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Chapter 15

The final negotiations in the private lounge didn’t take long – less than fifteen minutes – but to Thomas it seemed much, much longer. The reason, of course, was because his arms and legs were tied to Mia’s two-piece bikini, so that he was spread-eagle, facing outward, with his head squished between her huge, warm breasts, completely concealed from the proceedings by Mia’s button-up white dress shirt. But even though he was hidden from view, Brian was the only one in the room who didn’t know that Thomas was there. His personal assistant, Mitzy, had seen Thomas moments before, in a deliberate move by Mia, and so, the whole meeting long, both Mia and Mitzy had fun speaking in barely-concealed code language as Mia squeezed her arms together, constricting her breasts around Thomas’s head and making him even more aroused than he had been before.

“So I’m pretty sure,” began Brian, leaning back in his chair as he crossed his fingers together, smiling at Mia from across the smooth mahogany table of the private lounge, “That the Nautilus is classified as a “mega-yacht,” since it’s over 300 feet long and, uh, well, you know…comes with all the expected bells and whistles…accouterments, if you will.”

“Yes of course,” Mia hummed, nodding slowly from the other side of the table. It was ridiculous to both Brian and Mitzy how much Mia completely filled up her chair. From their perspective, they couldn’t even see the chair she was sitting in – all they could see was that voluminous white button-up dress shirt, which was stretched to its limits by her massive boobs. “I would expect nothing else from a salesman like you, Brian. You only work the big-boy deals like this, don’t you?”

“Heheh, well…” chuckled Brian, doing his best to carry on the small-talk before the actual negotiations began, “You know me, Mia.” He sat up straight in his chair and threw his shoulders back, performing a humorous caricature of a smug macho man. “I’m a big boy, after all.”

“Suuuuch a big boy,” laughed Mia, shaking her head before putting both of her arms on the table with a twin thud, leaning in with a serious expression on her face. Bared up to the elbow, her white shirt sleeves rolled up, Mia’s arms looked huge, and both Thomas and Mitzy could feel their lingering vibration through the table. Mia hadn’t even meant to put her arms down hard; they were just that big. And while Mitzy looked across at Mia in admiring awe, Brian could feel himself becoming more and more nervous. An adept businessman, he prided himself on getting the best deals, but he had no idea how he was going to navigate this particular exchange.

“Let’s get right to it,” Mia declared, immediately taking charge of the conversation by launching into the negotiations, “While the Nautilus is an impressive vessel, no doubt, and exactly what I’ve been looking for…15 million is far too high.”

“Oh but…but now, Mia,” Brian replied, already beginning to feel like he had lost control, “That’s significantly reduced from the previous low-water mark! That’s after I tweaked all the numbers and cut all the extra amenities and insurance.”

“I’m not asking for cuts to amenities or insurance, Brian,” Mia replied coolly, “I’m asking for you to lower the price.”

Brian mouthed at the air for a few moments, not knowing what to say. He had done several business deals with Mia in the past, and was accustomed to her more forward, dominating style. But this…this was something different. Not only had she somehow grown into this absurdly-attractive bombshell, she had also become totally unrealistic. Didn’t she realize what she was saying!?

“Mia…” Brian chuckled, shaking his head before putting his palms on the mahogany table and looking across at her. “I…look. You know me. You know that I’m not trying to take advantage of you. But business is business! You get what you pay for. And, just to remind you, what you’ll get is a top-of-the-line vessel that can accommodate 40 guests at once, with 10 white-marble bathrooms, 14 bedrooms, a full-sized kitchen, walk-in closets, uh…silk curtains…handmade carpets, and…and of course the sauna, the spa pool, a relaxation room, a beauty salon, a gym, three lavish bars, an open-air salon to die for, complete with a grand piano…plus of course you remember the owner’s suite, with the private jacuzzi and intimate balcony…a-and the LED underwater lights! Mia…girl, you know I love you, but…15 million is the best I can do.”

Brian’s voice had been growing in confidence as he spoke, since, after all, he was in his element here. But as soon as he finished, Mia didn’t immediately respond. She just sat there, smirking down at Brian from across the table, her big hands folded in front of her as she regarded him silently. Brian could feel the temperature in the room go up. He wasn’t used to this. He was used to people arguing with him…haggling. But not this. He swallowed nervously, adjusting the collar of his shirt, and he could feel his face getting hot.

