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Hey everyone! I'm really excited to show you this new story! It grew out of a roleplay with a wonderful client, and will span a number of chapters, probably 8-10, and possibly much more on down the line if the roleplay continues. It deals with Eloise, a spoiled rich young woman who gets an ultra-expensive new treatment, designed to make her slowly grow because...well...she just wants to be bigger! Her loving boyfriend, Asher, is on board with the treatment, but neither of them can quite predict the craziness that's about to ensue...

Tags for this story include: slow growth, size/height comparison, heels, teasing

I hope you guys like it! Also, just fyi, I'm almost done with the next East of Eve chapter, along with the two image-based short stories! I should be posting those, along with the next "Kyle Trinter" and "Aaron Cooper" chapters, all this week! <3 <3

Chapter 1

The treatment had started a week ago, and already all the stuff the doctor had talked about was coming true. Eloise was literally aching all the time, to the point where she was having to start taking medication just to get to sleep. And her appetite, well…she had already eaten a ton before (which went straight to her ass like always), but now she was even eating more than her boyfriend, and Asher was 6'0 tall!

Some girls would have been embarrassed about that, but Eloise didn't care. She chuckled to herself when she remembered how Asher had ordered a dinner salad when they were out the other day, and how she had ordered that big fat steak, and the waiter had come and of course assumed that she had the salad. Asher had been the one who was embarrassed!

‘He better start getting used to this,’ thought Eloise, as she lounged on the ornate sofa in her parents’ spacious, opulent theater room, staring across at her boyfriend, ‘Because I'm already almost 5'4...which is pretty cool I guess. But it's not enough, I wanna be bigger. I'm literally like only average height now.’

None of her clothes fit anymore, which annoyed Eloise to no end…her Gucci and Versace outfits were irreplaceable...but at least Asher had been attentive so far, although, in her mind, he could always just step it up a little bit. She was going through a lot right now! And here she was, stretched out like a pretty picture on the sofa, and he was sitting over there on his phone. Shouldn't he be paying attention to her!?

“Baaaabe…” she whined out, crossing my bare feet on the cushions, “Come rub my feet...I'm having more growing pains again, and it suuuuucks!”

Scrolling on Reddit while they watched another one of Eloise’s favorite shows…reality TV of course…really did give Asher a bit of solace. He wouldn't exactly say he hated watching these shows – sometimes they could be fun and something he could get into – but it was more so that they never really got to watch what he wanted to. Asher was no snob, but he figured that Eloise might enjoy The Sopranos once and awhile...buuuut no. Real Housewives was all she really seemed to care for. But for Asher, even the cheap drama was a comfort right now too, given everything that had been changing with his girlfriend. Thus far, the treatment was hard for him to notice really, other than the top of her head coming up a bit higher on him...and of course her eating a lot more than he was ever used to seeing anyone that size eat.

“Huh?” Asher came out of his stupor as Eloise’s voice whined at him from across the couch, “Oh? Still? You said they weren't that bad earlier…”

Standing up out of his chair, he started to cross over the room towards her. She had told him earlier that today was another one of those “0.6 inch days,” which was insane, but Asher still couldn't really get his head around it.

“You need your big strong guy to rub the pain out?” he teased, coming closer.

Eloise sighed and crossed her arms over her chest...she could feel that her boobs were bigger already...like they jutted out a bunch more. That was fine, she guessed. She already had big boobs anyway, but bigger was better. Still though, they ached...everything ached. She knew they had warned her about all that, but they hadn’t said it would be this bad! Asher hadn’t said anything, since he knew what was good for him, but Eloise suspected that he probably thought she was being a pussy about all this.

‘Well I'd like to see how he'd react,’ she thought to herself in a huff, ‘To his hormones going all haywire like mine are right now! And now he's trying to be all cutesy and caring...which he is, I suppose...yeah, he's coming closer...definitely is cute...nice face...I love his hands...mmmmmm, they feel good...but no, no, don't show it too much. You're annoyed, remember?’

“Huhhh....” she sighed out loud, looking out the window as Asher started rubbing her feet, “They didn't tell me it'd be like this...like, how hard is it to develop a treatment without the side effects? Like, hello!? I'll pay for it!”

Asher smiled at her, but noticed that she wasn’t looking at him. They were in the nicest room of her dad's house, the theater room. Big vaulted ceilings, projector, huge couches...nothing like at Asher’s small apartment. He gave her 'little' feet a squeeze.

