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Some of you waited for it, some knew it would come out quite soon and here is the trailer to the game :)

Since Steam has a winter break we're not able to upload it yet and need to get it through Greenlight first anyway~ And our first story description is on the Greenlight page   as well. 

And sorry for the confusion about the last post, now we corrected the things. If you only have a black screen instead of the video, clicking it will bring you to the Youtube-Video and you can watch it there. Same with other links, they might appear as a black box, but they'll forward you. 

We would appreciate any support and apologize for any confusion. 

Keep your fingers crossed, guys


Sakura Agent Trailer

Uploaded by Winged Cloud on 2016-12-14.



oooo futuristic! I reallylike the redhead's top!