“N-Nothing…nothing to say to that?” he managed to say a few seconds later, forcing out an awkward chuckle. “Come on Mia, you…you gotta give me something to work with here.”

“Oh you’ve got something to work with, Brian,” Mia purred, her eyes going over her huge, curvy body before rising lusciously back up to him, “Since, of course, you and Mitzy will be coming on board with us…but not at that price.”

“What…I mean…uhm, what are you saying?” Brian asked, hating how unsettled he sounded. He didn’t want to look weak in front of his assistant – Mitzy, with her stylish blond pixie cut, was definitely professional and amazing at her job. But, deep down, Brian didn’t want to impress her for those reasons; he wanted to impress her, to look strong around her, because she was cute and sexy. And now, in his mind, he was in danger of losing her respect, if it became clear that Mia could shove him around.

“What I’m saying is perfectly clear,” Mia smiled. “I’ll be happy to take the yacht at 15 million. But, for that price, I won’t be able to bring you two along.” Her eyes traveled slowly across to Mitzy, who was watching everything with a twinkle in her eye. She knew that this was no ordinary negotiation.

“Well…maybe I could bring Mitzy,” Mia laughed. “She’s far too cute to leave out. But you, Brian? MmMm…you’ve gotta give me a better deal than that.”

“You…you don’t think I’m cute?” Brian asked, trying to opt for humor, but instead sounding a bit whiny.

“I think you’re cute when I’ve got you pressed up against a wall like this,” Mia grinned, causing Mitzy to giggle. “I think you’re cute when you start panicking, like you’re doing now.”

“I’m not panicking,” Brian retorted, again disliking how petty he sounded. “I’m just…uhm…Mia…what…what’re you doing?”

Mia had suddenly risen from her chair, and was sauntering over to where Brian and Mitzy were sitting. Her gargantuan curves bounced and jiggled with every step she took, mesmerizing Brian, and making him feel even more helpless and alarmed than he had before. Right as she came up to Brian, she “dropped” a pen she had been carrying on the floor.

“Oops,” she murmured, blinking down at Brian, “I seemed to have dropped my pen. Let me just bend down to get it here, real quick.”

She turned and sensuously arched her back, turning around to bend all the way down towards the floor. The result was that Brian was treated to a close-up of Mia’s gigantic ass, which looked even more enormous because of the way she was bending down. Brian’s eyes went wide, and he tried to swallow, but found that his throat had gone dry. Underneath her skimpy black dress, he saw that she was wearing not panties, but a swimsuit…a suit that was no doubt part of a bikini, and he instantly found himself imagining what Mia looked like in a two-piece, strutting around her resort. He had already been aroused before, but now he found himself getting completely hard, to the point where the tent in his pants would be obvious.

“M-Mitzy,” Brian stammered, “Uhh…I…I think you should give…me and Mia a moment in private, if you don’t mind?”

“Oh…of course,” Mitzy replied cheerily, the humor and sarcasm evident in her voice.

“Maybe run the…the numbers on that condo deal,” Brian continued, trying to sound normal as he watched her leave, “And see if we’ve heard back from the LLC about the…about the…”

“The pass-through taxation, yes,” smiled Mitzy warmly, nodding. “Uh-huh…sure, Brian. I’ll do that.”

Even though Thomas was hidden under Mia’s white dress shirt, bound to her bikini, trapped and immobile with his head squished in between her huge tits, he could still detect the amusement in Mitzy’s voice. There was no doubt that she knew what was going on, despite Brian’s best efforts to smooth over the reality. And as Mia pivoted, still bent down, towards Mitzy, winking goodbye to her, the diminutive personal assistant got one last look at Thomas, since she could see him under the shirt with Mia bent down like this. Mitzy and Thomas made eye contact, and her eyes opened up, briefly wide, and she stuck her tongue a little out of her mouth, the veins in her neck bulging slightly from her efforts to restrain her laughter. Thomas felt completely embarrassed and humiliated, but there was nothing he could do.

“I’ll call you back in when we’re through, Mitzy,” smiled Mia, again usurping control from Brian. “It shouldn’t take long.”

