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steph really walked out... 😭😭😂😂


Therodor Rokr

I haven’t even watched it yet but I know imma laugh just looking at the thumbnail of you to.


Steph wilding


That thumbnail lmao

Enzow Tch

steph is funny asf i can't lmaooo

Evoke 310

Lmao I gotta get home to watch 🤣

Desto Samuels

Never seen Steph like this lol

Steph Motion

Lmfao Steph is just mentally defeated and as he walks out Mel just goes “You’re so extra.” Lmfaooo😂😂😂


I'm glad steph mentioned Jessie got what he deserved too. He was FAR from an angel


🤣 🤣 🤣 I love that Steph is at least adding some comedy to this otherwise depression-inducing season


Steph walking out? I havn't seen the reaction yet but I BET I KNOW WHAT SCENE IT IS LOL!

James Smith

the kid Brock is still alive

Shahbaj Mohammad

Ikr ppl that are pathetic try to relate with Jesse and act like he was brought into the drug business against his will. Like walt brought Jesse back to this business at one point but Jesse did try the same to at one point. Ppl try to justify Jesse more because he wasn't a king pin before walt and etc. Like lol, he would be if he could. He was just pathetic until walt set him straight on the path Jesse was already in.

Shahbaj Mohammad (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-14 01:34:32 Ppl try to relate with Jesse because its easier to relate to a young junky than some with brains. And they act like he was brought into the drug business against his will from start, he was already in it and he would still continue without walt coming back to his life after cancer. Like walt brought Jesse back to this business at one point but Jesse did try the same too at one point. Ppl try to justify Jesse more because he wasn't a king pin before walt and etc. Like lol, he would be if he could. He was just pathetic until walt set him straight on the path Jesse was already in. Walts an asshole and the worst but I can respect him more than Jesse. Even at worst case after all these atleast his wife and kids are alive unlike both Jesse's potential partners. His parents were smart. Even the only family of walt that died was right after teaming with Jesse haha
2023-09-13 23:34:27 Ppl try to relate with Jesse because its easier to relate to a young junky than someone with brains. And they act like he was brought into the drug business against his will from start, he was already in it and he would still continue without walt coming back to his life after cancer. Like walt brought Jesse back to this business at one point but Jesse did try the same too at one point. Ppl try to justify Jesse more because he wasn't a king pin before walt and etc. Like lol, he would be if he could. He was just pathetic until walt set him straight on the path Jesse was already in. Walts an asshole and the worst but I can respect him more than Jesse. Even at worst case after all these atleast his wife and kids are alive unlike both Jesse's potential partners. His parents were smart. Even the only family of walt that died was right after teaming with Jesse haha

Ppl try to relate with Jesse because its easier to relate to a young junky than someone with brains. And they act like he was brought into the drug business against his will from start, he was already in it and he would still continue without walt coming back to his life after cancer. Like walt brought Jesse back to this business at one point but Jesse did try the same too at one point. Ppl try to justify Jesse more because he wasn't a king pin before walt and etc. Like lol, he would be if he could. He was just pathetic until walt set him straight on the path Jesse was already in. Walts an asshole and the worst but I can respect him more than Jesse. Even at worst case after all these atleast his wife and kids are alive unlike both Jesse's potential partners. His parents were smart. Even the only family of walt that died was right after teaming with Jesse haha


this show literally makes you bipolar 😂


nobody says jesse is an angel and jesse doesn't say hes even a good person. He literally tells you hes a bad person who does bad things. Stop changing the narrative.


nobody relates to jesse. Stop trying to make up this fake ass narrative. Literally NOBODY says people relate to Jesse but just that least Jesse wasn't as piece of garbage like Walt is. Jesse had moral side to himself in where Walt couldnt be bothered to have one.


Brock/the Kid is not dead. Jack said to Jessie in the car "remember we still got the kid" which basically means. "You tried to run, so we killed the Girl, so if you try that again we kill the boy. So just do your Job and cook the Meth and the kid will be fine." Can't wait for the last Episode. It's so good.


