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Heya everyone!

First of all:
Click me , I'm the download link for the game~
And the password to access me is: sakurachristmas2016

And now a little explanation:
We tried around a few things, looked into different builds, searched a bit and found something that might solve the problem or at least explain why a few of you guys have problems with the games.
If your computer tells you that you should be careful - which might happen in some cases - don't worry, Ren'Py seems to have a little problem lately. On the other hand, there are a few antivirus programs that try to defend you from anything, literally anything what could be a potential virus.
So if your computer asks you, how to handle the problem, either click on 'Run Anyway', try to open it with your admin-profile or if you even own Ren'Py, opening the folder with it should work as well. 

Thank you guys for giving us information, so we could investigate the problem, it was very helpful :) 




I keep getting an "\Sakura_Christmas.zip: The archive is either in unknown format or damaged" error

Gomen Son

Thanks guys for the awesome Christmas gift.


Another great gift, loved reading it.

Roman Mulyk

thanks guys this is a really good game keep it up and merry christmas


Is this remotely connected to Sakura Santa? And do you guys have a website with a list of all your Steam Uncensored Patches and where to download them?