“Oh…I’m sure it won’t,” Mitzy laughed, making “big eyes” at Thomas before turning on her heel and walking away. Even though she was quite small, maybe even close to Thomas’s 4’7 height, the little woman sure had a respectable bounce to her ass. Thomas was able to notice this right before Mia suddenly straightened up again, completely obscuring his vision once more as she turned back to face down Brian.

“N-Now look here, Mia,” Brian began, trying to wrest back control from her, “I know what you’re trying to do, and it’s not going to work.”

“Oh but it IS working, Brian,” Mia cooed, looming over him with her hands on her hips (while, unbeknownst to Brian, she was massaging the underside of Thomas’s feet with her thumbs). “It’s been working, ever since you laid eyes on me here at my resort. Can you feel it, Brian? The power I have over you? You just can’t help it, can you? You can’t resist. I see how you look at my biiiiig, sexxxxxy, cuuuurvy body, Brian. I see how you’re just aaaaaching for me to touch you. Mmmm you’re hard now, Brian. I know you are. I could keep you that way for hours, just by the sound of my voice.”

The silence that followed told the whole story. There was a part of Thomas that felt almost…strangely…smug about what Mia was doing to Brian. No one could handle HIS Dommy Mommy Goddess! In an odd way, Mia’s effortless domination of Brian somehow reflected well on Thomas, as if to say, ‘No other man can resist her, so I shouldn’t feel ashamed that I couldn’t either.’ But at the same time, something else was bubbling up in Thomas’s mind, something that wasn’t as pleasant, and it was getting stronger and stronger with each passing second. Thomas was getting…jealous. And right as he became aware of the feeling, he heard Mia’s deep, cooing voice speaking to Brian:

“Now then…let’s get real here. Is 15 million reeeeeally the best you can do for me?”

But Thomas only half-heard these words, because, amazingly, even as he heard Mia speak them out loud, he heard her voice inside his head, saying something entirely different:

“Awww, little puppy…you’re getting jealous, aren’t you? You’re soooo helpless, tied to my bikini, your head trapped between my huge tits, hiding underneath my shirt as you watch me seduce another man who has no idea that you’re even here. Because you’re so, so tiny, Thomas. Such a little thing, with nothing to do except watch me ensnare someone else. Does that make you feel jealous, Thomas?”

“I…I mean, if it comes to it,” answered Brian in a shaky voice, “I s-suppose that I could dock it down to 14…just for you, Mia.”

“Mmmmm that’s a good start,” hummed Mia, “But let’s keep it going. How bad do you want it, Brian? How bad do you really want to come on this trip?”

Thomas heard her speak these words out loud, but he simultaneously heard her voice in his head again, mocking him telepathically:

“Why don’t you call out for help, Thomas? Hrrrm? Why don’t you say something? Get Brian to notice you. That would stop all my flirtations, wouldn’t it? That would stop me seducing this other man. He’d end the deal right now. He’d run out of the room, if he knew you were inside my shirt. Say something, Thomas. Come on…do it!”

At the same time, and Thomas didn’t know how, since Mia’s purse was on the conference room table, he felt his cock becoming overwhelmingly stimulated. But…how could she be doing this right now!? He could partially see through her shirt, enough to know that her hands were on her hips as she loomed over Brian – her phone, along with the purple box, were inside her purse. Was she controlling the box telepathically too?? The mere thought of her having that much power, in addition to all the physical powers she already had, was too much for Thomas. In the midst of boiling turmoil in his groin, he panicked. A thought flashed like lightning through his mind: now was his chance…perhaps his last chance…to wrest some control back, to somehow put a stop to what was going on. He had never before experienced the kind of hopeless, hysterical jealousy he was feeling right now – he hadn’t even thought it was possible to feel this way at all. But the reality was right in front of his face, only partially, teasingly obscured from his vision by Mia’s white button-up. She was training another pet, and Thomas couldn’t have that.

He sucked in his breath, fully intent on calling something out…anything…anything to call attention to his presence. But just as he began to call out, Mia took a step back and leaned forward, laying her hands flat against the conference room table as she flaunted an immense display of cleavage for Brian. At the same time, she used her arms to squeeze her breasts together, squishing Thomas’s head and keeping all his sound waves from escaping. He found his face suddenly pressed up against firm, warm pillows of titflesh, and he tried to flail desperately in his bonds…but Mia had bound him tightly, and he could barely move a muscle.

