mouth, and then went in even harder.  “I love you, mrrrghhh I love you…I…mrrrrggghh love you….”  Her huge breasts mashed around both sides of his body, and her left hand unclenched from his shoulder and splayed itself out below his neck, in between his shoulder blades,, easily covering half of his upper back.  Lucas could feel her body slowly pushing the air out of his lungs as she pulled him tighter and tighter into her body.  Her erect nipples were pressing hard into his lower stomach, to the point where it was almost painful.

“I lllllvvvv yyyu thhooo,” mumbled Lucas through her lips.  He hadn’t anticipated her getting so overtaken by her own desire, but he wasn’t complaining.  He just had to make sure that he kept his own arousal under control – he didn’t want to accidentally cum in his pants before they had sex in bed.  Squeezing his arms around her in response, he tried to reciprocate, as much as he could, the amorous intensity of her embrace.  This made Brooke even more excited, and she wrapped her arm around him completely, weighing him down and bending his body back as she thrust her tongue even deeper into his mouth.

Lucas closed his eyes.  He could almost pretend…almost…that this was the former Brooke, the one who took immense pleasure in dominating him, teasing him, pushing him to the edge over and over again.  Their current size difference made it so that, in these intense moments together, he could almost imagine that she was taking him, overpowering him, and driving him to the brink of orgasm without even touching his cock.  But in the midst of pretending, he couldn’t help but feel that same twinge of guilt – she had no memory of any of that, and couldn’t have known that he was imagining these things right now.  She was kissing him and only him, not some idealization or past version of him.  Her behavior and intentions were pure; his were not.  Everything he did was tainted by what had been before, by that device that peeked out at him from behind a pillow on the sofa.

Brooke moaned again, slightly easing up.  Had she sensed that she was a bit too much for him?  Lucas really couldn’t tell.  She transferred her hand from his back to his head, and she gently caressed it, running her fingers through his hair as she palmed the back of his skull.  Lucas felt himself melt again at her touch; the way she was behaving indicated that she was growing more physically confident in the relationship, and feeling less self-conscious about herself.  A second later, though, she made a little inadvertent hiccup sound, and froze.  Lucas knew what was happening – she didn’t know whether she had accidentally broken the sexual tension.  It was his turn now to lean in and kiss her deeper, as his hands dug into the soft, pillowy flesh of her breasts.

‘But I AM kissing her!’ he thought to himself as he shut his eyes again, taking in the warmth of her flesh all around him, and the sweet scent of her skin beginning to slightly sweat.  ‘I still love HER, even if she’s different than before.  I’m not living a lie at all – this is real.  It doesn’t even matter that she doesn’t remember what happened before.  All that’s important is what we’re doing right here, right now, the two of us, together.’

Brooke had started flicking her tongue against his, as her hand went through his hair.  Her other hand clasped over the breast he was kneading, covering his hand completely and pushing it deeper into the soft mass of her tit.  Lucas suddenly felt even more hyper-aware of the size of her body than usual, and, in the midst of her passion, she was manhandling him without even realizing it.  His eyes darted back up to hers, and saw that they were still closed, though enough of her bottom lids remained open for Lucas to see the whites of her eyes.  Then Brooke shifted and her eyelids fluttered upwards briefly, and Lucas still saw only the whites – her eyes were rolled back in her head.  Something inside him spasmed and broke, and he felt the base of his cock surge; he reached down and clamped his hand around the base of his dick, to keep himself from cumming.  At the same time, he tried pulling away from Brooke, laughing:

“Okay, ooookay, haha…easy now!”

Brooke abruptly opened her eyes and blinked, looking down at him in slight confusion.

“What is it?” she asked, her voice tinged with concern.  “Did I mess up?”

“Noooo, no!” Lucas exclaimed, shaking his head energetically as he held both of her much-bigger hands in his, “Not at all!  Like…the opposite, haha!”

Brooke looked at him for a few seconds with her brow furrowed, but then she seemed to understand and her face relaxed into a smile.

“Ohhhh, so you mean you liked it…too much?” she asked, her eyes sparkling.  Lucas nodded.  Somehow, in these moments when they were being intimate, her slowness was actually a turn-on for him.  He couldn’t really understand why – if he had thought hard enough about it, he might have realized that it had something to do with Brooke being able to turn him on in ways that she didn’t even understand.  In his sex brain, her ignorance translated to “effortlessness,” and that was all he needed to get his submissive juices flowing.  But Lucas wasn’t in the habit of examining his own motivations too deeply, especially when they suggested that he wasn’t as “in charge” as he thought he was.

