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There has been a lot of brainstorming lately as to what we could do to refresh our Patreon and look over what has happened over time.

One thing I noticed when I arrived, was that Patrons were being charged in the beginning of the month, so they had to sign up the month before for access to the Steam key reward. So, one thing we did was to remove this payment rule entirely. A newly arrived Patron gets instantly thrown into the world of Winged Cloud with access to their tiers' rewards. This doesn't change the monthly payment still being withdrawn at the beginning of each month afterwards.

We have also discussed updating the Rewards today and made the change on the spot, so we want to explain what is happening from here. Now, we know this change is done at a weird time since the month has just started and some of you might want to change tier, but do know that if you do, you only are charged for the amount that remains to reach that tier. You don't actually pay twice!

- TheMonthly Hentai Wallpapertier: We lowered it to 20$ instead of 25$. One feedback I got while discussing was their awareness that for this tier, you guys aren't just paying for the wallpaper, but you are supporting us like the real hardcore fans that you are. (This is the exact wording I got during this discussion.) They felt it wasn't enough and a bit unfair, and since we wanted to add more tiers while making them affordable, we simply went with our hearts rather than our pockets on this one. (Because we wuv you, you know.)

-The newPatron's exclusive free VN optionstier: The free VN announcement from the 5K Milestone is not just a one-time celebration, it's going to be a series of them coming out over time. These VNs will be available to everyone for free to get a taste of our games. What this tier allows is to get more from the experience: exclusive in-game choices, CGs, and more. It also makes for a fairer gap between the wallpaper tier and this one as to what Patrons actually get for it!

-The newAccess to In-Development Game Buildstier: During development, we will release to this tier a limited Build so that they can see what the game is planned to be like. Do note that it will not be final, see it less like a demo and more like a beta build: Unfinished, maybe still containing a grammar error here and there, maybe a background is missing during a scene, maybe some scenes are missing in between, etc. You will get a glimpse of about 5-10% of the game and you will have the chance to give us your direct feedback during production, which means we can evaluate some of these suggestions and comments during development! This is in no way a guarantee that your ideas will be usedin the game, however.

We are currently working on a Build for Sakura Scifi, so this will be the first Build released to our Patrons! The image at the top of this post will appear in the Build as well! Now, is it already starting to feel like Christmas here or what? :D




No, Winged Cloud, I WUV you!


Guys you are just awesome im so glad that i decided to support you than any other one i can only say I WUV YOU GUYS :D (btw just updated from 20 to 30 $)

Lord Treant

Sounds good, I just updated my contribution from $25 to $40. Maybe we'll see Sakura Fantasy 2 and Spirit 2 at least start to get worked on, then it'd really be a dream come true. ;)


This is great for me as well as I barely made the cut off time to become a patron on the 31th.


Awesome to hear. The free games thing sounds good, but my question is going to be what exactly are $30 backers going to get in those games as a reward? I'm probably going to wait and see before I up my contribution to $30. Thanks for the update CG too! I really like this one. Reminds me of some of the underwear shots from Angels, which was one of my favorites. Always love to see some lovely ladies in their undies. Looking forward to SciFi, and I'll have to play through Space this weekend.


$30 for VN's?! I can't afford that! D: I didn't mind it so much when all I was missing out on was wallpapers, but now you do this to me??? This is what I hate about Patreon. This is what turns it into a paywall. The desire to give is there, the capacity, however, is lacking. Don't punish your supporters and fans for having an empty wallet. :c


The free game will be for everyone. But this tier will get more content in that game, like some additional dialog choices, scenes, CG, etc.