“I know, I know,” he said soothingly, “But hey...remember when you were younger going through a growth spurt? It's a lot like that...I mean it basically is that. Growing pains and all…”

He took his other hand and gave her other foot a squeeze. She had always been so small, at least, well generally...other than a few things, like her boobs and ass. But now that Asher was massaging her, he could sort of feel a difference...her foot felt a bit wider. And the way her sweats went up a few inches over your ankle.

“It won't be much longer anyway,” he added, hoping that she would turn to make eye contact with him, “And think about how soon you'll be like…what? 5'6? 5'7?”

Eloise kept looking out the window for a few seconds, not responding immediately. Deep down, she appreciated his attention, and the attempts at soothing her worries, but it was just hard right now...really hard. She was already dealing with enough crap, with her dad in the news all the time...some big deal going through, she didn't really know. Didn't really care, either. But the nerve of that reporter to come up to her on the sidewalk! What a fucking joke! He was lucky that she had finished her pineapple spritz a minute before, or she would've chucked it in his face. Ridiculous...but Eloise’s thoughts returned to the present as she turned back to Asher, pouting a little. Everything still ached, but she was pouting because she wanted him to baby her some more.

“Yeah...they said I'd be growing bit by bit...not quick enough, if you ask me. Like, again – why can't they just invent something that grows you" – she snapped her fingers, her manicured nails glinting in the light – “Like that? Uhhhhh....aaaanyway....”

Eloise pouted a couple seconds more, when suddenly, she got an idea, and she slowly started smiling. Pulling her sweats up her leg, she revealed her calves. They had already been big before, but that was one part of her body that had definitely grown, from the naked eye at least. She looked at her boyfriend with puppy dog eyes.

“Can you move up to my caaaalves?”

Asher had to chuckle a little. It was cute seeing her this way. Even if she didn't want to admit it, Eloise was definitely a 'baby' a lot of the time....but she did get pissed, as evidenced by that whole reporter fiasco last week.

“I mean, it's happening that way, babe,” he said, moving his hands up and giving her calves a tight squeeze, “It's a lot faster than what is normal for anyone...and also...there's only like 10 people who can afford this treatment in the world and you're one of them.”

She sure did have some great legs. Usually shorter girls tended to have...“stumpy” was a word…and even though Asher wasn’t trying to be too judgy, his preferences were, well…his preferences. But Eloise didn’t have “stumpy” legs; she never had. They were always so pleasingly thick and defined, like a soccer girl’s legs, even though she didn’t play sports and pretty much hated all sports anyway. ‘Running around chasing a ball!?’ she had said, rolling her eyes, ‘Boooooring!’

But as Asher squeezed a bit, he could see that her calves were definitely...thicker now. He felt something strange throb in his chest – her calves had always been nice, but now they looked…really nice. Like, maybe even bigger than his.

“I hadn't really noticed that much of how you've changed, until now really, though…” he added, going up and down her calf. “I guess too that you're not the shortest in the house anymore!”

He had thought it would be a light, cheerful reminder to Eloise that she had passed Sharon, her longtime maid, in height yesterday. She focused in on his hands working her calves, and sighed out again, though this time it was in obvious pleasure. Asher sure did know how to use those hands...in more ways than one...and she suddenly considered reaching out, grabbing his neck, and pulling him down on top of her, telling him to finger her right then and there on the sofa. But of course she remembered that Sharon was still puttering around, deep-cleaning the dining room, so the idea of her walking in on them was...yeah, that wasn’t going to happen. And, in any case, Eloise was feeling too lazy to take Asher up to her bedroom. She saw her calves seeming to expand as Asher rubbed them, his hands going up her leg and the muscle going with them.

“Yeah…” she muttered, “Yeah, they ARE looking pretty thick, aren't they?”

She suddenly got another idea – one that sounded super fun.

“Hey babe,” she said brightly, pointing down to Asher’s legs, “Roll up your pants a sec...I wanna compare calves!”

Asher felt her move suddenly, jolting up, the sadness and annoyance gone just as quickly as it had come. He was used to this kind of sudden mood swing, but her actual words gave him pause.

“You want to compare calves?” he asked, thinking that she was joking at first, but looking closer at her face, her expression said it all. When Eloise was being serious…yeah, there wasn’t any doubt.

“Oh…kay…?” he chuckled a bit, sitting up on the couch and starting to roll up his pant leg. At 6’0, Asher’s legs were definitely quite a bit longer than hers, of course noticeable from how they stuck up when he sat on the couch. They weren’t even comparing yet, but already, her lower legs were definitely looking big compared to his.