“Th-Thirteen…” breathed Brian, obviously sweating through this exchange as he swallowed again, rooted to his chair as Mia leaned down toward him, squishing that crazy cleavage above him. “How…how about 13 million? That’s the best…huuhh…the best I can do, Mia.”

“Mmmm,” hummed Mia, leaning down even closer to him as she appeared to consider, before dismissing his offer with a flourish of her huge hand, “No, I think the price is still a bit too high. Do you think you can do anything about that, Brian?”

She reached down and booped him playfully on the nose with her finger, withdrawing it a moment later as she teasingly wiggled her long, sharp black nail at him. Brain was starting to breathe heavily, so heavily that, even though his head squished up inside her boobs, Thomas could hear him.

“Oh I’m sorry,” rang Mia’s telepathic voice in Thomas’s ears, “Do you need to breathe? Mmmm, okay then…but only if you promise to be a good little doggie and be silent. Can you do that for me, Thomas?”

“Yesssss!!” cried Thomas as hard as he could, of course making no sound in the process. But Mia apparently understood him, because the next moment she un-squished her breasts, making them bounce and sway, as she leaned even more towards Brian, her finger mockingly traveling back through the air before alighting once again on his nose, where it remained.

“Please…Mia…” whispered Brian desperately. “Please, just…just…”

“Just what?” Mia inquired brightly, “Just what, Brian? You look so hot and bothered right now. Do you…oh wait…” – and here she opened her mouth and eyes wide, affecting a shocked persona – “Do you…do you want me to…make you…cum, Brian?”

“Yes…” Brian’s answer came immediately, again in a desperate whisper. Thomas almost felt sorry for him, but he was too busy getting his breath back, heaving in oxygen beneath Mia’s shirt.

“Welll…” Mia began, “You know me, Brian, I like to keep things interesting, especially in a business deal, so from now on I’ll only touch you with this one finger here. Heheh, anything more than that and I’d have you busting instantly.”

She chuckled, tapping him on the nose again as she lightly swayed her massive body back and forth. Thomas felt her heart thumping away in excitement behind his head, as her prodigious flesh gently bounced and jiggled around him.

“So how about this,” she purred, “You lower the price…and I’ll lower my finger! Like the sound of that, Brian?”

“Twelve,” breathed Brian instantly, and Mia laughed richly, tracing her finger down his face to his bottom lip, which she hooked and tugged on, just like she had caught a fish. She took a deep, wistful breath (stretching Thomas’s body out in the process) and kept her finger there, hooked in Brian’s mouth, not going down any farther.

“E-Eleven…” whimpered Brian, and Mia instantly responded with a warm, exaggerated “Mmmmmmm!” of approval as she slowly lowered her finger down, tracing the middle of his torso as she used his shirt to dry her finger off. Brian was getting more and more excited, but moaned out pitifully when Mia stopped her finger right at his belly button.

“Mia…please,” he begged. “I can’t…”

“You can’t?” she inquired, her deep, rich voice seeming to cut through and penetrate his mind like butter. “Or you won’t?”

She teased and tickled her sharp black fingernail in a rapid circle around his navel. The seconds passed by, and, inside her shirt, Thomas was beginning to wonder whether Mia had pushed this man too far. He felt a strange sense of something like satisfaction beginning to bubble up in him. ‘That’s right,’ Thomas thought, ‘You don’t have what it takes to be her pet. You have too much to lose.’

“Ten,” Brian said stiffly, finally breaking the silence. Mia uttered another chuckling “MmmMmmm!” and lowered her long finger down, down…until it was directly over Brian’s groin. Thomas heard the businessman’s sharp intake of breath, and another stab of jealousy overcame him. He opened his mouth to cry out, but Mia was too quick for him, again squishing her huge breasts together with her arms and totally engulfing Thomas’s head once more. At the same time, she reached her free hand down and tickled Thomas’s foot, tormenting him further as his little body strained fruitlessly in its bonds, unable to move or make a sound. From Brian’s perspective, of course, Mia was just showing off her tits again, and he didn’t notice the movement of her other hand, because of the tantalizing circles she was drawing around his erect cock with her long finger.