Wowowow hahaha.. I thought that post was clear. The *FREE* VNs are a Milestone project we are offering to everyone for reaching over 5K! (Since we've been lacking additional Milestones in between haha, we're catching up by offering new fun stuff.) What the 30$ tier offers is to have some additional options IN the actual, still free, VN short games. So say you play the free game, you still get to go through it, play it over with different choices, see the CGs, etc. If you play with the 30$ tier, you can have a 3rd dialog option at some point for example, get more scenes that the free for everyone version doesn't have, etc. I'm not really sure how that is so punishing as all we're doing is adding to every tier with this, nothing is being removed from any tier or anything previously, just adding a little extra to a new tier.


Yes, as you saw, anyone singing up after the Steam keys were sent can still get a Steam key here from us :)


love the changes! sooo tempting to upgrade, especially for the extra VNs. I'd also love to be able to give more feedback early on, but $15 is what I'm most comfortable with. If the free one looks something I'd enjoy, I'll probably upgrade just for that month. Now if there's Sakura Fantasy 2 tier or goal, then I'll pledge like crazy. :p I know it will be awhile before that. But that "poor selling game" got me to pledge here. That's multiple sales from one game. ;)

Jorge Ricardo Teixeira de Queiroz de Freitas

Thanks for the update. Now, if I'm not mistaken... The scene above looks familiar to me... Maybe from Sakura Angels, when the main char charges into the 2 Angels' tent? Not that I'm complaining, I had a lot of fun in that particular scene, and I believe I will also like this one too :D

Jason Isbell

I like having Patreon only content over and above just the wallpapers, but I would ask a few questions about the new $30 Tier. How often will these free VN's planned to be available? Will these free VN's on Patreon in any way detract from the time and effort alloted to your primary VN's that are released onto Steam? Will making these Free VN's in any way increase the time between major releases of your normal full VN's? How long will these Free VN's be in estimated playtime compared to previously released VN's? Maybe an estimated content comparison might be good, for example, number of CG's/lines of dialogue from a release game vs. one of the Free VN's from the new tier. Will the new Free VN's contain adult content, and if so will the secret choices from the new $30 Tier be the only way to access this adult oriented content? I'm enthusiastic about the work you guys do, too, but I'd like some of these questions answered rather than just committing blindly into something without knowing details. I also do appreciate the reduced cost of the monthly artwork tier. I love the artwork to your games (both old and new artists) and would probably buy them on Steam even if I wasn't a Patreon supporter and whether your games had adult content or were all just entirely extremely ecchi in design.


Well i'm a simple man, i hear more CG and choices in a game I pay more Money. I wuv supporting you guys since a long time and NEVER felt bad about it. P.S. If I have to choose between food for the month or titties i ALWAYS choose titties.(just don't make a hundred Dollar Tier, i might die (°~°) )

Jason Isbell

That really made me laugh. Your comment, for some reason, makes me think of tiers based on boob size.


@_@ Aaahahahahah~ so many questions there Jason-chan~... Okay, so first, the idea came from a little bit of off-time between projects, and the idea to simply use this time to make a small extra fun thing :) Perhaps we decided to release this information too quickly, as the planning is still in process and I don't have specific numbers yet as to what it contains exactly. The announcement and enthusiasm is there, and I suggest you wait to see what is in there before you get ready to subscribe to a new tier, if you are unsure what you are missing. Because this is entirely new, the amount of time taken, the amount of CGs, scenes, choices, the frequency of them, haven't been entirely determined. I will definitely ask more details as they are going to start working on it soon and map out those details before production. We currently have two in-house artists, and one of them is a bit more popular and busy with game development. So this is more of a way to use our staff at 100% between projects and during planning of the next games, rather than a way to delay or detract from the usual game development. Thank you again for your continued support :) Expect an update with more information on the new short VN games' project when the whole details have been mapped out! :)


I changed my $10 pledge to $20. Can I get access to the previous wallpapers? And what about this month game release?

Lord Treant

The wallpapers are posted every month as a Patreon post that only people who pledge that amount or more see. Once you upgrade your pledge, you can see those posts. Just need to scroll down a bit, they aren't hosted off Patreon.


Thank you very much for your support! We are definitely not forgetting about our fans :)