“You've been, uhh…heheh, doing a bunch of calf raises too during all this?” he joked, waiting for Eloise to put her calf up against his. But she didn’t respond to his attempted humor, since she knew it was because it was all due to him feeling a little twinge of self-consciousness...or maybe he was actually worried that she was going to be bigger! Eloise wasn’t really sure what the outcome was going to be – that's why she had asked him to compare. And as Asher pulled his pant-leg up, Eloise suddenly felt a strange sense of anticipation building. She noticed it, because it was kind of a new feeling. She was EXCITED to compare.

‘A little weird, maybe,’ she thought, ‘But who gives a fuck, I'm feeling it, so what's wrong with it!?’

Now he was holding his leg up to hers, and his was a lot longer, but Eloise had already known that. That's not what they were comparing. She was staring at both of their calves, focusing on the muscle...and suddenly, it hit her. Hers was DEFINITELY bigger than his. She blinked, and she could feel her mouth opening up in a smile. She turned to look at him, raising her eyebrows.

“Mine's bigger!” she laughed, pointing, “Like...CLEARLY bigger!”

For a moment, Asher kept smiling, but then he looked a bit closer, and his smile began to falter.

“No it’s not…” he said, holding her leg nearer, bringing his hand to her leg and pulling it up against his. “I mean, it's definitely thick, you know? But bigger? Uhh…I mean…fuck...you might be right.” For some reason, his heart had started beating faster.

“I mean…”clearly bigger” seems like a big leap,” he added, wincing a bit as he realized that it sounded like he was splitting hairs, “Since…heh, they're not too different.”

He blinked a few times and raised his eyes up to Eloise, who was staring straight at him, a smug expression on her gorgeous face. Asher blushed slightly, wondering why he was having this reaction, and laughed:

“Damn! I, uh…I guess we know where all the food’s going, huh?" He was teasing back at her, trying to keep cool, adding, "Well I mean…your calves and..." He nodded down to her chest to try to give her another compliment, in the hopes that she’d relent and not rub it in too much. It certainly gave Asher a bit of a weird feeling, though, seeing the face she was making in reaction to this revelation...most girls definitely wouldn't have wanted to have bigger calves than their boyfriends. Something in Eloise seemed off with that, and Asher couldn't quite place it.

Meanwhile, Eloise couldn’t wipe the smirk off her face. Asher was doing a pretty good job, being chill with all this...but she could tell that he hadn’t been expecting it. And she LOVED it. Her heart was almost racing now, catching her off-guard.

‘Haha what the fuck is going on!?’ she thought to herself, ‘I didn't care about this size shit before, why now? Is it the treatment or something? The hormones??’

But she quickly figured that it didn't matter where the feeling came from. It just felt good. She suddenly flipped around on her stomach, so that her big ass was jiggling up in Asher’s face.

“And don't forget my fat ass!” she added, bouncing her cheeks left and right. “It's sore tooooooo...can you rub iiiiiiit? And, like, use your elbow on it. Really get in there.”

She glanced sideways up at him, grinning, knowing how needy she sounded, but not really caring. Asher watched her flip and then immediately started moving his hands toward her ass. That was always something that had been amazingly juicy, even before, but it definitely had gotten a bit rounder.

“Oh, I definitely can put a lot more than some elbow into it,” Asher assured her warmly, rearing his hand, about to give her big ass cheek a slap...but just then he heard a cough from the door, and, looking up, saw that Sharon was standing there with a few pillowcases and towels.

“My apologies…” she said a bit nervously, before continuing on, “I just wanted to tell you, Miss Beauchamp, I finished up with your room and your bathroom. I didn't know if you wanted me to wash up any of those old clothes, your father told me you might be getting some new ones in the next day or two."

Asher sat up straight, feeling a bit awkward now. He was no prude, but he also wasn't trying to massage Eloise’s ass in front of this 50-year-old woman that had known her since she was a child.

Eloise sighed out exaggeratedly, clearly annoyed at her maid. Why did Sharon always butt in when Asher was in the middle of doing his duty, and making her feel good? After drawing her sigh out for a few seconds, she answered immediately, not bothering to keep the irritation out of her voice:

“Yeah, just...whatever...like, throw them all out," she responded, waving her hand from her prostrate position, “I'm not gonna be able to fit in them by next week.” She waved her hand again, shooing Sharon away, and as the maid left, Eloise immediately started shaking her butt again in Asher’s face.

“Come on, come onnnnnn!” she complained, “It's so sooooore....get in there!"


[Chapter 2 will time-skip 3 days later]



Hell to the yes


Nice nice nice: Joyce Julep in her natural environment, size comps. This one looks to be shaping up well, even if I want to send this girl back to grade school for some manners. Thanks for sharing!

Joyce Julep

Haha her manners aren't the best now, and she's only 5'4! Imagine when she's 6'4...or 7'4...or....