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if the cartel isn't going to kill Walt than the fly will lolol


Steph Motion

Oh no not the fly episode. I’m not gonna lie this is the only episode I didn’t like lmao like cmon fuck that fly!


At least the fly episode is now over and done with.


Fuck I forgot this was the fly episode. I’ll just wait for the next episode 😔


Yeah probably the hardest Bb episode to get through at least it’s over

JacksOnion Lee

maybe im the only one who overthink the fly scene but for me the reason Walt cares so much bout killing it is that he treats the lab as his only safe haven, the only place he has total control/belongs to. When he notices even a tiny bit of mistake or abnormality he becomes obsessive and fixates on it. So its not just about the "fly", more like his personal space got invaded type of deal


I was thinking that too and also Jesse actually staying there and actually helping Walt kill the fly for x amount of hours shows that Jesse cares about Walt to some extent as well.

Evoke 310

Lmao based off the comments I see we finally reached the most exciting episode lol


I was about to say it after last ep when Mel said that this show doesn't miss 😭


LMAOOO would you consider this episode to be a filler. The plot didnt develop. Only the second half of the episode had any real meaning.


This is the Breaking Bad equivalent of an anime beach episode


Yeah Fly Episode was done most likely to cut some costs, since the whole Episode is basically in the Lab and there is only Walt and Jessie as actors. I personally don't like it so much, but for many it's considerd as one of the best Episodes not only in Breaking Bad but TV overall. Because it's a very Character driven Episode, since there is no other stuff going on except our 2 Characters going after a Fly. And there is the whole scene with Walter talking about Jane at the end where he almost spills the beans. Which gets pretty emotional. And it's also very symbolic when it comes to Walt, because it kinda symbolises his life. Because Walt always wants to be in control, so when there is even a inconvenience he tries to get it under control. Which in this case is the Fly. And like we can see, he goes wild to get in under control. He throws his shoe around, smashes lightbulbs, could've killed himself when he fell down, all because of a Fly that was a minor inconvenience. So with the whole Jane thing and Walt wanting to get control over the Fly but kinda failing at it, it also is a bit symbolic for "letting go", because Walt literally says to Jessie to let it go, and he als talks about himself wanting to let go of life at the right time etc. So yeah there is a lot of subtext going on in this episode.


When I was doing my break n bad watch through in 2020 - 2021 this episode felt like alot of tv shows i was watching that had their story messed up due to covid and needed to put in like a episode where 2 characters make soup for an entire episode or 1 characters in a room by themeslves going crazy, I also hate people trying to act like this episode was anything other than filler and trying to find a deeper meaning in it


Have you guys ever watched the walking dead?

Mouss Mouss

Where is the demon slayer reaction ?


I always saw the fly as symbolizing Walt’s guilt. After all he’s done he hates himself for it and that frustration came through with the fly. And when there’s a fly in his room at the end it shows that even after all that Walt’s guilt is still there keeping him up at night. But it’s a sign of great writing when so many different people can get different messages and interpretations of something so simple.

Michael Saylor

The actor that plays Walt been in a few things after breaking bad. One of them I can think of is he played zordon in the power rangers movie reboot


Something tells me there is a deeper meaning behind this episode than just a fly chase, but I can't tell what exactly.


Skyler's lullaby to Holly over the fly in the cold open is from Phoenix when Walt is watching the nature show about a elephant and her calf. A reminder of the innocent lives Walt's destroyed to get to where he's at now and the fly represents the guilt and skeletons that are following Walt's conscience. One of the writers said he wanted the fly to have a "menacing presence". I believe Vince was paying homage to the plot of the 1986 Jeff Goldblum remake: 'The Fly'. You can't help but think of this episode while watching it. The fly is the reason for Seth's (the protagonist) downfall hence why Walt treats it as if it's so deadly to them. The fly is representation for the morally wrong decisions Walt's made that he can't shake free from. It's to say he was or still partially is a "good man" at least enough to feel remorse. He came from a place of morals before the criminal lifestyle to a certain degree. The metal reaction vessels in the lab resemble the Telepods from the movie, the lab itself and it's high ceilings resemble it's industrial warehouse–esque set. Seth is careless about the Telepod machine's safety precautions after awhile, I like to think that's reflected when Walt finally says: "it's all contaminated" aside from accepting his fate. Jesse on top of the ladder could be an analogy for some kind of moral high ground while Walt holds onto it from down below, propping it up, with any bit of energy he has left. Walt even says the fly is not Particularly dangerous to them. And "This fly is a major problem for us it will ruin our batch and we need to destroy it. Failing that... We're Dead". Walt asks Jesse what are the odds that he runs into Jane's father at the bar, which was part of the catalyst for Jane's tragedy kinda like what are the odds of a fly flying into the Telepod with Seth? It reminds me of 0210 when after Walt gets done installing the new water heater Jr burns his hand from the hot water as if even when Walt tries to do good, bad things happen. Literally the theme. Also Walt says "You want them to miss you, you want their memories of you to be..." good, is what he was thinking. Seth wasn't proud of his work and didn't necessarily want his lover to see what he had turned into... Jesse talks about the cancer spreading to his aunt's brain and changing her which could also be a nod to the movie. Not to mention BB is all about Change, Metamorphosis and Assimilation