Ohhh ok ok that makes sense omggg that’s so sad, Brock doesn’t have his mom anymore 😭💔

Killua X

"so extra..." WE LOVE MEL HAHAHAHA


Yeah but I think the whole morality difference between Jesse and Walt is Jesse just did the drug business as a hobby to make money because he was uneducated and didn't have much of a life, didn't have a job. But he was never a threat or danger to any one at least directly. Walt on the other had had no respect for people's life's he killed and murdered people to protect his investments and interests and he can justify it by saying he's protecting his family, but we all know, he let his ego get way to big and his actions were pretty much antagonistic against anyone who was a threat to himself or his family. I mean yeah compared to me or you, Jesse is no saint by any means. Doing any kind of drug business is illegal of course so there both immorally wrong and don’t fit into the norms of society but walt was not just a guy who makes meth, he is also a murderer, even poisoning children to further his own gains.

Shaun Trippii

I actually like Todd's character because he's such a levelheaded killer seeing how his upbringing was. It's really just part of the job to him like with mike.


Exactly. Todd is pretty interesting. He is just very calm and unfazed, which makes him unnerving for people. Kills a kid, is calm about it. Threatens skyler and her baby, is calm about it, Tortures Jessie, is calm about it. He kills Andrea, is a calm about it. He never gets loud or aggressive. And is pretty much always nice, like when he killed Andrea he was nice when he introuded himself, before he killed the kid he was kinda nice and waved at him, when he threatened skyler he didn't hold a weapon against her or her child, he just talked about it calmly. etc.


man the theme song of the opening coming on at that end sequence was dope


I really don’t like rewatching this episode because of how messed up it is, but the way Steph left the room TOOK ME OUT and made this episode a joy to watch 😂 Can’t imagine how Mel would reacted if Steph would’ve paused in the middle of that scene 😭

Charlie Day

"...I'll be managing a Cinnabon in Omaha" - Saul. Bruh, aint no way

Justin (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-07 22:10:36 I cannot believe how perfect the closing song is as the prelude to the finale... when that Epic theme begins to play while Gretchen is addressing Walt: "the sweet, kind, brilliant man that we once knew long ago, he's gone" The metamorphosis is one episode away from completion! I still get full body goosebumps even after watching it dozens & dozens of times. This is it. It's all coming to an end. I just. The scene made me feel so much the first time I saw it. It gives you this feeling of excitement over how perfectly brilliant it is. But it also makes you emotional just knowing that it's all about to be over for good. I will never forget this scene. This whole show for that matter. It really is something special... Once in a lifetime experience and on the first watch the average person misses most of the hidden details and references.
2023-11-07 15:59:34 I cannot believe how perfect the closing song is as the prelude to the finale... when that Epic theme begins to play while Gretchen is addressing Walt: "the sweet, kind, brilliant man that we once knew long ago, he's gone" The metamorphosis is one episode away from completion! I still get goosebumps even after watching it dozens & dozens of times. This is it. It's all coming to an end. I just. The scene made me feel so much the first time I saw it. It gives you this feeling of excitement over how perfectly brilliant it is. But it also makes you emotional just knowing that it's all about to be over for good. I will never forget this scene. This whole show for that matter. It really is something special... Once in a lifetime experience and on the first watch the average person misses most of the hidden layers, details, references

I cannot believe how perfect the closing song is as the prelude to the finale... when that Epic theme begins to play while Gretchen is addressing Walt: "the sweet, kind, brilliant man that we once knew long ago, he's gone" The metamorphosis is one episode away from completion! I still get goosebumps even after watching it dozens & dozens of times. This is it. It's all coming to an end. I just. The scene made me feel so much the first time I saw it. It gives you this feeling of excitement over how perfectly brilliant it is. But it also makes you emotional just knowing that it's all about to be over for good. I will never forget this scene. This whole show for that matter. It really is something special... Once in a lifetime experience and on the first watch the average person misses most of the hidden layers, details, references


How much did Cinnabon pay them for that Lame. The opening scene of Better call Saul Lame