Brooke’s eyes squinted up affectionately as she giggled down at him.  Her face was still flushed from their make-out session, and her chest was still rising up and down faster than normal.  Lucas had already drank from them for over an hour tonight, but…those tits…the way they jiggled whenever Brooke breathed, or moved…he had to turn and look at the TV to try and distract himself.  Brooke did the same, following his lead.  The episode was finishing up – “Mike” and “Jennifer” were making out in the middle of a restaurant, not caring at all about the open-mouthed people who were staring at them.  The camera zoomed in on Jennifer’s fake breasts, and cut to the credits just as Mike started to fondle them.

“Awww that’s so cute!” Brooke exclaimed.  “Look at them, kissing just like we were!”

“Yeah, that’s…it’s very cute,” Lucas agreed.

“And Jennifer’s new boobs!” continued Brooke.  “Wow!  They really look big in that dress, huh?”

“Not nearly as big as yours,” replied Lucas automatically.  He had picked up the device, almost out of habit, and was flipping through it – not because he was intent on changing anything, of course.  Oh no, he was definitely not going to be doing that.  He had been on a good run and wasn’t planning on delving into that temptation anytime soon.  It was just fun for him to look at her stats, and to feel the smooth, well-crafted technology in his hands.  Everything about this device seemed to draw him in: the smooth, cool feel (which never even got warm when he had been using it continuously), the friendly blinking lights that seemed to redirect him wherever he was in the mood for (breasts, arms, IQ, freckles, eyes, hair color…), the soft little sounds and vibrations that emerged from the device when he turned it on or off, or when he switches the “pages” he was looking at.  Again, he hadn’t thought too deeply about the effect the device was having on him…maybe because he didn’t want to know.  But, bit by bit, he was falling under the device’s “spell,” if it could be called that.  Every sensory aspect of the surpassingly advanced technology hit him in just the right spot.  He wasn’t too far away from having an actual conversation with the device itself.

“Mine really are big, aren’t they?” Brooke asked, cupping her boobs in her hands and shaking them.  “Bigger than anyone’s in the office.”

“They’re amazing,” stated Lucas simply, glancing up briefly from the device at her tits before looking back down again.  He was feeling the urge now…spurred by the makeout, he really wanted to grow her tits bigger.  Just a cup size, maybe?  Just a bit larger?  His hand hovered over the “breasts” tab (which he found himself on, without remembering flipping to it), but he quickly whisked it away with his finger, swallowing the lump that had developed in his throat.  He had to stay strong; he was in charge…he was in control.

“What if we kissed like that?” Brooke blurted out suddenly, pointing at the TV.

“Huh?” Lucas asked blankly, staring up.  “Like what?”

“Like Jennifer and Mike!” smiled Brooke, “At the end of the episode!  They just started kissing each other in the middle of the restaurant, and they didn’t even care that people were staring!”

“Yeah, ehah, that’s pretty daring of them, isn’t it?” Lucas chuckled.  Internally, though, something was happening.  An image had shot up suddenly in his mind: a candlelit restaurant, having to move to a new table, a 20 out of 10 Brooke calmly shedding her jewelry onto the table because she was growing too big for it, her dress stretching, her thighs growing so big that they tilted up the table, her body seeming to swallow the chair she was in…and all the while, those brilliant green eyes flashing down at him sardonically, mocking him with her surpassing intelligence.  Her amused voice echoed in his head – ‘Are you a breast man, Lucas?’ – and then, even more intensely, the soft, cooing rush of her voice in his ear when she had lowered her breasts to him, and popped her nipple into his mouth in the restaurant: ‘Focus on me…focus on THESE.’

“I know I wouldn’t care!” Brooke declared happily, back in the present.  “I don’t like to be all touchy with you at work, because it’s…co-workers, you know?  Haha I still feel so self-conscious around them, because they’re all so nice and smart, and…I don’t want them to think I’m just slacking off all day, playing around with you!”

“W-Wouldn’t…want that,” Lucas muttered.  His hands were starting to shake slightly, holding the device.