“I can do this all day, you know,” Mia murmured down at Brian after a few torturous moments. “Aaaaall day. I could make you cum without even touching you, but…I think I know what you want me to do. And I’m still not satisfied.”

“Nine!” whined Brian, sounding more like a mewling adolescent than a full-grown man. Mia’s response was again instantaneous: she hooked her huge finger around the khaki-tent of Brian’s erection, and started slowly going up and down, up and down. Her finger was big enough so that it went all the way around his cock…easily.

“Oooooo, nice fabric!” Mia giggled teasingly. “Where’d you get these khakis, Brian?”

“Giv…Givenchy!” he gasped.

“GiVENchy…wowwww!” Mia laughed. “That’s a pretty nice outlet…or…I’m sorry…a luxury fashion and perfume house, is I think what they prefer to be called. You have suuuuch taste, little Brian!”

“Please Mia!” gulped Brian, “Please just…let me…let me…”

“No, I don’t think so,” Mia tutted. “We’re getting somewhere with nine, buuut….”

“E-Eight!!” yelled Brian desperately. “I – I can’t go down any more, Mia, just please…pleeeease!”

Mia had sped up her finger on his cock, jerking him off rapidly now, but Thomas didn’t know how far she was going to push him. This guy really did seem like he was at the end of his rope, just from the sound of his voice…and even though Thomas was still partially seething with jealousy, a new emotion had started dominating in his head – he was privileged, honored, in fact, to be witnessing his Dommy Mommy Goddess use someone else like this. He began to feel almost proud of his ability to swallow his jealousy and enjoy the show.

“Don’t even think about getting smug, little pet!” Mia’s voice thundered through his head, making him go rigid in his bonds. “Be thankful…be grateful…be my little one-piece!”

“I…I’m close!” Brian choked. “I’m close, Mia!”

“Oh no you’re not,” she laughed, suddenly stopping her finger’s movement. “I tell you when you’re close, Brian, and you’re not close.”

“But I…urgggggg, what ARE those!?” Brian panted, as Mia had once again squeezed her breasts together, forcing Thomas to hold his breath. “Are…oh my god…Mia…h-how…how much did those cost?”

“Cost?” Mia asked, tilting her head to the side.

“Your implants!” cried Brian helplessly as she swirling her teasing fingernail around his erection.

“Oh,” Mia laughed musically, “This wasn’t surgery, Brian. But I wouldn’t say they’re exactly “natural” either…more like…supernatural, if you catch my drift.”

Brian didn’t even have the bandwidth to be confused right now, because Mia had started finger-jacking his cock off once more. In seconds he was shaking like jelly under her single finger.

“Okay, okay…seven,” he breathed, “And that’s…that’s it, Mia.”

“That’s it?” she laughed.


Thomas couldn’t really see what was happening clearly, but he didn’t need to. That sound told him all he needed to know: Mia was going to TOWN on Brian now, doing that crazy thing she did when her hand became a blur, moving at an inhumanely-fast pace. Brian was making all kinds of animalistic moans and squeals now, and Thomas could tell, by the increasingly high-pitched and unhinged noises, that Mia was keeping him on the edge, but not allowing him to cum.

“S-Si…SIX!!” coughed Brian.

“SIX!?” growled Mia.


“O-Okay…!!! Okay…I…huh…huuuuuuhhhhh….okay, FIVE, FIVE!!” cried Brian, sounding like he was about to pass out.


Mia sped up even faster, to a seemingly impossible speed, and Brian bucked and plunged in his chair, cumming helplessly in his pants. At the same time, Thomas felt a sudden warm, erotic pressure directly in the middle of his groin, where his disembodied cock would have been. It was Mia’s thumb. Her big, warm thumb…pressing and rubbing right in that sensitive spot…his most sensitive spot. Thomas couldn’t move his body, but he was able to sag his face to the left, sinking his head farther into the inside of her huge, warm breast, as his eyelids fluttered in helpless, submissive pleasure.

“Five million sounds good!” Mia chirped pleasantly, straightening up and “dusting” off her hands playfully. “Totally reasonable.”

“Totally…reasonable…” breathed Brian, panting heavily in the conference room chair as he stared up at her.

“You’re lucky I stopped at five,” laughed Mia, winking down at him. “For the best orgasm of your life…a lot of people have paid more than that.”

