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JacksOnion Lee

that PP scene is the craziest thing Ive seen in a live action show.

R NeverL

Ayyye... Love to see you guys just enjoying!


I think the actor for starlight got some type of cosmetic surgery to her face so she looks different in season 3


I wouldn’t see any other reason maybe she was feeling the pressure of needing to look young for her role


triple uploadddd

athena zatanna

They did make memes of that homalander face and some from his upcoming speech as well


Great reactions. Hope we also get a Alice n borderland ep soon🔥


It isn't a mystery don't worry. That girl from the facility and Neuman are different people


So excited for you guys to start season three. There's a lot of wtf moments this season like the penis, so maybe try to mentally prepare. I wish I had lol.


Lol well you guys ain’t seen nothing yet season 3 is way more crazy and have way more wtf moments just wait until u hit episode 6 smh y’all not ready lol

Shenahatsu Kyjiin

-[Sorry for the Long Comments, It's a Bad Habbit of mines] - The Boys set this season off mirroring Homelander and Butcher yet again, both are Monstrous Warriors being held back, controlled, and handled by people weaker than them, they both have so much power but are starting to feel very powerless. (That end of the episode conversation they had was practically a promise to reclaim their power and go at it no matter who gets in the way.) - In this episode, we see a return of a Homelander flaw, (his want for parental affection). We knew he wanted to be loved by the masses, but he also wants to be seen and respected by Edgar because that's his father figure, the only person he's ever perceived to hold capabilities above his own. Edgar understands this and further depowers Homelander by making him Co-Captains, to which Homelander responds by bullying the other sups to show he still has some form of power. - It's been 2 seasons + other shows so I'm sure you guys may have forgotten but Vought made all of the Sups, so they'd know all of them except the Terroist that Homelander made, or Stormfronts side projects.

Savaun Lollis

The actor for huey and the actress for Neuman are dating in real life


Stormfronts facility was Vought's so they should know about them too.


The reason Starlight looks different is that the actress lost a lot of weight if I remember correctly and maybe even had a surgery.