“But at a restaurant!” Brooke finished, her eyes going wide with imagination, “It’s just a bunch of strangers!  Maybe they’d see us kiss and feel more relaxed around their date or husband or whoever.”

“I’m not s…uhm…well yeah, maybe they would,” agreed Lucas, figuring that he’d rather not discuss the nuances of that particular idea.  He suddenly found himself staring down at the “IQ” tab on the device.  An even stronger desire to slightly increase her intelligence swept over him.  But he wouldn’t do it – no, he would be strong.  The urge would pass.  But he couldn’t get that memory of Brooke out of his mind, at that restaurant with him so long ago, when she had demolished his ego in a way he didn’t even believe was possible.

Brooke sighed out happily and turned off the TV.  Lucas thanked his stars – going to bed was the best thing for him right now.  He could blow off all this tension in his mind with some glorious, boob-shaking sex with Brooke.  He was absolutely going to have her lay on her back this time.  He could already see them jiggling and gyrating as he plowed into her.  He might even be able to go twice tonight.

“Now for some ice cream!” Brooke smiled, lugging herself up off the sofa.  Lucas was always amazed at how easily she could move her body – she wasn’t just that much bigger than him.  She was that much stronger too.  But he was already pushing this thought aside, as he needed to assert his plans for the evening more directly.

“Aww, babe, why don’t we just go to bed?” he ventured.  “All that kissing…it…haha, it really got me amped up for something…if you know what I mean?”

He was already in the habit of making the obvious even more obvious to her, since she didn’t always know what he was implying.  But she needed no help this time, and shook her finger at him while shooting him a chastising grin.

“Now hold your horses, mister!” she laughed.  “I’m not even tired yet!  And I think I earned a bowl of mint chocolate chip after a long week!”

Lucas slumped into the sofa.  His desires were making him behave more infantile, and sometimes Brooke reacted to this kind of behavior by caving to him.  The truth was that he didn’t know how much longer he could last on the sofa with her before growing something with the device...or increasing her IQ.

“But Brooooke,” Lucas whined, “I’m tired!  Maybe we could…fool around a little in bed and then you could get your ice cream.”

“Noooo, no,” she giggled, putting her hands over her mouth, “The way we have sex, I’ll just pass out at the end, haha!  I’m soooo lucky!”

“Eheh,” Lucas smiled.

“So let’s save that for later,” Brooke continued, “And do something that gives us both some more energy.  Oooh!  I know!  A game!”

“Ugh, a gaaaame?” Lucas complained, smiling at her pitifully.

“Yes!” Brooke chirped.  “And since I fed you all episode tonight, I get to pick the game!”

“Ohh, fine, alright,” Lucas sighed, rolling his eyes.  He already knew what game she was going to pick.  A moment later she had brought it out, her face smiling brightly down at him.

“It’s a Scrabble kind of night,” she declared, and put the box down on the coffee table in front of the sofa.  “Here, you get the game set up while I get myself some ice cream.  You want any?”



Wow, you really walked a nicely intriguing line between Lucas wanting to dom and sub. We all, of course, know where he’ll really end up, but it’s fun watching him get there. Looking forward to how you handle it in the next part of the chapter :)

Joyce Julep

I'm glad you enjoyed it! Yeah, Lucas is in an interesting place right now -- everything seems to be under control, until... ;)

CW Moss

Amazing chapter Joyce.

Joyce Julep

Thanks CW! Glad you're enjoying it so far -- I'm writing Part 2 right now, and it's gonna be crazy :O




Where would I the stintum series and the summer vacation one

Joyce Julep (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-13 07:17:10 The whole Stintum series is posted here -- just search the tag "Training of Jeff Stintum" and all the chapters should come up. "Summer Vacation" is posted on my other site -- shoot me an email at joycejulep@gmail.com for more info on that &lt;3
2023-05-30 15:34:59 The whole Stintum series is posted here -- just search the tag "Training of Jeff Stintum" and all the chapters should come up. "Summer Vacation" is posted on my other site -- shoot me an email at joycejulep@gmail.com for more info on that <3

The whole Stintum series is posted here -- just search the tag "Training of Jeff Stintum" and all the chapters should come up. "Summer Vacation" is posted on my other site -- shoot me an email at joycejulep@gmail.com for more info on that <3