“I…wh…they have?” asked Brian, bewildered.

“Oh yes,” chuckled Mia, “So of course I could have afforded thirty or forty million…but Brian, if you’re gonna be coming along with us on this trip, you’ve got to know who’s boss. So who is it, Brian? Who’s the boss?”

“Whew…uh, you are, Mia,” Brian laughed, fanning himself as he sat up straighter in his chair.

“Excellent, then I’ll call Mitzy back,” Mia smiled.

“N-No, wait, not yet!” fumbled Brian, but Mia had already strode up to the closed, frosted glass door and rapped on it. Almost immediately, Mitzy waltzed in. Apparently, she had been waiting at the door the whole time. Brian crossed his legs in his chair, hoping to hide the wet spot of his cum.

“So that should…uhm…yes, that should settle it, then,” Brian intoned, trying to sound “official” as he glanced uncertainly from Mia to Mitzy. The two of them had been sharing a knowing giggle, after Mitzy had seen Mia tickle Thomas’s feet through her shirt, making him squirm in response. But Mia was so huge that Brian didn’t even notice Thomas’s little movements through Mia’s shirt. He was too distracted by his desire to save face with his assistant, and also by the lopsided size difference between Mitzy and Mia

“Wow, uhm…you two are quite the contrast!” he chuckled, attempting in vain to sound ordinary and conversational.

“Yeah?” Mia smiled, reaching down and snaking her giant hand around Mitzy’s shoulder, pulling the tiny woman into her. Thomas sucked in his breath sharply; the back of Mitzy’s head was pressing directly into his bare crotch, right towards the bottom third of Mia’s stomach. “How tall are you, Mitzy?”

“I’m 4’9!” announced the chipper assistant, bouncing up and down on her heels as she beamed up at Mia. The two of them shared a look, and Mia bounced her eyebrows down at the little woman, giving her an affirmative nod. And then, quite deliberately, Mitzy turned around, facing Mia’s stomach, and gave a little “Bddzzzzzzz!” right into Thomas’s crotch with her lips.

“Guuuuaaagh!” Thomas yelled out, but Brian heard nothing, since Mia had squeezed her tits together again.

“Ahaahaha, oh my goddd!” cried Mitzy, clapping her hands. “Mia, this…this is so excitingggg! I can’t WAIT for this trip!”

“Mmmhmhmhm you’re just the cutest little thing,” Mia chuckled, “And…uncommonly perceptive. We’re going to have LOTS of fun.” The two women shared another knowing laugh.

Uh…what are…what are you two laughing at?” Brian asked, trying to crack a smile but only succeeding in looking uncomfortable.

“Oh trust me, Brian,” Mia purred, leaning forward towards him, so that Thomas’s bare crotch was pressed up against the table. “You’ll find out eventually.”

Trying to hold in his noise, Thomas nonetheless couldn’t help but utter a little whimper of arousal as Mia slowly pressed herself even harder up against the table, gently swaying herself back and forth, intensely stimulating his crotch. It didn’t matter that she had his cock locked up in the purple box in her purse; the area where his cock would have been was still exceedingly sensitive, and Mia took full advantage as Mitzy watched in evident enjoyment. To Brian, though, it just looked like Mia was pressing her huge breasts up against the table. What was she trying to do!? Hadn’t she already gotten everything out of him!? She didn’t need to rub it in like this…but…but really, if he was being honest, that really was the most amazing…uhhh…no, no he couldn’t just melt like that again, not in front of Mitzy. He had to keep up appearances.

“Alright, so…okay…” Brian replied, shrugging as he settled back into his chair with his legs still crossed, “All we need to do, uhm…Mia…is for you to sign the waiver forms for the …um, the Nautilus…docking at the Landmark next week, and then we should –”

“Already ahead of you, sweetheart,” Mia chuckled, gesturing over to Mitzy, “I sent those signed pdfs over to Mitzy yesterday, after I reviewed everything.”

“Yep, and I got em’!” Mitzy smiled, nodding. “Made copies and everything. You didn’t see them, Brian?”

“No, I…uh…heh, I guess I had too many emails to get to,” he laughed, a bit embarrassed, “And it got lost in the shuffle.”

“Oh no matter,” Mitzy replied genially, “That’s why you have me here, anyway. To deal with people like Mia who are ahead of the curve on everything.”

“You know it, girl,” Mia chuckled, jiggling her breasts around Thomas’s head for a bit more teasing. “I’ve gotta stay ahead of the curve, running this place. Which is why I can’t WAIT for next week, when we can take the yacht for a private cruise…and get AWAY from everything for a little while.”

“I…y-yes, I can’t wait for it, either,” Brian nodded, shifting uncomfortably in his chair. The thought of being with Mia on a yacht in the middle of the ocean was tantalizing, to be sure, but it was also quite intimidating. As long as he had known Mia, he had been attracted to her, but she hadn’t always looked…like this…or been THIS aggressive and dominant.

“Well alright then!” Mia grinned, typing a few things into her phone before rising luxuriously from her chair, in true alpha style, being the first to truly conclude the meeting, “I just wired you the money, Brian, so I think that brings everything to a close. Mitzy, it was lovely to meet you, and I trust that you’ve found your accommodations to your liking?”

“Oh yes, Mia!” Mitzy exclaimed, “I’m almost sad that we’re only staying here a week, until the yacht docks. This is, without a doubt, the best resort I’ve ever stayed at. Top class, Mia. Though, having met you, I’d expect nothing else. The best rooms, the best facilities, the best food, the best…masseuses…”

The two women shared another laugh, with Mia putting a hand to her “belly” as she did so. Thomas had to bite his tongue as he felt her big hand press directly up against his crotch, massaging it directly as she played it off by continuing to laugh.

“You’ve done your homework, Mitzy,” Mia said, clearly impressed by the assistant’s recognition of Thomas as one of Mia’s former employees. But Brian was again completely puzzled by their shared laughter, and stood up himself, forgetting his cumstained pants, preparing to say something official that would bring the meeting to a close. But Mia beat him to it.

“And Brian,” she cooed, towering over him as she stepped toward the door, “Enjoy your stay in the Lavender Suite. It’s one of the resort’s…special spots.”

“I…yes, thank you, Mia,” Brian said stiffly, “And so our meeting –”

“Mmm, yes, now that our business is done,” Mia cut in warmly, “I can go about my day. Soooo many things to do. You two understand, of course. Enjoy your stay at my resort! And please, it goes without saying that if either of you need anything while you’re here, don’t bother contacting the concierge – you can call me directly, at the Burgundy Suite.”

She paused, having turned towards the doorway as she saw that Brian was looking at her with his mouth slightly open, like he couldn’t quite handle having been dominated and put in his place so thoroughly during their negotiations. Brian was not a vindictive or overbearing man by any means, but he just wasn’t used to being treated like the beta in the room. But with Mia to compare to…there wasn’t any question who the alpha in the room was.

“Anything left you wanna say, big boy?” Mia teased him, gently massaging the top of Thomas’s head with her big hand. But to Brian, it looked like she was pressing on her breasts, and he felt himself get even more aroused. Blushing slightly, tugging at the corner of his shirt, he managed to chuckle, replying:

“Uhh…y-yeah, d-don’t let the door hit you on the way out…geez Mia…heh, not sure how much more I can take of you in one sitting.”

Mia didn’t immediately respond to Brian’s attempt at a joke. Instead, she merely walked over to the door, which was an opaque, frosted glass, and opened it, turning so that she stood in the doorway, filling it completely. Both Brian and Mitzy had to just stand there and gape at how huge she was, and how there was almost no room at all in the door’s entranceway. And then, smirking directly at Brian, Mia let the door close back in on her, as she turned around and let it smack into her huge ass. Right as the big door hit her, she flexed her butt cheeks, causing the door to swing back and slam into the wall with a BANG, nearly shattering and coming off its hinges.

“And that was just the glutes,” Mia chuckled, winking down at Mitzy and blowing Brian a little kiss as she proceeded to saunter away, giving them both an eyeful of her gigantic ass bouncing and swaying after her. Mitzy chuckled to herself, giving Brian’s pants a single look before shaking her head and grinning as she stacked up her papers. Brian was left standing there, staring at the door in disbelief as the huge fog imprint left by Mia’s ass – as wide was the entire door itself – began to slowly disappear.



This was amazing, the negotiation was perfect